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Тема: Схемы ежедневного ухода за кожей


Дописів: 133
Важливих: 31
Флуд: 2%

Здравствуйте, девочки!

Как и обещала, начинаю выкладывать все рекомендации, которые мы уже здесь обсуждали, в одной теме, сводя их к оптимальным схемам по уходу за кожей лица (ну и не только лица).

Вся информация, которой я пользуюсь, черпается из следующих источников:
1. Книга «Библия красоты» (Beauty Bible) и информационный Сайт Паолы Бегун, о которой я уже упоминала.
Большая часть средств, которые будут перечисляться в конце каждого пункта, тоже прошли проверку и экспертизу в её лабораториях. Некоторые средства я буду рекомендовать исходя из своей личной информации, так как не всё то, что представлено на российском рынке, есть в её каталоге.

Если вам интересно как именно химики, биологи, физики и медики делают анализ этих косметических продуктов, на какие критерии опираются, вы можете почитать теорию (матчасть ), которую мы обсуждали тут в нескольких разделах, пойти к специальные сайты, ну или спросить меня.

2. Книга А.А. Марголина, Е.И. Эрнандес «Новая косметология», 2005 г.

3. Ряд научных статей из отечественных и зарубежных журналов по косметологии, дерматологии и т.д., которые я просматриваю постоянно. Не обещаю, что буду давать ссылку на каждую такую статью после упоминания о том или ином факте, это просто займет много времени.

4. Опыт личный и опыт подруг и друзей, которым я уже давала те или иные рекомендации, опираясь на предыдущие три пункта. А вы делитесь своим опытом и вместе мы к чему-нибудь придем.

Для тех, кто читает меня впервые: никакой рекламой я не занимаюсь, косметикой не торгую, предпочтений к той или иной фирме или бренду не имею.

Главное, о чем я буду вас всех постоянно предупреждать – бережное отношение к коже лежит в основе любого ухода и процедур. В состав современных косметических продуктов добавляют много ненужного и опасного, как аллергической реакцией, так и ежедневным раздражением и мы постараемся этого избегать.

Важно: схемы, которые мы тут будем обсуждать, рассчитаны на некое обобщенное среднее. Я на всякий случай напомню, что хоть мы все и похожи по биологическим свойствам, у каждого кожа имеет массу индивидуальных особенностей, и её реакция на те или иные ингредиенты может сильно отличаться от реакций другого человека. По ходу обсуждения я обязательно упомяну все подводные камни, с которыми мне пришлось сталкиваться на собственном опыте или опыте, описанном в различной литературе.

На всякий случай напомню, что чувствительной является любая кожа, не смотря на то, что это словосочетание используется как маркетинговая уловка. Чувствительной к чему – вот это уже может иметь вариации.


Про цены на продукцию. Я абсолютно уверена, что основная часть косметических средств сильно переоценена, такова сейчас маркетинговая политика. Поэтому лично я рекомендую из всех средств, перечисляемых по ходу обсуждения, искать более дешевые. Уверяю вас, что состав средства, его эффективность и его цена –это абсолютно несвязанные вещи, и корреляционный принцип «чем дороже –тем лучше» в данном случае совершенно неуместен. Где-то тут есть список аналогов из разных ценовых категорий (если нет, я выложу или с позволения администрации дам ссылку на такие примеры).

Количество различных косметических продуктов, необходимых для использования, которые нам упорно навязывает информационно-маркетинговая политика.
"Чем больше –тем лучше" – данный принцип часто действует с точностью до наоборот. По многим причинам. Во-первых в этом нет никакой необходимости. Внешний вид кожи ухудшается при её переувлажнении. А основная часть из того, что навязывается дамам – это увлажнители –крема с примерно одинаковым составом и свойствами. Во-вторых, покупая много разных кремов, часть из них хранится дольше, чем надо бы, и потом при использовании вызывает в коже процессы, приводящие к ухудшению её вида, а то и к болезням типа розацеа и демодекоз. Ну и другие причины –например, трата лишних денег.


Точнее про БЛ-информацию. Она в постах будет в минимальном количестве, но если кого-то заинтересует теория, соображения, лежащие в основе тех или иных рекомендаций, то спрашивайте и обсудим их отдельно. Но я напомню, что пока наука не так уж далеко продвинулась в исследованиях, как кажется, поэтому на любые теории и гипотезы о том, как «работает кожа» и что является эффективным при наружном нанесении, а что нет - лучше смотреть с некой долей скепсиса и понимать, что ожидается ещё много открытий и изменений. Это касается и тех рекомендаций, по которым состояние вашей кожи должно улучшиться (прийти к нормальному), но еще в большей степени это касается той информации, которую нам навязывают реклама, женские гламурные СМИ и консультанты в магазинах – типа нанокосметики, плацентарной косметики, клеточных комплексов или косметики, сделанной по технологиям, полученным от инопланетян.

БЭ- пункт

Я не косметолог и не дерматолог. Вся информация, которую я тут использую –это эффективное обобщение того, что я читала в других источниках, и на её уникальность и абсолютную истинность я не претендую. Поэтому на замечания типа «Это смешно, мне консультанты в летуале рассказывали, что...», «Что вы мне рассказываете, я пользуюсь Диор, а вдруг как какая-то студентка начну покупать Лореаль», «Ничего нового я не узнала», «Это всё фигня, есть только натуральная косметика», "Нафига всё вообще это надо, я и без косметики красивая" - я не отвечаю и никому ничего не доказываю. Я высказываю только своё мнение и не спорю.
Желательно ещё не выступать в этой теме с уверениями и агитацией покупать только один конкретный бренд - в смысле, что распространителей разных косметических марок я бы попросила воздержаться.
Обсудить какие-то вопросы в спокойной дискуссионной форме я всегда рада, было бы только время – обсуждения всегда полезны, из них получается много новых полезных выводов.

Очень нуждаюсь в пинках, поэтому если вопросов накопилось много, а я долго не заглядываю на этот форум – кто-нибудь из соционического –придайте мне нежное ускорение.

За основу мы возьмем схему по ежедневному уходу за нормальной или комбинированной кожей.
Комбинированная –имеется ввиду, что есть участки с сухой кожей, есть участки с жирной и расширенными порами, имеется несильная склонность к угревым высыпаниям, отсутствует какая-либо аномальная пигментация и, главное, кожа здоровая. То есть нет дерматологических проблем (псориаз, экзема, розацеа).
В целом эта простая схема подойдет всем. Но неё мы уже будем наращивать что-то дополнительное или заменять те или иные пункты альтернативными, в зависимости от проблем и индивидуальностей каждого. И помните, что ежедневный уход за кожей - это, скорей, профилактика. Если у вас имеются действительно серьезные проблемы, то вы больше времени и сил потратите впустую, пытаясь решить их наружными средствами, чем если сразу пойдете к дерматологу, на косметические процедуры или даже пластическую операцию.
Не верьте обещаниям рекламы –про разглаживание морщин, сужения пор изнутри, изменения структуры кожи, крема от целлюлита и т.д. Если бы они выполнялись - часть специалистов из косметологической и хирургической индустрии сейчас бы уже работали гастарбайтерами.

Напомню, что ваш возраст значения не имеет, как я уже много раз говорила. Имеет значение только тип и личные особенности вашей кожи и организма. Крема, содержащие в составе гормоны, я не рассматриваю и пока не буду (не убеждают меня научные исследования по этой теме).

Итак сама схема. Расшифровка её пунктов будет происходить следующим образом: в каждом я буду кратко пояснять зачем это нужно делать, и почему это надо делать регулярно (а я настаиваю на рациональном подходе), упоминать подводные камни и нюансы, о которых вспомню, и давать списки тех продуктов, которые получили наилучшие оценки дерматологов и которые можно найти в наших странах.

Порядок следования пунктов друг за другом в данном случае имеет значение!


1. Очищение кожи.

2. Тонизирование кожи (необязательный пункт)

3. Защита кожи.
Использование дневного солнцезащитного крема с SPF не менее 15. Самого по себе или в составе тонального.

4. Декоративная косметика (необязательный пункт).

Так как я могу выложить рекомендации по лучшей продукции из категории декоративной косметики, но делать это будем в других темах.
Во всех экспертизах декоративной косметики всегда оценивается не только их состав, но и насколько цвета, текстура и их сочетания разумны, и рассматривать будем только те продукты, которые позволяют получить естественный макияж –улучшить имеющееся, а не изменить. Ну то есть блеск как от елочных украшений, синезеленая пудра, перламутровые румяна, краснокирпичные и даже просто синие тени, фиолетовая помада –это всё не ко мне


1. Очищение кожи (включая очищение от декоративной косметики, в том числе и устойчивой)

2. Тонизирование кожи (необязательно)

3. Эксфолиация
Химическая со средствами, содержащими в разумных сочетаниях концентрации и уровня рН AHA и BHA – кислоты, или, что менее предпочтительно, механическая – скрабы и так любимые многими губки из наждачной бумаги.

4. Специальный уход -ретиноиды.
Можно обозначить этот пункт как лечение. Применение средств, содержащих ретиноиды (изотретиноин).

5. Специальный уход-2.
Этот пункт опциональный, и он будет содержать все возможные процедуры, в случае индивидуальной необходимости. Например если это отбеливание.

6. Нанесение ночного крема (спустя минут 20 после ретиноидов).
Пункт этот условно-опциональный, как я не раз повторяла – не каждой коже нужен крем. Крем наносится только на те участки кожи, где её необходимо увлажнять (обычно это кожа около глаз, щеки и шея). Но сейчас уже заработало центральное отопление, что часто приводит к обезвоживанию, поэтому смотрите по состоянию кожи сами. Мы еще поговорим обо всем подробнее.

В дальнейших постах по наличию у меня времени, энтузиазма и мере наполнения меня ЧС-пинками я развернуто опишу все эти позиции.

офф-топ: Валерия, я буду Вам признательна за упорядочивание всех таблиц и списков и за исправление грамматических и прочих ошибок в моих постах - а то всё ж на бегу делаю.

7 відвідувачів подякували Aurora_Borealis за цей допис
8 Жов 2009 09:41
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Дописів: 135
Важливих: 32
Флуд: 1%

Итак начнем с утренней схемы.


Очищение кожи.

Тема очищения кожи уже горячо обсуждалась вот тут: http://помещик.com/thread/8182-0.html

Я напомню основные выводы:

Этот пункт является обязательным. Очищать кожу два раза в день – необходимое условие для того, чтоб кожа была в порядке и имела здоровый вид. Даже если нас поместить в максимально стерильные условия, где нет внешних загрязнений типа пыли и косметики, все равно кожу пришлось бы регулярно очищать –так как она постоянно обновляется, старые клетки отмирают, образуя защитный роговой слой разной толщины, выделяется секрет сальных желез, формирующий пленку на поверхности кожи. С одной стороны все эти процессы способствуют защите кожи от агрессивной среды. С другой стороны, в загрязнениях на поверхности размножаются различные колонии бактерий и других микроорганизмов, а жирная пленка, образующаяся на коже препятствует естественному освобождению пор от кожного сала и секрета, что ведет к образованию комедонов, черных точек, воспалительных процессов и т.д. А так как большинство из нас живет буквально в эпицентре экологической катастрофы, то на коже довольно быстро скапливается огромное число пыли и токсинов, которые поверхостный слой за счет своей вязкости просто в себя абсорбирует.

Что касается утреннего очищения (я помню, что многие спрашивали –зачем мол с утра, где ж я за ночь успела бы так изгваздаться-то? ) – вы смываете то, что было нанесено на кожу вечером –кремы-тоники, убираете то лишнее, что кожа произвела за ночь, особенно если там были кислоты и ночью происходил процесс растворения мертвых клеток рогового слоя и т.д.

Теперь про подводные камни.

1. В большинстве рекомендаций (не только моих, а вообще) важно помнить что много хорошо – тоже плохо. Я часто сталкиваюсь с тем, что женщины и некоторые мужчины вредят себе, нарушая это простое правило и смещая равновесие в ту или иную сторону. Поэтому, в контексте данного пункта:

Чрезмерно усердное или частое очищение кожи, использование средств, содержащих раздражающие и иссушающие компоненты (например, кусковое мыло) приведет к нарушению естественного защитного барьера и ухудшению внешнего вида -раздражению и снижению иммунитета кожи. И тут важно уметь балансировать между слишком тщательным очищением и недостаточным.

2. Меня часто спрашивают - имеет ли смысл покупать очищающие средства для кожи, содержащее те или иные активные ингредиенты –типа альфа или бета кислоты, витаминов и прочего, о чем сейчас модно заявлять в рекламе. Ответ –нет!
Объясняю – любые активные компоненты, чтоб произвести необходимый эффект, должны продержаться на коже гораздо дольше, чем это возможно в условиях умывания. Но – для того, чтоб получить раздражение, мелкие воспаления или аллергические реакции, времени нужно мало.

Не надо оставлять очищающее средство на коже как маску (а то я сталкивалась с такими идеями) –в любом, даже самом щадящем, всё равно содержатся потенциальные раздражители, нарушающие эпидермальный барьер (лаурет сульфат натрия и т.д.). От этих компонентов никуда не денешься, но свести к минимум их воздействие вполне возможно.

Очищение кожи нужно производить дважды в день (не считая случаев, когда, например кожа воспаленная или возникли дерматиты), то есть эта регулярная и частая процедура. И польза от её регулярности может обернуться вредом при неправильном подходе. Мы и так потом (в пункте вечер) будем отшелушивать кожу кислотами, которые хоть и идут на пользу внешнему виду кожи, тем не менее тоже являются раздражителями. Поэтому по-возможности остальные потенциальные риски лучше исключить. (это говорят дерматологи, а не моя болевая БС ).

Про раздражающие компоненты можно почитать здесь: http://помещик.com/thread/8181.html

Из вышесказанного следует основной вывод и критерии для проверки эффективности и пригодности при прохождении экспертизы: средство для очищения кожи должно быть щадящим, содержать как можно меньше лишних компонентов –типа отдушек, кислот (не говоря уж о спирте и ментоле), оно должно хорошо удалять загрязнения и при этом легко смываться водой, не оставаясь на коже.

Кстати о самой воде. Ну вы знаете, с этим водопроводным ужасом ничего не поделать, кроме как покупать промышленные смягчители или кипятить её.

И ещё –умываясь, не надо растягивать кожу, особенно вокруг глаз. Ополосните лицо водой, нанесите очиститель, мягко помассируйте кончиками пальцев и смойте большим количеством воды.

Теперь перейдем к списку средств, которые можно использовать для очищения, прошедших экспертизу и получивших оценку отлично. В этом пункте, благо, выбор огромен.

Разделение средств для очищения на те, что для жирной и тех, что для сухой –весьма условное. Варьируется обычно только процент жиров. Я рекомендую всем пользоваться средствами для нормальной кожи, тем не менее привожу дифференцированный список. В него входят не только жидкие очистители, но и подушки/салфетки – их тоже можно использовать, хотя я их обычно оставляю на всякие внерегулярные ситуации типа командировки или поезда.

Вообще отмечу, что сейчас в продаже больше хороших умывалок, чем плохих. Здесь приведены те средства, которые получили оценку «отлично», а вообще сейчас есть огромное количество таких, которые получили оценку «хорошо». Просто это получится огромный список.

Средства привожу с описанием состава и с заключением экспертов. К сожалению, на английском, если будет нужно перевести какое-то из них –обращайтесь. Вообще рекомендую ориентироваться интуитивно на состав.

Просмотрите, что содержится в составе (даже скорей на то –чего там НЕ содержится) продуктов, получивших одобрение, и, если в магазине вам попадается средство, которого нет в списках, просто сравните. Здесь я публикую продукты только тех брендов, что я видела в продаже у нас. По ценам решайте сами, примерных их порядок указан. Но напомню ещё раз, что более дорогое –не значит лучшее

Более обширный список –перечень лучших очищающих средств без подробных описаний можно найти в теме про очищение: http://помещик.com/thread/8182-0.html

Очищающие средства для комбинированной и жирной кожи:

Aloe Gentle Facial Wash, for Sensitive Skin by The Body Shop - $16.00/4.2 ounces

Sub-brand: Aloe Products for Sensitive Skin

Jar Packaging: No

Rich, yet mild soap-free cleansing foam that gently rinses away make-up, impurities and grime and is soothing and calming on sensitive skin. Dermatologically approved and clinically proven as suitable for sensitive skin.

Aloe Gentle Facial Wash, for Sensitive Skin is a very good, fragrance-free, gentle water-soluble cleanser for its intended skin type. In fact, this is great for all but very oily skin and rinses cleanly while removing makeup easily.

Water, Aloe Barbadensis Gel, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Pentylene Glycol, Sorbitol, Disodium Cocoyl Glutamate, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Citric Acid, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coco-Glucoside, Glyceryl Oleate, Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate, Dimethicone Copolyol, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Lecithin, Tocopherol

Biosensitive Softening Foaming Cleansing Water by Biotherm - $20.50/5 ounces

Sub-brand: Biosensitive

Jar Packaging: No

This softening, gentle foaming cleanser is specially formulated for sensitive skin. Use daily for clear, soft and comfortable skin. Soap-Free, Fragrance-Free and Colorant-Free. Allergy Tested.

Biosensitive Softening Foaming Cleansing Water is a liquid-to-foam cleanser that is water soluble and an option for all skin types. Its fragrance-free, gentle formula is definitely helpful for someone with sensitive skin.

Water, Dipropylene Glycol, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Peg-200 Hydrogenated Glyceryl Palmate, Peg-30 Glyceryl Cocoate, Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate, Phenoxyethanol, Peg-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Coco-Betaine, Disodium Edta, Methylparaben, Citric Acid, Vitreoscilla Ferment, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Propylparaben

Daily Pore Cleanser, Oil-Free by Clean & Clear - $5.49/5.5 ounces

Sub-brand: Daily Pore

Jar Packaging: No

Gently scrubs with smooth, round micro-scrubbers that remove excess dirt, oil and dead skin cells that can lead to breakouts. Completely oil-free.

Daily Pore Cleanser, Oil-Free a very good, water-soluble cleanser/scrub hybrid for oily to very oily skin. It removes makeup easily and rinses cleanly. This is definitely one of Clean & Clear's better cleansers!

Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Disodium Lauroamphoacetate, Propylene Glycol, Lauryl Methyl Gluceth-10, Hydroxypropyldimonium Chloride, Peg-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate, Tetrasodium Edta, Polyethylene, Fragrance, Glycol Distearate, Laureth-4, Polysorbate 20, Sodium Carbomer, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Lactic Acid

Deep Cleanser Formula 3 by Mary Kay - $12.00/6.5 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Cleansing formula specially formulated for oily or blemish-prone skin to eliminate dirt and environmental elements which might clog pores. Also helps control oil through regular use. It's 100 percent fragrance-free, non-comedogenic and clinically tested for skin irritancy and allergy. Safe for sensitive skin.

Deep Cleanser Formula 3 is a very good water-soluble cleansing lotion for normal to slightly oily skin. It rinses cleanly, removes makeup, and does not contain fragrance.

Water, Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate, Stearic Acid, Butylene Glycol, Cetyl Alcohol, Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate, Triethanolamine, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Acrylates Copolymer, Sodium Chloride, Propylene Glycol, Disodium Edta, Diazolidinyl Urea, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Anthemis Nobilis Flower Extract, Dmdm Hydantoin

Foaming Face Wash, for Sensitive Skin by Olay - $4.49/6.78 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Created for the special needs of sensitive skin. It gently cleans, refreshes and cares for your skin, helping you maintain a fresh youthful appearance. Won't overdry or irritate your face like soap, removes even eye makeup.

Foaming Face Wash, for Sensitive Skin is preferred to Olay's Foaming Face Wash, for All Skin Types, because it has the same formula but without the fragrance. Considering the aesthetics and performance of this cleanser, it is one of the best values at the drugstore, and is ideal for sensitive or rosacea-affected skin.

Water, Glycerin, Sodium Myristoyl Sarcosinate, Peg-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate, Sodium Lauroamphoacetate, Disodium Lauroamphodiacetate, Glycol Distearate, Peg-150 Pentaerythrityl Tetrastearate, Sodium Trideceth Sulfate, Polyquaternium-10, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Phenoxyethanol, Cocamide Mea, Citric Acid, Dmdm Hydantoin, Disodium Edta, Laureth-9

Foaming Facial Cleanser, Sensitive Skin by Clean & Clear - $5.49/8 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

This sensitive skin formula is formulated not to overdry or irritate sensitive skin. It gently cleans your skin by removing oil, dirt, and make up - impurities that can cause breakouts. And, this oil - free formula rinses clean, leaving no residue that may irritate sensitive skin.

Foaming Facial Cleanser, Sensitive Skin is not only Clean & Clear’s best cleanser, thanks to its gentle yet very effective water-soluble formula, but is also one of the best beauty buys at the drugstore. It would be even better without fragrance, but that’s a minor concern. This cleanser removes makeup easily and is suitable for all skin types except very dry.

Water, Peg-80 Sorbitan Laurate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Peg-150 Distearate, Sodium Lauroampho Pg-Acetate Phosphate, Fragrance, Quaternium-15, Tetrasodium Edta

Fresh Foaming Cleanser by Neutrogena - $6.59/6.7 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

This dermatologist-tested formula effectively removes dirt, oil and makeup. It even removes eye makeup, without soaps or oils that can sting or irritate the sensitive eye area.

Fresh Foaming Cleanser is a superb water-soluble cleanser for normal to oily or combination skin. It removes makeup easily and rinses without a trace. This does contain fragrance.

Purified Water, Glycerin, Lauryl Glucoside, Decyl Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide Dea, Glycereth-7, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Cocoyl Sarcosinate, Glycol Stearate, Peg-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate, Tetrasodium Edta, Dmdm Hydantoin, Citric Acid, Fragrance

Gentle Foaming Face Wash, for Sensitive Skin by Olay - $5.99/7 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Designed to gently remove dirt, oil and makeup without overdrying. Enriched with aloe, this gentle formula is 100% soap, fragrance, dye and oil free, and is dermatologist tested. It's also pH-balanced to help your skin retain its natural moisture balance as it cleans.

Gentle Foaming Face Wash, for Sensitive Skin is very similar to the Foaming Face Wash, for Sensitive Skin, and the same review applies. Both are very good water-soluble cleansers for all skin types, particularly those with sensitive skin or with rosacea.

Water, Glycerin, Sodium Myristoyl Sarcosinate, Peg-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate, Sodium Lauroamphoacetate, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Polyquaternium-10, Peg-150 Pentaerythrityl Tetrastearate, Glycol Distearate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamide Mea, Laureth-10, Disodium Lauroamphodiacetate, Sodium Trideceth Sulfate, Citric Acid, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Dmdm Hydantoin.

Liquid Facial Soap Mild Formula by Clinique - $15.00/6.7 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

All the benefits of Clinique’s famous dermatologist-developed facial soap in a new liquid formula. Cleanses without stripping protective lipids.

Liquid Facial Soap Mild Formula is a standard, but good, water-soluble cleanser for normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin. Despite its name, it is completely soap-free, and contains gentle but effective detergent cleansing agents and skin-smoothing skin-identical ingredients to prevent skin from feeling dry or tight. It is also completely fragrance-free and does a good job removing makeup.

Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Chloride, Cocamidopropyl Hydroxysultaine, Lauramidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Cocoyl Sarcosinate, Tea-Cocoyl Glutamate, Di-Ppg-2 Myreth-10 Adipate, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Peg-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate, Sucrose, Sodium Hyaluronate, Cetyl Triethylmonium Dimethicone Peg-8 Succinate,
Tocopheryl Ethyl Succinate Ethyldimonium Ethosulfate, Butylene Glycol, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria), Hexylene Glycol, Polyquaternium-7, Laureth-2, Caprylyl Glycol, Sodium Sulfate, Edta, Disodium Edta, Sodium Benzoate, Phenoxyethanol

Make-Up Remover Cleansing Towelettes by Neutrogena - $8.99/25 towelettes

Jar Packaging: No

These gentle, ultra soft cloths contain superior cleansing technology so effective it removes even waterproof mascara. With one step, it leaves skin thoroughly clean with no heavy residue, so there's no need to rinse. And it's gentle enough to use around the sensitive eye area, even for contact lens wearers.

Make-Up Remover Cleansing Towelettes are cleansing cloths whose specialty is makeup removal, and they do an excellent job of breaking up and dissolving foundation, lipstick, and mascara (including waterproof types). These soft-textured cloths do not contain any needlessly irritating ingredients (such as menthol or arnica), making them safe for use around the eyes.

Water, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Isostearyl Palmitate, Pentaerythrityl Tetrahexylhexanoate, Isononyl Isononanoate, Cyclopentasiloxane, Hexylene Glycol, Peg-4 Laurate, Peg-6 Caprylic/Capric Glycerides, Sucrose Cocoate, Carbomer, Sodium Hydroxide, Benzoic Acid, Dehydroacetic Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Fragrance

No7 Beautifully Balanced Purifying Cleanser, for Oily/Combination Skin by Boots - $7.99/6.6 ounces

Sub-brand: No7

Jar Packaging: No

Ever so fresh...cleanse away impurities and make-up and help your skin stay healthy with this cooling and balancing gel. Non-drying and pH balanced, it sweeps away excess oil, helps to purify pores and softens your skin to leave it feeling clean and matte. Zinc and seaweed extract help control and balance excess skin oil while vitamins A and E moisturize where needed. Fragrance-free.

No7 Beautifully Balanced Purifying Cleanser, for Oily/Combination Skin is a slightly fluid, fragrance-free, water-soluble cleanser that is suitable for its intended skin type. The smaller amount of detergent cleansing agent doesn’t allow for complete removal of makeup, but this is an option as a morning cleanser or for those who wear minimal makeup.

Water, Polysorbate 20, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Phenoxyethanol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Propylene Glycol, Methylparaben, Camellia Oleifera Leaf Extract, Benzophenone-4, Tetrasodium Edta, Laminaria Digitata Extract, Retinyl Palmitate, Zinc Chloride, Disodium Phosphate, Propylparaben, Butylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Ethylparaben, Tocopherol, Yellow 5, Blue 1

Oil-Free Gel Cleanser by Laura Mercier - $35.00/8 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Contains coconut & oat cleansing agents that gently remove oil & impurities. Marine derived exfoliants remove dead skin cells to help minimize the appearance of pores while Allantoin calms & soothes. Panthenol lightly moisturizes & Vitamins A & E protect the skin against free radicals.

Oil-Free Gel Cleanser is pricey, but is nevertheless an outstanding gentle cleanser for normal to oily skin. The fragrance-free formula contains over a dozen water-binding agents and also some very good soothing agents, though their brief contact with skin doesn’t allow them to do much. However, such additives are much better than the exotic and/or potentially irritating plant extracts that most cosmetics include!

Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauramidopropyl Betaine, Cocamidopropyl Hydroxysultaine, Decyl Glucoside, Peg-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Butylene Glycol, Sodium Lauroyl Oat Amino Acids, Glucosamine Hcl, Algae Extract, Yeast Extract, Urea, Polyquaternium-7, Triclosan, Peg-60 Almond Glycerides, Allantoin, Saccharide Isomerate, Panthenol, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Glycerine, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Protein, Hydrolyzed Oat Protein, Hydrolyzed Jojoba Protein, Sodium Hyaluronate, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Extract, Cola Nitida (Kola) Seed Extract, Paullinia Cupana Seed Extract, Ilex Paraguariensis Leaf Extract, Benzophenone-4, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Copper Gluconate, Zinc Gluconate, Magnesium Gluconate, Manganese Gluconate Octyldodecanol, Retinyl Palmitate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Ethyl Linoleate, Ethyl Linolenate, Arachidyl Propionate, Lecithin, Peg-150 Distearate, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Disodium Edta, Propylparaben, Green 3

One-Step Cleanser by Laura Mercier - $35.00/8 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

A cleanser, toner, & eye makeup remover in one. Gentle, & pH balanced, One-Step Cleanser glides over the skin with no drag or pull & leaves your skin soft & hydrated.

One-Step Cleanser is nearly identical to the Foaming One-Step Cleanser, except this one doesn’t have the liquid-to-foam dispensing system. Which one you use is a matter of personal preference, but you get more cleanser for your money here, and the consistency makes this one easier to stretch, which helps offset the expense.

Purified Water, Sodium Lauroamphoacetate, Sodium Trideceth Sulfate, Polysorbate 20, Glycerin, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Potassium Cocoyl Hydrolyzed Collagen, Decyl Polyglucose, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Emulsifying Wax Nf, Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Peg-40 Castor Oil, Dea-Cetyl Phosphate, Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel), Dromiceius (Emu Oil), Carbomer, Peg-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate, Sodium Dehydroacetate, Diazolidinyl Urea, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E Acetate), Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Red 33

Self-Foaming Cleanser by Dior - $29.00/5 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

This rich and velvety foam ensures a perfect cleansing to remove makeup, impurities and excess sebum without harming skin, thanks to a selection of high-performance, gentle cleansing ingredients.

Self-Foaming Cleanser is a very good all-around cleanser for all skin types. Gentle but effective cleansing agents combine with skin-softening ingredients to remove makeup and leave skin satin-smooth. If you’re going to splurge on a Dior cleanser, make it this one.

Water, Diglycerin, Dipropylene Glycol, Decyl Glucoside, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Peg-200 Hydrogenated Glyceryl Palmate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Glyceryl Laurate, Peg-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Chlorphenesin, Methylparaben, Disodium Edta, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Sodium Surfactin, Citric Acid, Magnesium Aspartate, Fragrance, Propylene Glycol, Potassium Ascorbyl Tocopheryl Phosphate, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Propylparaben

Ultra Comforting Cleansing Milk by L’Occitane - $22.00/6.7 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

With a delicate and silky texture, this cleansing milk gently cleans, removes makeup and tones in only one step. This no-rinse delicate cleansing milk protects skin from irritations that hard water may cause. Your skin is radiant and supple. This product is free from surfactants (regular cleansing agents).

Wow! Here’s a L’Occitane product that does not contain any fragrance or fragrant plants (What a shock!), which makes it a very good option for sensitive skin. This fluid yet milky cleanser feels soothing, removes makeup, and rinses better than expected, though some may find they need to use a washcloth for complete removal. It is fragrance-free and also does not contain preservatives, at least if the ingredient list on the package is accurate. That lack of preservatives is slight cause for concern because a water-based product like this should have a reliable preservative system, although this is packaged so that the product remains hygienic during use. By the way, if this product that’s formulated without fragrance is good for sensitive skin, does that mean that all the other L’Occitane products laden with fragrance are bad for sensitive skin, by L’Occitane’s own standards? Just a question to ask yourself if you are considering purchasing from this line.

Water, Glycerin, Cetearyl Isononanoate, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Pentylene Glycol, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Gossypium Herbaceum (Cotton) Extract, Helianthus Annus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Ethylhexylglycerin, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Tocopherol

Wipes by M.A.C. - $17.00/45 sheets

Jar Packaging: No

Wipes are a favorite at the M.A.C counter and it’s not hard to see why: these sturdy yet soft cloths easily and quickly remove all types of makeup, including long-wearing lip stains and waterproof mascara. The formula combines gentle cleansing agents with a solvent and silicones to accomplish this, and most will find it a soothing experience. Wipes are convenient, but keep in mind that a water-soluble cleanser with a washcloth is just as effective (and costs less per use).

Purified Water, Isohexadecane, Hexylene Glycol, Dimethicone, Isopropyl Palmitate, Trisiloxane, Methyl Glucose Sesquistearate, Peg-20 Methyl Glucose Sesquistearate, Tocopherol, Arginine, Caprylyl Glycol, Sorbic Acid, Fragrance, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol

Очищающие средства для нормальной и сухой кожи:

Aloe Calming Facial Cleanser, for Sensitive Skin by The Body Shop - $14.00/6.75 ounces

Sub-brand: Aloe Products for Sensitive Skin

Jar Packaging: No

A mild and creamy soap-free cleansing lotion that leaves the skin feeling soft, supple and smooth and is comforting and calming on sensitive skin. Dermatogically approved and clinically proven as suitable for sensitive skin.

Aloe Calming Facial Cleanser, for Sensitive Skin is a good, gentle cleansing lotion for normal to dry or sensitive skin. It is fragrance-free and does not contain detergent cleansing agents. The oil content may require the use of a washcloth for complete removal.

Water, Aloe Barbadensis Gel, Pentylene Glycol, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Elaeis Guineensis (Palm) Oil, Butylene Glycol, Cyclomethicone, Glycerin, Glyceryl Stearate Citrate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Sorbitol, Glyceryl Stearate, Orbignya Oleifera (Babassu) Oil, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Xanthan Gum, Disodium Phosphate

Biosensitive Softening Foaming Cleansing Water by Biotherm - $20.50/5 ounces

Sub-brand: Biosensitive

Jar Packaging: No

This softening, gentle foaming cleanser is specially formulated for sensitive skin. Use daily for clear, soft and comfortable skin. Soap-Free, Fragrance-Free and Colorant-Free. Allergy Tested.

Biosensitive Softening Foaming Cleansing Water is a liquid-to-foam cleanser that is water soluble and an option for all skin types. Its fragrance-free, gentle formula is definitely helpful for someone with sensitive skin.

Water, Dipropylene Glycol, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Peg-200 Hydrogenated Glyceryl Palmate, Peg-30 Glyceryl Cocoate, Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate, Phenoxyethanol, Peg-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Coco-Betaine, Disodium Edta, Methylparaben, Citric Acid, Vitreoscilla Ferment, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Propylparaben

Cold Cream Emollient Cleansing Gel by Eau Thermale Avene - $22.00/13.52 ounces

Sub-brand: Dry to Very Dry

Jar Packaging: No

Soap-free, fragrance-free formulation gently cleanses as nourishes dry skin. Formulated with nourishing cold cream to enhance the skin's protective barrier.

This has an interesting mix of ingredients that you see in water-soluble and cold cream–type cleansers. The result is a very good cleanser for normal to very dry skin. It removes makeup and rinses quite well, though you may need a washcloth for complete removal. Ignore the thermal spring water claims because they don’t make one difference your skin will notice. Instead, consider this for its gentle cleansing and its fragrance-free formula.

Water, Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate, Coco Glucoside, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Ceteareth 60 Myristyl Glycol, Glycerin, Beeswax (Cera Alba), Benzyl Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol, Citric Acid, Disodium Edta, Glyceryl Stearate, Mineral Oil (Paraffinum Liquidum), Phenoxyethanol, Polyquaternium 7, Potassium Cetyl Phosphate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Hydroxide, Sorbic Acid, Styrene Acrylates Copolymer, Xanthan Gum

Comforting Cream Cleanser by Clinique - $18.50/5 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

For some makeups, it's hard to say goodbye. Get them going-easily, quickly, gently. This creamy-rich and gentle formula is perfect for dry, delicate skin. Massage in, tissue or rinse off. So taking makeup off is as much fun as putting it on.

Comforting Cream Cleanser is an excellent, lotion-type cleanser for normal to dry skin that is close to being water-soluble, but still requires the use of a washcloth for complete removal. This would be an option for normal to dry or sensitive skin, and it is truly fragrance and irritant-free. Clinique claims you can tissue this off, but is anyone still using tissues to remove their cleanser? If they are, they should stop!

Water, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Butylene Glycol, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Glyceryl Stearate, Ppg-2 Myristyl Ether Propionate, Cetyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Stearyl Glycyrrhetinate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Arginine, Cetyl Esters, Ethylhexyl Hydroxystearate, Ceteareth-20, Cetyl Ricinoleate, Carbomer, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Sorbate

Daily Facials Skin Soothing Cleansing Cloths, for Sensitive Skin by Olay - $5.99/30 cloths

Sub-brand: Daily Facials

Jar Packaging: No

These soothing, soft textured, fragrance-free cloths for sensitive skin gently cleanse and remove makeup for a fresh, clean feeling while conditioning skin with light Olay moisturizers. You're left with a soft, smooth complexion that's beyond basic cleansing.

Daily Facials Skin Soothing Cleansing Cloths, for Sensitive Skin are wonderfully soothing and a good, disposable cleansing option for someone with dry, sensitive skin. The fragrance-free, emollient formula is exceptionally gentle, yet thoroughly removes makeup. There is nothing about this product that you can’t achieve by using a gentle cleanser and a washcloth.

Petrolatum, Glycerin, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Decyl Glucoside, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate, Butylene Glycol, Peg-14m, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice (Aloe Vera), Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Polyquaternium-10, Phenoxyethanol, Panthenol, Benzyl Alcohol, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Extract, Disodium Edta, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Silica, Bht, Sodium Laurate

Delicate Care Cleanser by Artistry by Amway - $18.30/4.3 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Delicate Care Cleanser is a terriffic lotion-style cleanser for normal to dry skin. It contains neither detergent cleansing agents nor fragrance, and as such is suitable for sensitive, easily irritated skin.

Water, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Squalane, Propylene Glycol, Cetyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate, Peg-100 Stearate, Chamomile Extract, Linden Extract, Calendula Officinalis Extract, Glycerin, Carbomer, Sorbitan Stearate, Xanthan Gum, Disodium Edta, Arginine, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Diazolidinyl Urea

Foaming Face Wash, for Sensitive Skin by Olay - $4.49/6.78 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Created for the special needs of sensitive skin. It gently cleans, refreshes and cares for your skin, helping you maintain a fresh youthful appearance. Won't overdry or irritate your face like soap, removes even eye makeup.

Foaming Face Wash, for Sensitive Skin is preferred to Olay's Foaming Face Wash, for All Skin Types, because it has the same formula but without the fragrance. Considering the aesthetics and performance of this cleanser, it is one of the best values at the drugstore, and is ideal for sensitive or rosacea-affected skin.

Water, Glycerin, Sodium Myristoyl Sarcosinate, Peg-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate, Sodium Lauroamphoacetate, Disodium Lauroamphodiacetate, Glycol Distearate, Peg-150 Pentaerythrityl Tetrastearate, Sodium Trideceth Sulfate, Polyquaternium-10, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Phenoxyethanol, Cocamide Mea, Citric Acid, Dmdm Hydantoin, Disodium Edta, Laureth-9

Foaming Facial Cleanser, Sensitive Skin by Clean & Clear - $5.49/8 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

This sensitive skin formula is formulated not to overdry or irritate sensitive skin. It gently cleans your skin by removing oil, dirt, and make up - impurities that can cause breakouts. And, this oil - free formula rinses clean, leaving no residue that may irritate sensitive skin.

Foaming Facial Cleanser, Sensitive Skin is not only Clean & Clear’s best cleanser, thanks to its gentle yet very effective water-soluble formula, but is also one of the best beauty buys at the drugstore. It would be even better without fragrance, but that’s a minor concern. This cleanser removes makeup easily and is suitable for all skin types except very dry.

Water, Peg-80 Sorbitan Laurate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Peg-150 Distearate, Sodium Lauroampho Pg-Acetate Phosphate, Fragrance, Quaternium-15, Tetrasodium Edta

Gentle Skin Cleanser by Cetaphil - $7.99/8 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Gentle Skin Cleanser has remained the same for years, and that’s a good thing! This fragrance-free, ultra-gentle cleanser is very good for normal to dry skin that is sensitive or prone to skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. The non-lathering, lotion formula rinses well without the aid of a washcloth, and the tiny amount (less than 1%) of sodium lauryl sulfate does not cause dryness or irritation (a question I’m often asked). The only significant drawback of this cleanser is it does not remove makeup very well. However, it has its place as a morning cleanser or for those who use minimal makeup.

Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Stearyl Alcohol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben

Liquid Facial Soap Extra Mild by Clinique - $15.00/6.7 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

All the benefits of Clinique’s famous dermatologist-developed facial soap in a new liquid formula. Cleanses without stripping protective lipids.

Liquid Facial Soap Extra Mild is not necessarily water-soluble due to its oil content, but it is an excellent option for someone with dry to very dry skin. A true lotion cleanser, it does not contain any detergent cleansing agents, and so is actually a smart choice for someone with sensitive or easily irritated skin (and infinitely better for skin than any of Clinique’s bar soaps). The oil content helps dissolve makeup, including mascara, but you’ll need a washcloth for complete removal. One nice touch is the anti-irritants, although they are not as beneficial here as they are in leave-on products.

Water Purified, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Glycerin, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Butylene Glycol, Phenyl Trimethicone, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract, Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seedcake, Dimethicone, Sodium Hyaluronate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Cholesterol, Sucrose Stearate, Sucrose, Caffeine, Ppg-20 Methyl Glucose Ether, Urea, Sodium Pca, Linoleic Acid, Propylene Glycol Dicaprate, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria), Pentylene Glycol, Polyquaternium-51, Trehalose, Caprylyl Glycol,
Ammonium Acryloyldimethyltaurate/Vp Copolymer, Phenoxyethanol

Liquid Facial Soap Mild Formula by Clinique - $15.00/6.7 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

All the benefits of Clinique’s famous dermatologist-developed facial soap in a new liquid formula. Cleanses without stripping protective lipids.

Liquid Facial Soap Mild Formula is a standard, but good, water-soluble cleanser for normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin. Despite its name, it is completely soap-free, and contains gentle but effective detergent cleansing agents and skin-smoothing skin-identical ingredients to prevent skin from feeling dry or tight. It is also completely fragrance-free and does a good job removing makeup.

Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Chloride, Cocamidopropyl Hydroxysultaine, Lauramidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Cocoyl Sarcosinate, Tea-Cocoyl Glutamate, Di-Ppg-2 Myreth-10 Adipate, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Peg-120 Methyl Glucose Dioleate, Sucrose, Sodium Hyaluronate, Cetyl Triethylmonium Dimethicone Peg-8 Succinate,
Tocopheryl Ethyl Succinate Ethyldimonium Ethosulfate, Butylene Glycol, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria), Hexylene Glycol, Polyquaternium-7, Laureth-2, Caprylyl Glycol, Sodium Sulfate, Edta, Disodium Edta, Sodium Benzoate, Phenoxyethanol

Make-Up Remover Cleansing Towelettes by Neutrogena - $8.99/25 towelettes

Jar Packaging: No

These gentle, ultra soft cloths contain superior cleansing technology so effective it removes even waterproof mascara. With one step, it leaves skin thoroughly clean with no heavy residue, so there's no need to rinse. And it's gentle enough to use around the sensitive eye area, even for contact lens wearers.

Make-Up Remover Cleansing Towelettes are cleansing cloths whose specialty is makeup removal, and they do an excellent job of breaking up and dissolving foundation, lipstick, and mascara (including waterproof types). These soft-textured cloths do not contain any needlessly irritating ingredients (such as menthol or arnica), making them safe for use around the eyes.

Water, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Isostearyl Palmitate, Pentaerythrityl Tetrahexylhexanoate, Isononyl Isononanoate, Cyclopentasiloxane, Hexylene Glycol, Peg-4 Laurate, Peg-6 Caprylic/Capric Glycerides, Sucrose Cocoate, Carbomer, Sodium Hydroxide, Benzoic Acid, Dehydroacetic Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Fragrance

No7 Soft & Soothed Gentle Cleanser, for Normal/Dry Skin by Boots - $7.99/6.6 ounces

Sub-brand: No7

Jar Packaging: No

Sweep away make-up and impurities and help your skin stay soft and smooth with this gentle, creamy cleanser. Vitamin E and mineral oil help to moisturize and cleanse your skin. Fragrance free, non-drying and pH balanced, it works in harmony with your skin, to leave your face clean, comfortable and radiant.

No7 Soft & Soothed Gentle Cleanser, for Normal/Dry Skin is a good detergent-free cleansing lotion for its intended skin types. The fragrance-free formula is very gentle, yet removes makeup easily (though you may need a washcloth to avoid leaving a residue of mineral oil).

Water, Mineral Oil, Glycerin, Dimethicone, Steareth-21, Steareth-2, Cetyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Sodium Citrate, Carbomer, Methylparaben, Potassium Hydroxide, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Tetrasodium Edta, Isobutylparaben, Propylparaben, Red 4

Redness Solutions Soothing Cleanser by Clinique - $20.50/5 ounces

Sub-brand: Redness Solutions

Jar Packaging: No

Melts away makeup and impurities. Helps clam redness and irritation while preserving skin's moisture balance. Smooths with mild exfoliation.

Redness Solutions Soothing Cleanser is an emollient cleansing lotion that is a fantastic option for those with dry, sensitive skin because it lacks detergent cleansing agents. The emollients and silicone are what remove makeup, though they can impede rinsing and might make it necessary to use a washcloth. This cleanser contains several anti-irritants that are beneficial for all skin types, and because the formula doesn’t rinse easily, some of the soothing agents will be left on skin, which is good. The claim that this can make skin smoother with mild exfoliation is inaccurate; there are no exfoliating ingredients in this fragrance-free cleanser. Overall, this should prove a helpful option for those with rosacea and/or dry skin.

Water, Squalane, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Phenyl Trimethicone, Ammonium Acryloyldimethyltaurate/Vp Copolymer, Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Extract, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract, Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract, Sucrose Stearate, Sea Whip Extract, Cholesterol, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seedcake, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria), Acetyl Glucosamine, Ppg-20 Methyl Glucose Ether, Caffeine, Propylene Glycol Dicaprate, Caprylyl Glycol, Stearic Acid, Sodium Chloride, Disodium
Edta, Bht, Phenoxyethanol, Polyaminopropyl Biguanide, Yellow 5, Green 5, Blue 1

Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm by Clinique - $27.00/3.8 ounces

Jar Packaging: Yes

Lightweight cleansing balm quickly dissolves tenacious eye and face makeups, including those with sunscreen. Transforms from a solid balm to a silky, fluid oil upon application. Cleans thoroughly, rinses off completely. Non-greasy. Non-drying. For all skin types.

Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm is a modern-day version of a classic cleansing cream. It contains emollients and plant oil to dissolve makeup, and is capable of removing stubborn or waterproof formulas. This is best for dry to very dry skin or sensitive skin not prone to breakouts.

Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) Seed Oil, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Sorbeth-30 Tetraoleate, Polyethylene, Peg-5 Glyceryl Triisostearate, Water, Tocopherol, Phenoxyethanol

Take The Day Off Cleansing Milk by Clinique - $25.00/6.7 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Gentle, milky makeup dissolver removes even long-wearing facial makeup and sunscreens, then tissues off or rinses away with water. Residue-free formula leaves all skin types soft, comfortable. For all skin types; ideal for drier skins.

Take The Day Off Cleansing Milk is a silky, lightweight cleansing lotion whose solvent does dissolve makeup quickly and easily. This doesn’t rinse completely without the aid of a washcloth, but is nevertheless a very gentle option for those with normal to dry, sensitive skin. It is truly fragrance-free. This would also be a prime choice for someone with dry skin and rosacea.

Water, Isohexadecane, Glycerin, Dimethicone, Triethylhexanoin, Isononyl Isononanoate, Butylene Glycol, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Sucrose Cocoate, Peg-100 Stearate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria), Peg-5 Soy Sterol, Panthenol, Jojoba Wax Peg-120 Esters, Caffeine, Sucrose, Cholesterol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Linoleic Acid, Caprylyl Glycol, Peg-150 Distearate, Carbomer, Potassium Carbomer, Xanthan Gum, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Titanium Dioxide

Time Dimensions Conditioning Cleansing Cream by Boots - $8.99/6.7 ounces

Sub-brand: Time Dimensions

Jar Packaging: No

Time to cleanse. This conditioning cleanser sweeps away make-up and impurities without disturbing the skin's natural moisture balance. Mineral oil cleanses the skin while extracts of ginseng, apple and vitamin C protect the skin from free radical damage. Peptides help boost collagen and elastin, firming the skin and smoothing out lines and wrinkles. Your skin will be left looking radiant and refreshed.

Time Dimensions Conditioning Cleansing Cream is nearly identical to the No7 Soft & Soothed Gentle Cleanser, for Normal/Dry Skin, and the same review applies.

Water, Paraffinum Liquidium (Mineral Oil), Glycerin, Dimethicone, Steareth-21, Steareth-2, Cetyl Alcohol, Methylparaben, Carbomer, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Fragrance, Propylparaben, Potassium Hydroxide, Propylene Glycol, Dipropylene Glycol, Tetrasodium Edta, Lupinus Albus Seed Extract, 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1, 3-Diol, Butylene Glycol, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben

Toleriane Dermo-Cleanser by La Roche-Posay - $19.50/6.76 ounces

Sub-brand: Toleriane

Jar Packaging: No

A gentle wipe-off cleanser that removes makeup without the risk of irritation.

Toleriane Dermo-Cleanser is a very simple, fragrance-free cleansing lotion for dry skin. It poses no risk of irritating skin unless you know you’re sensitive to one of the ingredients it contains, and it does a decent job of removing most types of makeup. Its value for dry, sensitive skin earns it a Paula's Pick rating.

Water, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Glycerin, Dipropylene Glycol, Sodium Carbomer, Ethylhexylglycerin, Capryl Glycol/Caprylyl Glycol, Sodium Hydroxide

Toleriane Purifying Foaming Cream by La Roche-Posay - $21.00/4.22 ounces

Sub-brand: Toleriane

Jar Packaging: No

This gentle, fragrance-free cleanser can be used on delicate and intolerant skin.

Toleriane Purifying Foaming Cream is a very good water-soluble foaming cleanser with a soft cream texture suitable for normal to slightly dry skin, and it removes makeup quickly. The detergent cleansing agents are not bad, but they’re also not the best for “intolerant” skin, as La Roche-Posay asserts.

Water, Glycerin, Potassium Myristate, Glyceryl Stearate Se, Potassium Stearate, Potassium Laurate, Potassium Palmitate, Coco-Glucoside, Tetrasodium Edta

Ultra Comforting Cleansing Milk by L’Occitane - $22.00/6.7 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

With a delicate and silky texture, this cleansing milk gently cleans, removes makeup and tones in only one step. This no-rinse delicate cleansing milk protects skin from irritations that hard water may cause. Your skin is radiant and supple. This product is free from surfactants (regular cleansing agents).

Wow! Here’s a L’Occitane product that does not contain any fragrance or fragrant plants (What a shock!), which makes it a very good option for sensitive skin. This fluid yet milky cleanser feels soothing, removes makeup, and rinses better than expected, though some may find they need to use a washcloth for complete removal. It is fragrance-free and also does not contain preservatives, at least if the ingredient list on the package is accurate. That lack of preservatives is slight cause for concern because a water-based product like this should have a reliable preservative system, although this is packaged so that the product remains hygienic during use. By the way, if this product that’s formulated without fragrance is good for sensitive skin, does that mean that all the other L’Occitane products laden with fragrance are bad for sensitive skin, by L’Occitane’s own standards? Just a question to ask yourself if you are considering purchasing from this line.

Water, Glycerin, Cetearyl Isononanoate, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Pentylene Glycol, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Gossypium Herbaceum (Cotton) Extract, Helianthus Annus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Ethylhexylglycerin, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Tocopherol

Verite LightLotion Cleanser by Estee Lauder - $23.50/6.7 ounces

Sub-brand: Verite

Jar Packaging: No

This deliciously light, milky formula comfortably and thoroughly cleans skin. Ultra gentle as it sweeps away makeup and impurities. It actively maintains skin's perfect moisture balance. Won't strip away vital lipids, dry skin, or cause irritation.

Verite LightLotion Cleanser is an emollient, cold cream–style cleanser that is an option for someone with dry, sensitive, or reddened skin not prone to breakouts. Its merit for sensitive skin earns it s Paula's Pick rating.

Water, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Pentylene Glycol, Phenyl Trimethicone, Sucrose Stearate, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Leaf Extract, Cholesterol, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria), Ceramide 3, Anthemis Nobilis (Chamomile), Tromethamine, Ppg-20 Methyl Glucose Ether, Isostearic Acid, Carbomer, Sodium Citrate

4 відвідувача подякували Aurora_Borealis за цей допис
9 Жов 2009 09:18
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Дописів: 9

Добрый вечер, Аврора!
Спасибо за информацию. У меня вопрос в тему
Вот Вы пишете, что не стоит тереть лицо при очищении. Я думаю, как бы это сделать).
Сейчас я использую молочко от Локситан(из Вашего списка). Вспрыскиваю на диск , а затем нежестко, но протираю лицо до чистых дисков. А как иначе? Мне очень понравилась очищалка-пенка от биотерм из списка, может на пенку перейти и не придёться тереть. А точно не придётся?
Подскажите, плииз

9 Жов 2009 11:51
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Дописів: 136
Важливих: 33
Флуд: 1%


Шаг 2. Тонизирование кожи

Как уже говорилось – это необязательный пункт. На самом деле тоники ничего не тонизируют. Вообще-то мне всегда было неясно, как применять глагол «тонизировать» к существительному «кожа».

Всё, на что способны тоники –это удалить остатки загрязнений или макияжа и остатки очищающего средства, из шага 1. Кроме того, в состав тоников входят увлажняющие ингредиенты, так что, например, для кожи, склонной к жирности, их применение вызовет только лишнее «утяжеление» липидного слоя кожи.
Хорошие (правильные) тоники должны ещё придавать коже нормальный уровень кислотности, так как после умывания, pH остается на некоторое время щелочным, что нежелательно.
Тоники содержат антиоксиданты, об их пользе мы можем потом поговорить отдельно, общий смысл исследований их влияния на кожу пока сводится к положительным отзывам дерматологов и косметологов.

Плохая новость в том, что на рынке мало тоников, подходящих под все заданные выше требования. Косметическая промышленность почему-то сейчас увлекается производством тоников, добавляя в состав всё, что есть под рукой. В принципе, вы можете сами приготовить тоник в домашних условиях –например зеленый чай, смешанный с небольшим количеством лимонного сока, однако хранятся такие продукты собственного изготовления очень недолго.

Я против использования промышленных тоников утром, так как перед выходом на улицу вам так или иначе придется нанести крем-фильтр, что задаст еще один дополнительный слой на лице, а как я уже говорила – чрезмерное увлажнение кожи приводит к ухудшению её вида и свойств –происходит «разрыхление» верхних слоев, кожа становится более подверженной проникновению внутрь мелкодисперсных взвесей из окружающей среды и т.д. Есть ряд причин, по которым дерматологи отговаривают так уж сильно увлекаться увлажнением, как это пытается навязать маркетинговая политика. Жирной коже вообще лучше избегать дополнительных эммоленты и липидов, опять же работает принцип «много хорошо –плохо».

Отдельно про термальные воды. Если кратко –нет никакого разумного смысла в её использовании. Мы, наоборот, стараемся очистить лицо от различных веществ, ионов и комплексов, попадающих на её поверхность в течение дня, а тут вроде как обратная процедура – нанести дополнительно эти элементы. Вы можете их использовать, если вам они нравятся, но имейте ввиду, что распространенное мнение о том, что они закрепляют макияж – это миф.

Вообще существует масса мифов в косметике, которые закрепились в сознании потребителя, и если вы не боитесь, что я вас испорчу, то потом мы поговорим и об этом

Вот тот небольшой список тоников, получивших оценки «отлично» и «очень хорошо» и которые можно найти в наших странах. Как обычно, при покупке тоника не из этого списка, ориентируйтесь на состав средств, упомянутых ниже:

На первом примере я хотела бы ещё объяснить, как читать эти описания, чтоб вы сами не разбирались в этом изобилии информации.

Самая первая строка –название продукта и компании (бренда), которая его производит, средняя его цена и вес нетто в унциях:

Calmitude Hydrating Solution by Bioelements - $26.00/4 ounces

Далее –название суб-бренда (внутренней линии фирмы, в рамках которой идет изготовление продукции):

Sub-brand: Calmitude

Далее идет оценка упаковки – в смысле насколько она требует открытия –если это баночки с отворачивающимися крышками, подвергающие продукт быстрому окислению ингредиентов и занесению бактерий внутрь, то стоит Yes, в случае, если упаковка нормальная – стоит No. Но тут обращаю внимание, что некоторые средства, которые в США имеют один упаковки, у нас при том же составе и назначении упаковываются иначе. Так что этот пункт лучше выяснять при покупке.

Jar Packaging: No

Краткая выжимка из информации, которая заявлена компанией-производителем, всякие обещания сделать вас на 20 лет моложе, заверения разгладить морщины за полчаса, описание ультраэффективных методов, маркетинговые уловки и т.д. , в зависимости от амбиций маркетингового отдела фирмы.


Ultra-calming white tea and licorice root extracts are blended into a “wetter than water” solution to instantly relieve dehydration. Redness is reduced and skin is encouraged to build up the protective barrier it needs to defend itself against environmental irritants. Skin becomes stronger, more comfortable and less reactive to daily stressors.

Далее, собственно, мнение экспертов, проводивших анализ. Это то, что нужно читать.

This is an excellent toner for all skin types experiencing sensitivity or redness. It isn’t often I find a well-formulated toner to recommend but this one certainly qualifies for those dealing with sensitive, reactive skin. It contains potent anti-irritants, moisturizing glycerin (a skin-identical ingredient), and it’s free of fragrance and coloring agents. Great job, Bioelements!

Ну и перечисление ингредиентов. Самый важный пункт.

Water, Glycerin, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Camellia Sinensis (White Tea) Leaf Extract, Sodium Carboxymethyl Beta-Glucan, Allantoin, Oleth-10, Diazolidinyl Urea, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbomate, Citric Acid

Hydra-Splash Alcohol-Free Toner, for All Skin Types by Elizabeth Arden - $19.50/6.8 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Botanically-infused alcohol free formula gently removes excess impurities and makeup while maintaining skin's essential moisture. Leaves even sensitive skin soft, soothed, refreshed. Dermatologist, allergy and clinically tested. Sensitive skin tested.

Hydra-Splash Alcohol-Free Toner, for All Skin Types contains mostly water, slip agent, algae, soothing agent, witch hazel, skin-identical ingredients, plant oil, and emollients. It’s a good option for normal to dry skin and would rate a Paula’s Pick without the witch hazel.

Water, Pentylene Glycol, Algae Extract, Matricaria Extract, Witch Hazel Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Peg-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Peg-6 Caprylic/Capric Glycerides, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Pca, Trehalose, Urea, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Jojoba Wax Peg-120 Esters, Trideceth-9, Butylene Glycol, Polysorbate 80, Citric Acid, Disodium Edta, Sodium Citrate, Dimethicone Copolyol Meadowfoamate, Fragrance

Moisture Rich Refreshing Toner by Artistry by Amway - $19.80/8.45 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Rehydrate skin with this moisturizing, conditioning toner. It effectively cleanses and soothes skin, resulting in a luxuriously soft and supple complexion. For normal to dry skin.

Moisture Rich Refreshing Toner is a somewhat unique moisturizing toner that contains some very good skin-identical ingredients as well as a cell-communicating ingredient. The sugarcane, citrus, and sugar maple extracts do not function like AHAs and should not be considered as exfoliants.

Water, Trimethylolpropane Trioctanoate, Glycerin, Chamomile Extract, Bilberry Extract, Sugarcane Extract, Sugar Maple Extract, Orange Extract, Lemon Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Cephalins, Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate, Glycoproteins, Cetearyl Alcohol, Ceteareth-20, Glyceryl Stearate, Peg-100 Stearate, Steareth-2, Dimethicone, Ceteth-24, Choleth-24, Phospholipids, Disodium Edta, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Polysorbate 20, Sodium Pca, Fragrance, Propylene Glycol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Red 4

Moisture Surge Face Spray Thirsty Skin Relief by Clinique - $20.00/4.2 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Water your skin. Take along a refreshing face spray for showers of thirsty skin relief. Bursting with moisture and active aloe. But not a drop of oil. Rapidly replenishes skin’s moisture level, restoring balance. Softens and soothes in a flash.

Moisture Surge Face Spray Thirsty Skin Relief is a very good spray-on, alcohol-free toner. This is a good choice for all skin types, including oily or blemish-prone skin that has minor dry patches.

Water, Dipropylene Glycol, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Water, Centella Asiatica (Hydrocotyl) Extract, Saccharomyces Lysate Extract, Yeast ExtractFaexExtrait De Levure, Caffeine, Anthemis Nobilis (Chamomile), Trehalose, Tocopheryl Acetate, Sucrose, Sorbitol, Disodium EDTA, Potassium Sorbate, Chlorphenesin, Phenoxyethanol

Re-Nutriv Intensive Softening Lotion by Estee Lauder - $40.00/8.4 ounces

Sub-brand: Re-Nutriv

Jar Packaging: No

This unique toning lotion flecked with elemental gold removes surface impurities while it perfects skin’s surface—smoothing, softening and refreshing.

Re-Nutriv Intensive Softening Lotion is an incredibly well-formulated toner that’s chock-full of helpful ingredients for all skin types, including antioxidants and cell-communicating ingredients. If you’re going to spend a lot of money on a toner, this option has visible rewards! One caution: Lauder included gold in this product, likely to reinforce their marketing of Re-Nutriv as luxury skin care. If you have metal allergies (such as to nickel), this may be a problem; research has shown those with nickel allergies often have a similar though less-intense response to skin contact with other metals, including gold (Source: Clinical and Experimental Immunology, December 2006, pages 417–426).

Water Purified, Polysorbate 20, Acetyl Glucosamine, Yeast Extract, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Extract, Adenosine Phosphate, Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract, Algae Extract, Pantethine, Colloidal Gold, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract, Cholesterol, Squalane, Linoleic Acid, Sodium Hyaluronate, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Silica, Tromethamine, Fragrance, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Mica, Titanium Dioxide

Soft Clean Silky Hydrating Lotion by Estee Lauder - $19.50/6.7 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

This gentle, soothing toning lotion cushions your skin, leaving it feeling soft, supple, luxuriously hydrated.

Soft Clean Silky Hydrating Lotion is one of the most original and skin-beneficial toners in the Estee Lauder line, and would be a great option for normal to dry skin. It is alcohol-free, and contains mostly water, silicone, thickener, slip agent, plant extracts (including fragrant floral extracts), skin-identical ingredients, emollient, anti-irritant, Vaseline, film-forming agent, fragrance, and preservatives. The tiny amount of caffeine is unlikely to be a problem, but this toner is a bit too fragrant for someone with very sensitive skin.

Water, Bis-Peg-18 Methyl Ether Dimethyl Silane, Polysorbate 20, Leontopodium Alpinum Flower Extract, Passiflora Incarnata Flower Extract, Lythrum Salicaria Extract, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract, Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract, Sucrose, Caffeine, Cholesterol, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Sodium Hyaluronate, Phospholipids, Sodium Pca, Trehalose, Linoleic Acid, Urea, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Petrolatum, Squalane, Polyphosphorylcholine Glycol Acrylate, Polyquaternium-51, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Tromethamine, Fragrance, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben

Tonique Confort, Comforting Rehydrating Toner, for Normal to Dry Skin by Lancome - $24.00/6.8 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Silky-soft moisturizing formula gently tones and immediately rehydrates the complexion. Instantly soothing, with honey and almond seed extract for perfectly clean, soft and comforted skin.

Tonique Confort, Comforting Rehydrating Toner, for Normal to Dry Skin is a very good toner for its intended skin type. It contains plenty of water-binding agents, plant oil, and antioxidant vitamin E, all in stable packaging.

Water, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Cyclopentasiloxane, Yeast Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate, Cyclodextrin, Sodium Hyaluronate, Peg-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Triethanolamine, Mel (Honey), Mannitol, Isopropyl Palmitate, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Disodium Succinate, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Protein, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Phenoxyethanol, Fragrance, Red 4

2 відвідувача подякували Aurora_Borealis за цей допис
9 Жов 2009 12:41
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Флуд: 1%

9 Окт 2009 20:51 Skazka писав(ла):
Добрый вечер, Аврора!
Спасибо за информацию. У меня вопрос в тему
Вот Вы пишете, что не стоит тереть лицо при очищении. Я думаю, как бы это сделать).
Сейчас я использую молочко от Локситан(из Вашего списка). Вспрыскиваю на диск , а затем нежестко, но протираю лицо до чистых дисков. А как иначе? Мне очень понравилась очищалка-пенка от биотерм из списка, может на пенку перейти и не придёться тереть. А точно не придётся?
Подскажите, плииз

Ну я настаиваю на разнице между мягкими массажными движениями и тем, что называется тереть То, что делаете Вы - это правильно. Просто я знаю и видела, как умываются девочки. Да ладно там -я знаю, как я иногда умываюсь на бегу, растягивая кожу вокруг глаз.
Если бы это происходило время от времени -это ничего, а с регулярностью два раза в день -это приведет к увеличению числа и глубины морщин. То есть не тереть -это значит -не растягивать.
И второе, что тут важно -когда вы уж слишком тщательно трете, используя чуть ли не мочалки из люфы, несколько раз наносите очиститель и смываете - вы повреждаете защитный барьер и, соответственно, иммунитет кожи. Он потом долго восстанавливается и это приводит к аллергическим и воспалительным реакциям, которые в первое время проходят бессимптомно, а в своей аккумуляции ведут к ухудшению внешнего вида.
В общем -выбирайте свой оптимум по личным ощущениям

9 Жов 2009 12:47
 Відповісти   Редагувати   Подякувати   Заперечити   Ігнорувати автора   Поскаржитися   Посилання 


Дописів: 142
Важливих: 34
Флуд: 1%


Шаг 3. Защита кожи от УФ-излучения

Про вред УФ-лучей мы говорили уже очень много, всем, кто еще сомневается или впервые слышит, рекомендую почитать тему:

Массу информации про вред солнечного излучения, наносимый коже, можно найти в интернете. Я тут как-то удивилась - даже женские журналы, где обычно печатают абсолютно безграмотные статьи про косметику, стали наконец-то писать про необходимость защиты кожи от солнца. Я видела недавно такую тему в заголовке какого-то очень разноцветного журнала.

Напомню основные факты:
1. Безопасного загара не бывает. От воздействия солнечных лучей УФ-диапазона любой интенсивности клетки кожи повреждаются, что провоцирует массу проблем эстетического характера –морщины, пигментация и др, и более серьезных медицинских проблем: снижение иммунитета кожи приводит к развитию кожных заболеваний и даже раку.

2. UVB –излучение начинает воздействовать на кожу сразу - как только вы вышли на улицу без солнцезащитного крема. Кремом с фильтрами необходимо пользоваться не только летом когда «видно Солнце», но и в дневное время зимой, потому что УФ лучи той длины волны, которая повреждает клетки кожи, проникает через атмосферу во все времена года.

UVA лучи - тихие убийцы. Вы не чувствуете их, но они являются первичной причина рака кожи, морщин, и ослабленного иммуннитета.

3. Даже в облачный или туманный день, и в любое время года, в спектре Солнца присутствует УФ-излучение.

4. Вы можете находиться в тени или носить шляпу, но это защищает от излучения только частично. К тому же солнечные лучи отражаются от воды, металлических поверхностей, песка и даже травы, удваивая своё воздействие на вашу кожу.

5. С высотой солнечное излучение становится интенсивнее. Каждые 300 метров интенсивность УФ-радиации увеличивается на 4 %. Не забывайте солнцезащитный крем, когда Вы занимаетесь альпинизмом или катаетесь на лыжах.

6. SPF-фактор, который указывают на упаковках в описании солнцезащитных средств, измеряется только как показатель степени защиты от UVB-лучей. Но для эффективной защиты кожи необходимо использовать фильтры защиты как от UVB, так и от UVA. Поэтому, покупая крем-фильтр, смотрите его состав –там должны присутствовать (вместе или по отдельности) следующие ингредиенты:

- оксид цинка (zinc oxide)
- диоксид титана (titanium dioxide)
- avobenzone (может называться ещё butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane или Mexoryl SX или Tinosorb)

* Oxybenzone (benzophenone-3) , часто входящий в состав кремов, тоже является неплохим фильтром, но его характеристики несколько хуже перечисленных выше и он менее эффективный.

7. Даже если SPF солнцезащитного крема большой – например SPF 50, и вы правильно им пользуетесь, то всё равно около 3% УФ-лучей проникает в вашу кожу. Это, в частности, объясняет -откуда взялся загар после длительного нахождения на ярком солнце, не смотря на использование защитного крема.

8. Лучше всего использовать солнцезащитный крем по крайней мере за 15 - 20 минут до выхода на улицу. Это время необходимо, чтоб кожа успела впитать крем, обеспечивая максимальную защиту.

9. Если вы используете АНА(ВНА)-кислоты или ретиноиды в схеме ежедневного ухода за кожей, имейте ввиду, что восприимчивость кожи к УФ-излучению сильно повышается, и кожа становится более уязвимой. Поэтому, если вам все-таки лень использовать солнцезащитные средства, то лучше не пользоваться кислотами и ретиноидами.

10. Если вы используете более одного солнцезащитного средства (например крем и тональная основа ), то SPF не суммируются. Да, использование двух или более средств приводит к некому улучшению защиты, но не так чтоб SPF 8 + SPF 10 было равно SPF 18.

Одна из основных рекомендаций дерматологов, косметологов и комитета FDA: крем является эффективным, если имеет SPF не менее 15.

11. Для детей вопрос защиты кожи от УФ-излучения стоит не менее актуально. Даже более. Их тонкая кожа очень чувствительная к разрушительным УФ-лучам. Если кого-то более подробно интересуют вопросы ухода за кожей детей, и оценки детской косметики, то я потом попробую сделать краткий обзор по этой теме (но мне потребуется некоторое время на изучение материала).

11. Если вы все-таки загорели или даже сгорели –используйте после загара средства, содержащие антиоксиданты. Причем не только наружно, но и внутрь. Это слегка облегчит мучения вашей кожи, так как загар (точнее ожог) как раз и является свободнорадикальной реакцией.

Рекомендации по использованию самые примитивные –просто нанести на сухую кожу крем за 15 минут до выхода из дома.
Обновлять крем в течение дня имеет смысл только если вы его смыли. Желательно, чтоб солнцезащитное средство было последним из того, что вы наносите на кожу. В противном случае, например, если вы сначала используете увлажняющий крем с УФ-фильтрами, а потом тональный крем без них, то вы разбавляете защитный крем и уменьшаете его способность поглощать и отражать УФ-лучи. Поэтому лучше (чтоб не думать просто и не забивать себе голову лишним) иметь и крем и тональник и даже пудру с фильтрами, благо выбор такой продукции сейчас огромен, особенно в западных и американских марках.

Хороших кремов с SPF сейчас огромное количество, поэтому я приведу выборочно полные описания только тех, которые я встречала в продаже у нас, и тех, которыми пользовалась сама. Разделение на сухую и жирную кожу весьма условное, лучше подбирать крем по своим ощущениям.

Крема с SPF фильтрами для сухой и нормальной кожи:

Anew Alternative Photo-Radiance Treatment SPF 15 by Avon - $25.00/1 ounce

Sub-brand: Anew

Jar Packaging: No

pH: 3.6

Healing herbs and anti-aging science fuse to create another brilliant innovation in herbaceutical skin care. Photo-Cell Technology is Avon’s exclusive breakthrough technology that addresses the signs of photo damage, including hyperpigmentation. It’s formulated to target and treat both the visible and invisible signs of sun damage.

This is a well-formulated daytime moisturizer for normal to dry skin. It contains an in-part avobenzone sunscreen, several antioxidants, cell-communicating peptides, and Avon’s AHA blend of thiodipropionic acid and ammonium glycolate at a pH of 3.6. In terms of exfoliation, I wouldn’t expect too much despite the effective pH value. That’s because the amount of AHAs is likely no more than 2%, an amount that provides more water-binding than exfoliating ability. Still, the other attributes of this product make it well worth considering. The mica and titanium dioxide combine to cast a soft, illuminated glow to skin.

Active: Octinoxate (7.5%), Oxybenzone (4%), Avobenzone (2%), Other: Water, Cetearyl Alcohol, Butylene Glycol, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Cyclopentasiloxane, Glycerin, Ethoxydiglycol, Thiodipropionic Acid, Pvm/Ma Decadiene Crosspolymer, Silica, Ammonium Glycolate, Glycolic Acid, Melia Azadirachta Flower Extract, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-3, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Fruit Juice, Kaempferia Galanga Root Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Tetrahydrodiferuloylmethane, Tetrahydrodemethoxydiferuloylmethane, Tetrahydrobisdemethoxydiferuloylmethane, Hydrolyzed Milk Protein, Perilla Ocymoides Leaf Extract, Cocoglycerides, Dimethicone, Cetearyl Glucoside, Ceteareth-20, Steareth-20, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Tetrasodium Edta, Fragrance, Methylparaben, Mica, Titanium Dioxide

City Block Sheer Oil-Free Daily Face Protector SPF 25 by Clinique - $17.50/1.4 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Scientists believe 80% of all skin damage before age 60 is sun related. Make new City Block Sheer Oil-Free Daily Face Protector SPF 25 your urban necessity. Sheer, high-level broad-spectrum UVA/UVB daily sun protection. Lightweight formula helps wick away perspiration, absorb excess oil so makeup looks fresher, longer. Perfect alone, or as an invisible under-makeup primer. No chemical sunscreens. Appropriate for eye-area, sensitive skins.

City Block Sheer Oil-Free Daily Face Protector SPF 25 protects skin from sun damage with its actives of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. The lightweight but still moisturizing base is best for normal to dry or sensitive skin, including those dealing with rosacea. Clinique has included a very good blend of antioxidants and cell-communicating ingredients, though the amount of antioxidants isn’t as impressive as it was for the original version of Super City Block. Still, this is highly recommended for those seeking a gentle sunscreen. It is slightly tinted to offset the whitening effect from the amount of mineral sunscreens it contains.

Active: Titanium Dioxide (7.3%), Zinc Oxide (6.9%), Other: Water, Trioctyldodecyl Citrate, Butylene Glycol, Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethicone, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Steareth-2, Stearyl Heptanoate, Aluminum Stearate, Silica, Lecithin, Gentiana Lutea (Gentian) Root Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Extract, Betula Alba (Birch) Bark Extract, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract, Laminaria Saccharina
Extract, Saccharomyces Lysate Extract, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seedcake, Sodium Hyaluronate, Sorbitan Tristearate, Linoleic Acid, Polyquaternium-51, Caprylyl Methicone, Sorbitol, Sodium Rna, Phospholipids, Peg-40 Stearate, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Caprylyl Glycol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Phytantriol, Stearic Acid, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Cellulose, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Stearyl
Dimethicone, Ascorbyl Tocopheryl Maleate, Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid,
Linolenic Acid, Pantethine, Bisabolol, Hydroxyethyl Urea, Ceteth-2, Peg/Ppg-18/18 Dimethicone, Polyglyceryl-6 Polyricinoleate, Steareth-20, Isopropyl Titanium Triisostearate, Propylene Glycol Dicaprate, Sodium Stearate, Nylon-12, Citric Acid, Nylon-6, Hexylene Glycol, Xanthan Gum, Disodium Edta, Bht, Phenoxyethanol, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxides

Extreme Conditioning Cream SPF 15 by Elizabeth Arden - $38.50/1.7 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Intensive moisturizer with multi-stress benefits rescues skin from the drying effects of active lifestyles and climate extremes as it protects, soothes and hydrates skin. Protects skin from harmful UVA/UVB rays and free radical damage.

Extreme Conditioning Cream SPF 15 provides UVA protection with its in-part avobenzone sunscreen and comes in an emollient, silky, antioxidant-enriched base. The opaque pump bottle will keep the light- and air-sensitive ingredients stable, so this is an all-around exceptional daytime moisturizer for normal to dry skin.

Active: Octyl Methoxycinnamate (6%), Oxybenzone (3%), Avobenzone (2%), Other: Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Glycerin, Petrolatum, Dimethicone, Butyloctyl Salicylate, Steareth-2, Butylene Glycol, Capryl Isostearate, Shea Butter, Clover Extract, Di-C12-15 Alkyl Fumarate, Aloe Barbadensis Gel, Solanum Dulcamara Extract, Gnaphalium Leontopodium Extract, Guava Extract, Kawa Extract, Maritime Pine Extract, Palmaria Palmata Extract, Prickly Pear Extract, Watercress Extract, Zanthoxylum Alatum Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Peg-8/Smdi Copolymer, Sodium Pca, Trehalose, Urea, Allantoin, C10-30 Cholesterol/Lanosterol Esters, Lecithin, Phospholipids, Steareth-21, Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Polyquaternium-51, Panthenol, Peg-8, Oleyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Polyethylene, Disodium Edta, Triethanolamine, Dimethicone Copolyol, Phenyl Methicone, Fragrance, Methylparaben, Phenoxyethanol, Propylparaben

Healthy Skin Visibly Even Daily SPF 15 Moisturizer by Neutrogena - $13.09/1.7 ounces

Sub-brand: Healthy Skin

Jar Packaging: No

pH: 4.0

This dermatologist-tested moisturizer contains Essential Soy, a natural skin brightener clinically proven to diminish blotchiness and help minimize the appearance of dark spots. Enriched with Vitamin C to add radiance, this daily formula protects skin with broad-spectrum sunscreen to help guard against future discoloration and environmental damage.

Healthy Skin Visibly Even Daily SPF 15 Moisturizer includes an in-part avobenzone sunscreen in a lightweight lotion formula enriched with the antioxidant soy. Although the pH of 4 is within range for the salicylic acid to function as an exfoliant, there isn’t enough of it in here. Still, this is highly recommended as an antioxidant-rich daytime moisturizer for normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin.

Active: Avobenzone (2%), Octinoxate (7.5%), Octisalate (5%), Other: Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Soybean Seed Extract, Aluminum Starch Octenylsuccinate, Glycerin, Panthenol, Bht, Salicylic Acid, Soybean Protein, Saxifraga Sarmentosa Extract, Grape Fruit Extract, Morus Bombycis Root Extract, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Dimethicone Peg- 10/15 Crosspolymer, Dimethicone, Butylene Glycol, Steareth-2, Steareth-21, Polysorbate 20, Disodium Edta, Xanthan Gum, Bisabolol, Ascorbyl Glucoside, Sodium Hydroxide, Isopropylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Butylparaben, Fragrance

Nu-Derm Physical UV Block SPF 32 by Obagi - $40.00/2 ounces

Sub-brand: Nu-Derm System

Jar Packaging: No

A chemical free 18.5% micronized zinc oxide formula that provides superior UVA/UVB protection without potential irritation. It is specially formulated for use with the Obagi Nu-Derm System and after an Obagi Blue Peel.

Nu-Derm Physical UV Block SPF 32 is an excellent sunscreen for normal to dry or sensitive skin, and for those with rosacea. The fragrance-free formula lists only zinc oxide as the active ingredient, and the silky texture provides skin with the anti-irritant benefit of willow herb extract.

Active: Zinc Oxide (18.5%), Other: Beeswax, Butylene Glycol, Cetyl Dimethicone, Cetyl Peg/Ppg-10/1 Dimethicone, Dimethicone, Disodium Edta, Glycereth-26, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Isopropyl Palmitate, Methylparaben, Octyl Stearate, Propylparaben, Purified Water, Sodium Chloride, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Tocopherol Acetate, Willowherb Extract

Redness Solutions Daily Protective Base SPF 15 by Clinique - $17.50/1.35 ounces

Sub-brand: Redness Solutions

Jar Packaging: No

Protects skin from the UVA/UVB exposure that can aggravate skins with redness. No chemical sunscreens. Sheer green tint visually corrects redness.

Redness Solutions Daily Protective Base SPF 15 gets the gentle sunscreen right with its pure titanium dioxide and zinc oxide blend. The base formula is similar to that of Clinique’s City Block Sheer Oil-Free Daily Face Protector SPF 25, which is also suitable for someone with sensitive, reddened skin (and that's why this earns a Paula's Pick rating). Both products contain some very good water-binding agents, skin-identical substances, and antioxidants. However, it is worth nothing that the aforementioned Clinique City Block Sheer offers skin a greater complement of bells and whistles. The only advantage of the Redness Solutions is its sheer green tint (if you consider that a plus). When applied to skin, the green tint becomes a pale flesh tone that provides a bit of coverage. If you have superficial, minor redness, you’ll notice it is less apparent, but that would be true for any tinted moisturizer, too. Anyone with lingering or persistent redness (such as occurs with rosacea) will want to pair this with a foundation that supplies at least medium coverage. One more thing: The finish of this product is matte, but also somewhat chalky. It can lend a flat appearance to skin that someone not bothered with oiliness may not like.

Active: Titanium Dioxide (6.4%), Zinc Oxide (2%), Other: Water, Trioctyldodecyl Citrate, Cyclopentasiloxane, Butylene Glycol, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Steareth-2, Stearyl Dimethicone, Tricaprylyl Citrate, Silica, Barium Sulfate, Lecithin, Sorbitan Tristearate, Aluminum Stearate, Sea Whip Extract, Glyceryl Stearate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Peg-100 Stearate, Sucrose, Pantethine, Caffeine, Octyldodecyl Neopentanoate, Ceteth-2, Peg-40 Stearate, Dimethicone, Cetearyl Alcohol, Glycosaminoglycans, Peg/Ppg-18/18 Dimethicone, Steareth-20, Bisabolol, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Polyglyceryl-6 Polyricinoleate, Phytosphingosine, Sodium Stearate, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Caprylyl Glycol, Isopropyl Titanium Triisostearate, Stearic Acid, Hexylene Glycol, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid, Disodium Edta, Bht, Phenoxyethanol, Iron Oxides, Chromium Hydroxide Green

Regenerist Advanced Anti-Aging DNA Superstructure UV Cream SPF 25 by Olay - $29.99/1.7 ounces

Sub-brand: Regenerist

Jar Packaging: No

Helps block direct DNA damaging rays to help protects skin and maintain collagen's structural integrity. This new anti-aging formula hydrates to help rebuild cellular surface structure and restore firmness, regenerating a more youthful appearance. SPF 25 helps block direct DNA damaging rays to help protect skin and maintain collagen's structural integrity. Powerful anti-oxidants help protect the skin's surface from free radical damage. Premium skin feel, suitable for daily use.

Olay is heavily advertising this sleekly packaged daytime moisturizer with an in-part avobenzone sunscreen. The claim of blocking DNA damage sounds impressive, but in fact that’s what any well-formulated sunscreen does, and this certainly qualifies. Daily use of an effective sunscreen rated SPF 15 or greater not only protects skin from the pernicious, cumulative DNA damage that results from sun exposure, but also protects against collagen breakdown. So, although it’s good, this moisturizer with sunscreen isn’t the only game in town, nor do you need to spend this much to get an effective sunscreen. That said, there’s no denying that, once again, Olay has crafted a sophisticated formula that is suitable for all skin types except sensitive (because of the non-mineral sunscreen actives) and oily. The intriguing ingredients are mostly the same ones that show up in other Regenerist moisturizers (and serums), so Olay isn’t breaking any new ground here. But, taken together, these ingredients do their part to protect and enhance skin so it is better able to repair itself and, as a result, become healthier.

Active Ingredients: Homosalate (8.0%), Avobenzone (3%), Octocrylene (2.25%), Ensulizole (2%), Other: Water, Glycerin, Niacinamide*, Isopropyl Lauroyl Sarcosinate, Nylon-12, Dimethicone, Isopropyl Isostearate, Triethanolamine, Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4, Carnosine, Panthenol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Allantoin, Carbomer, Sodium Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Isohexadecane, Dimethiconol, Polysorbate 80, Titanium Dioxide, Stearic Acid, Bht, Stearyl Alcohol, Pentylene Glycol, Ammonium Polyacrylate, Cetyl Alcohol, Benzyl Alcohol, Sorbitan Stearate, Behenyl Alcohol, Peg-100 Stearate, Cetearyl Glucoside, Cetearyl Alcohol, Disodium Edta, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Ethylparaben, Peg-4 Laurate, Peg-4, Peg-4 Dilaurate, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Fragrance, Vitamin B3, Amino-Peptide, Pro-Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, Green Tea, Vitamin C

Regenerist UV Defense Regenerating Lotion SPF 15 by Olay - $18.99/2.5 ounces

Sub-brand: Regenerist

Jar Packaging: No

Combines the exclusive Olay amino-peptide complex with Vitamin C, Olay moisture and UVA/UVB (SPF 15) sunscreen to speed surface cell turnover and enhance skin's condition one cell at a time. Includes light-bending powders to soften the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

Regenerist UV Defense Regenerating Lotion SPF 15 has a lightweight base that is suitable for normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin, while avobenzone is on hand for UVA protection. The formula is loaded with beneficial extras for skin, including a peptide complex, antioxidants, and soothing agents. This does contain fragrance, but is otherwise highly recommended!

Active: Octisalate (4%), Avobenzone (2%), Ensulizole (1%), Octocrylene (1.25%), Other: Water, Glycerin, Niacinamide, Dimethicone, Isopropyl Isostearate, Panthenol, Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-3, Ascorbic Acid, Tocopheryl Acetate, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Allantoin, Cetearyl Glucoside, Polyacrylamide, C13-14 Isoparaffin, Laureth-7, Dimethiconol, Triethanolamine, Titanium Dioxide, Peg-100 Stearate, Ammonium Polyacrylate, Polytetrafluoroethylene, Carbomer, Behenyl Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol, Disodium Edta, Cetearyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Benzyl Alcohol, Ethylparaben, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Fragrance

Regenerist UV Defense Regenerating Lotion SPF 50 by Olay - $29.99/1.7 ounces

Sub-brand: Regenerist

Jar Packaging: No

Works to renew skin’s surface cells and hydrate the skin for visible anti-aging results. Broad-spectrum SPF 50 sun protection protects skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays, helping to prevent premature aging while rejuvenating skin’s appearance. The light, non-greasy formula won’t clog pores and absorbs quickly into skin.

I have to hand it to Olay. According to the press release we received for this product, their goal was to create a daytime moisturizer with a high level of sun protection that felt like a silky lightweight moisturizer rather than a heavy, occlusive sunscreen. They succeeded brilliantly. This in-part avobenzone sunscreen feels wonderfully light yet makes skin feel smooth, moisturized, and protected. Yes, there are lighter products out there that carry lower SPF ratings, and many of those are excellent, too. However, people who desire or need a high SPF rating should check this product out. It contains an impressive blend of cell-communicating ingredients and antioxidants and works beautifully under makeup. It really does set quickly and won’t leave skin feeling greasy. I hope Olay launches a fragrance-free version, too; it would make an already great product that much better.

Active: Homosalate (15%), Oxybenzone (6%), Octisalate (5%), Avobenzone (2.7%), Octocrylene (2.7%), Other: Water, Glycerin, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Niacinamide, Polyethylene, Pentylene Glycol, Dimethicone, Panthenol, Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4, Carnosine, Ascorbic Acid, Tocopheryl Acetate, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Isohexadecane, Allantoin, Cetearyl Glucoside, Dimethiconol, Peg-100 Stearate, Polysorbate 60, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Peg-4 Laurate, Peg-4 Dilaurate, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Peg-4, Behenyl Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol, Disodium Edta, Cetearyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Benzyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Ethylparaben, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Fragrance

Resilience Lift Extreme Ultra Firming Lotion SPF 15, for Normal/Combination Skin by Estee Lauder - $70.00/1.7 ounces

Sub-brand: Resilience Lift

Jar Packaging: No

The rich blend of long-lasting moisturizers with super-energized nutrients relieves uncomfortably dry skin and creates a fresh, rejuvenated glow instantly. A gentle SPF 15 sunscreen provides effective broad-spectrum protection.

Resilience Lift Extreme Ultra Firming Lotion SPF 15, for Normal/Combination Skin bests the other Resilience Lift Extreme moisturizers with sunscreen, not only because it contains more titanium dioxide for UVA protection, but also because it has much better packaging. As a result, this is a winning option for normal to dry skin (it’s not the best for use over oily areas, so isn’t appealing for combination skin) provided you aren’t hooked by the lifting and firming claims, which won’t materialize. What this does do is provide reliable sun protection in an elegant moisturizing base that contains a state-of-the-art mix of antioxidants and cell-communicating ingredients. Liberal application is necessary to ensure protection, so you have to be OK with replacing this fairly often to avoid putting your skin at risk for sun damage, but other than that caveat, go for it.

Active: Octinoxate (7.5%), Titanium Dioxide (1.4%), Other: Water Purified, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Butylene Glycol, Glyceryl Stearate, Peg-100 Stearate, Octyldodecyl Neopentanoate, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Pentylene Glycol, Coleus Barbatus Extract, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Extract, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat Bran) Extract, Cholesterol/Potassium Sulfate, Persea Gratissima(Avocado) Oil, Cucumis Melo (Melon) Fruit Extract, Decarboxy Carnosine Hcl, Mimosa Tenuiflora Bark Extract, Yeast Extract (Faex), Linoleic Acid, Isomerized Linoleic Acid, Acetyl Glucosamine, Caffeine, Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate, Creatine, Algae Extract, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Sterols, Acetyl Hexapeptide-3, Adenosine Phosphate, Aminopropyl Ascorbyl Phosphate, Hydrolyzed Extensin, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Seed Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Lauryldimonium Hydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Hydrolyzed Fish (Pisces) Collagen, Sorbitol, Glycerin, Behenyl Alcohol, Caprylyl Glycol, Polymethyl Methacrylate, Polyethylene, Lecithin, Silica, Ethylhexylglycerin, Trehalose, Carbomer, Maltodextrin, Xanthan Gum, Hexylene Glycol, Fragrance, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Stearic Acid, Potassium Carbomer, Aluminum Stearate, Disodium Edta, Benzyl Alcohol, Bht, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Dehydroacetate, Phenoxyethanol, Mica, Red 4, Yellow 5, Titanium Dioxide, Red 33

Sun SPF 30 Face Cream by Clinique - $17.50/1.7 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Innovative SolarSmart technology stabilizes high-level protection against the aging and burning effects of UVA and UVB rays. Triggers a repair that helps prevent signs of aging. With solar-activated antioxidants that help prevent visible damage. Gentle enough for sensitive skins. Dermatologist tested.

All of Clinique’s new sunscreens (in their sun-care line, not in their “regular” facial-care line) claim to use what the company refers to as SolarSmart technology. This technology is supposed to trigger a repair mechanism in skin to help prevent signs of aging. What they’re really referring to are the antioxidants in this sunscreen; the claim is basically just a new way of stating what we’ve known for some time: that antioxidants added to sunscreens help boost the efficacy of the active ingredients while also helping skin defend itself against sun damage (Sources: Clinics in Dermatology, November-December 2008, pages 614–626; and Photochemistry and Photobiology, July-August 2006, pages 1016–1023). That doesn’t mean that Clinique’s latest sun-care products are superior to others that also contain antioxidants, although that could certainly be inferred from the claims they’re making. Nevertheless, this is an outstanding sunscreen formula for normal to dry skin. It contains a wide range of antioxidants and cell-communicating ingredients as well as stabilized avobenzone for UVA protection. I disagree with Clinique that this sunscreen is gentle enough for sensitive skin. Without question, the active ingredients it contains can absolutely be sensitizing for all skin types, although that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be considered or that they don’t have value when it comes to protecting skin from sun damage. Anyone with sensitive, reactive skin should stick with sunscreens whose only active ingredients are titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide. This sunscreen is fragrance-free and contains mica, a mineral pigment that leaves a slight shimmer on skin. Its formula is a bit tricky to use with makeup, but it works well if you prefer pressed-powder foundations over creams or liquids.

Active: Octisalate (5%), Homosalate (5%), Oxybenzone (4%), Avobenzone (3%), Octocrylene (2.7%), Other: Water, Methyl Trimethicone, Butylene Glycol, Butyloctyl Salicylate, Neopentyl Glycol, Diheptanoate, Shea Butter, Peg-100 Stearate, Silica, Dipentaerythrityl Tri-Polyhydroxystearate, Lauryl Peg-9 Polydimethylsiloxyethyl Dimethicone, Dimethicone, Glyceryl Stearate, Laurdimonium Hydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Rosemary Extract, Perilla Ocymoides Leaf Extract, Plankton Extract, Caffeine, Potassium Cetyl Phosphate, Sucrose, Styrene/Acrylates Copolymer, C30-38 Olefin/Isopropyl Maleate/Ma Copolymer, Cetyl Alcohol, Vp/Eicosene Copolymer, Ethylhexylglycerin, Ammonium Acryloyldimethyltaurate/Vp Copolymer, Peg-8 Laurate, Sodium Rna, Phospholipids, Lecithin, C1-8 Alkyl Tetrahydroxycyclohexanoate, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Tocopheryl Acetate, Caprylyl Glycol, Ascorbyl Tocopheryl Maleate, Stearic Acid, Xanthan Gum, Maltodextrin, Ferulic Acid, Hexylene Glycol, Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Mica, Sodium Dehydroacetate

Time Zone Line & Wrinkle Reducing Moisturizer SPF 15–Normal/Combination Lotion by Estee Lauder - $58.00/1.7 ounces

Sub-brand: Time Zone

Jar Packaging: No

Now you can take more than 10 years off the look of your skin in just 4 weeks-and dramatically reduce the look of wrinkles. Boosts skin’s ability to reduce the look of wrinkles, with dramatic results. Helps skin resist the daily stresses that accelerate the appearance of aging-including the formation of future lines and wrinkles. Supports skin’s natural stimulation of proteins resulting in a more youthful look.

Every time Lauder launches a new line of antiwrinkle moisturizers, the questions come pouring in. Women don’t seem to make the connection that just a couple months before, Lauder was lauding (pun intended) another group of antiwrinkle products with astonishing claims. Now that those products have had their day in the fashion magazines and their marketing impact has waned, it’s time to promote another group, even though the claims differ little between them. I suppose the curiosity about the Time Zone products comes from the attention-getting claim that they take 10 years off the look of your skin in 4 weeks. That would certainly grab my attention, but if you stop and think, it really isn’t a claim we haven’t heard before, from Lauder and numerous other lines. If your skin is rough and dry and you put a moisturizer on it, you’re going to look younger, but it doesn’t take this product to achieve that. Examining the ingredient list for this Time Zone product reveals it truly isn’t different from most other daytime moisturizers with sunscreen, sold by Lauder and other companies. So do all of those take 10 years off, too? It was an interesting experience at the Estee Lauder counter to ask several sales representatives what made the Time Zone products different or more special when compared to Lauder’s DayWear, Re-Nutriv, and Resilience Lift brands. They stumbled about and really couldn’t come up with an answer, finally just saying that it was a good product. My advice? Ignore the decade-erasing claim because it won’t show up in the mirror no matter how long you use this product. It provides sufficient sun protection (which is the only legitimate wrinkle-reducing claim that can be made for this product) and it has a creamy texture suitable for normal to dry skin. However, unlike Lauder’s other Time Zone moisturizers, which are packaged in jars, this is packaged in an opaque pump bottle. That means that in addition to an in-part avobenzone sunscreen you’re getting lots of antioxidants, cell-communicating ingredients, and some decent water-binding agents and they will remain stable once you start using it. The base formula isn’t as light as many with combination skin would prefer, but it’s acceptable and certainly worth a trial run. Despite my enthusiasm for the formula and the packaging, as I mentioned, there isn’t much difference between the Time Zone daytime moisturizers and those with sunscreen from Lauder’s other sub-brands. If you’re using DayWear or Resilience Lift with good results, there’s no need to try Time Zone—it isn’t the one group of Lauder products finally telling you the truth about youth in a bottle. And keep in mind that any well-formulated daytime moisturizer with sunscreen can do what this product claims to do (and I don’t mean subtracting 10 or more years from your face): it can protect your skin from sun damage while allowing it to repair past damage (to an extent) and can encourage a healthy barrier function so your skin is better able to defend itself against future signs of aging. Now that’s the kind of time zone I’d prefer to live in, and Lauder doesn’t have a corner on this arena!

Active: Octinoxate (7.5%), Octisalate (5%), Avobenzone (2%), Other: Water, Octyldodecyl Neopentanoate, Hdi/Trimethylol Hexyllactone Crosspolymer, Neopentyl Glycol Diheptanoate, Dimethicone, Butylene Glycol, Steareth-21, Steareth-2, Yeast Extract, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract, Centaurium Erythraea (Centaury) Extract, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat Bran) Extract, Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract, Hydrolyzed Rice Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Extract, Punica Granatum (Pomegranate) Juice Extract, Citrus Reticulata (Tangerine) Peel Extract, Sigesbeckia Orientalis (St. Paul’s Wort) Extract, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Extract, Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract, Larix Sibirica Wood Extract, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Extract, Selaginella Tamariscina (Spike Moss) Extract, Humulus Lupulus (Hops) Extract, Argania Spinosa Leaf Extract, Laminaria Saccharina Extract, Tamarindus Indica Seed Extract, Padina Pavonica Thallus Extract, Linolenic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Polyethylene, Cholesterol, Pentylene Glycol, Creatine, Caffeine, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Polysilicone-11, Glycerin, Sucrose, Acetyl Glucosamine, Phytantriol, Pvp/Hexadecene Copolymer, Trehalose, Acrylamide/Sodium Acryloyldimethyltaurate Copolymer, Isohexadecane, Propylene Glycol Dicaprate, Sodium Pca, Ethylhexylglycerin, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seedcake, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Polysorbate 80, Tromethamine, Sodium Hyaluronate, Hyaluronic Acid, Potassium Sulfate, Adenosine Phosphate, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid, Cyclodextrin, Silica, Fragrance, Ethylbisiminomethylguaiacol Manganese Chloride, Disodium Edta, Sorbic Acid, Chlorphenesin, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol

TimeWise Day Solution Sunscreen SPF 25 by Mary Kay - $30.00/1 ounce

Sub-brand: TimeWise

Jar Packaging: No

Think of it as a veil of defense. With an increased SPF of 25, this innovative product helps prevent lines and discoloration before they occur by blocking damaging UVA/UVB rays. A calming peptide helps relax expression lines.

TimeWise Day Solution Sunscreen SPF 25 is the most impressive daytime moisturizer in the TimeWise collection. The in-part zinc oxide sunscreen provides sufficient UVA protection, while the fluid but creamy formula contains a great selection of antioxidants, skin-identical ingredients, and lightweight emollients for normal to dry skin. This also has a silky finish that wears beautifully under makeup.

Active: Octinoxate (7.5%), Octisalate (5%), Zinc Oxide (3.88%), Oxybenzone (3%), Other: Water, Isododecane, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, Nylon-12, Betaine, Glyceryl Stearate, Dimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Acetyl Dipeptide-1 Cetyl Ester, Plankton Extract, Hydrolyzed Algin, Squalane, Glyceryl Polyacrylate, Butylene Glycol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Crithmum Maritimum Extract, Ascorbic Acid, Lecithin, Cetearyl Alcohol, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Polyhydroxystearic Acid, Ceteareth-20, Peg-100 Stearate, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Dimethicone Peg-7 Phosphate, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Peg-4 Laurate, Sorbitan Isostearate, Cyclohexasiloxane, Peg-75, Peg-150, Peg-8 Cetyl Dimethicone, Polysorbate 60, Laureth-3, Disodium Edta, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Ethylparaben, Butylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Phenoxyethanol, Chlorphenesin, Tin Oxide, Titanium Dioxide, Mica

Крема с SPF фильтрами для жирной и нормальной кожи, получившие лучшие оценки экспертов:

Ageless Results Renewing Day Cream SPF 15 by Avon - $15.00/1.7 ounces

Sub-brand: Avon Solutions

Jar Packaging: No

Formulated with soy to help stimulate cellular repair, vitamin antioxidants to help prevent premature skin aging, and peptides to help firm skin and reduce wrinkles.

Ageless Results Renewing Day Cream SPF 15 is an outstanding daytime moisturizer for normal to slightly oily skin. It contains an in-part avobenzone sunscreen and covers every base in terms of what skin needs to look and feel healthy, all in stable, hygienic packaging. Well done, and this is noticeably less expensive than some of Avon’s pricier but less impressive moisturizers.

Active: Octinoxate (7.5%), Octisalate (5%), Oxybenzone (4%), Avobenzone (2%), Other: Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Glycerin, Aluminum Starch Octenylsuccinate, Butylene Glycol, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Phytol, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Extract, Hydrolyzed Milk Protein, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Ceramide 2, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Seed Extract, Lagerstroemia Indica Extract, Tetrahydrodemethoxycurcumin, Tetrahydrobisdemethoxycurcumin, Tetrahydrodiferuloylmethane, Panthenol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Retinyl Palmitate, Oryzanol, Tocopherol, Dimethicone, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Dimethiconol, Peg-100 Stearate, Carbomer, Sodium Hydroxide, Laureth-4, Phosphoric Acid, Tribehenin, Peg-10 Rapeseed Sterol, Fragrance, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol

Anew Advanced All-in-One Max SPF 15 Lotion by Avon - $16.50/1.7 ounces

Sub-brand: Anew

Jar Packaging: No

pH: 3.2

Experience the beauty wisdom of a “maxi-smart system” our exclusive self-adjusting technology that moisturizes, exfoliates, and now is shown to enhance radiance with powerful phyto-based enzymes. Brings fast, superior results exactly where needed. This light-weight, oil-free replenishing lotion for normal-to-oily skin also features glycolic acid and pro-retinol complex to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Includes UVA/UVB sunscreen and antioxidant protection.

Anew Advanced All-in-One Max SPF 15 Lotion is similar to the Anew Advanced All-in-One Max SPF 15 Cream, except for two important differences: packaging that keeps the retinol and antioxidants stable, and larger amounts of glycolic acid and ammonium glycolate. It is an excellent daytime moisturizer for normal to slightly oily skin. The inclusion of enzymes is interesting, but the exfoliation and smoothing benefits this product provides are from the AHAs; the enzymes are too unstable to function in that capacity.

Active: Octinoxate (7.5%), Oxybenzone (4%), Avobenzone (2%), Other: Water, Glycerin, Dimethicone, Ammonium Glycolate, Glycolic Acid, Cetearyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate, Peg-100 Stearate, Trisiloxane, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Polysorbate 40, Mucor Miehei Extract, Subtilisin, Hyaluronic Acid, Bisabolol, Hesperidin, Oryzanol, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Sodium Ascorbate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Melia Azadirachta Conditioned Media/Culture, Tetrahydrodiferuloylmethane, Tetrahydrodemethoxydiferuloylmethane, Tetrahydrobisdemethoxydiferuloylmethane, Decarboxy Carnosine Hcl, Daucus Carota Sativa (Carrot) Root Extract, Algae Extract, Solanum Lycopersicum (Tomato) Extract, Spiraea Ulmaria Extract, Retinol, Beta-Carotene, Retinyl Palmitate, Cholesterol, Squalane, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyltaurate Copolymer, Behenyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Glucoside, Chondrus Crispus (Carrageenan), Xanthan Gum, Choleth-24, Ceteth-24, Polysorbate 60, Maltodextrin, Butylene Glycol, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Acrylates/Carbamate Copolymer, Methylparaben, Disodium Edta, Citric Acid, Benzyl Alcohol, Fragrance

DayWear Plus Multi Protection Anti-Oxidant Lotion SPF 15, for Oily Skin by Estee Lauder - $38.50/1.7 ounces

Sub-brand: DayWear

Jar Packaging: No

DayWear Plus actively shields skin from the multiple assaults of the environment to help prevent lines before they appear—so your skin looks younger longer.

DayWear Plus Multi Protection Anti-Oxidant Lotion SPF 15, for Oily Skin has a fluid, non-greasy texture and a lightweight feel on the skin. This is not a matte-finish sunscreen, and there’s no way to guarantee it won’t cause breakouts (this is true of all sunscreens), but it is worth auditioning if you have oily skin and have not been able to find a daytime moisturizer with sunscreen that works for you. The packaging will definitely keep the many antioxidants stable much longer than the two DayWear Cremes, and this also contains some intriguing cell-communicating ingredients.

Active: Octinoxate (7.5%), Homosalate (3.5%), Avobenzone (3%), Other: Water Purified, Cyclopentasiloxane, Pentylene Glycol, Dimethicone, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Pvp/Hexadecene Copolymer, Acrylates Copolymer, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Octyldodecyl Neopentanoate, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Aspalathus Linearis (Red Tea) Leaf Extract, Camellia Sinensis (White Tea) Leaf Extract, Coffea Arabica (Coffee) Seed Extract, Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract, Betula Alba (Birch) Bark Extract, Laminaria Ochroleuca Extract, Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract, Saccharomyces Lysate Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Extract, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Extract, Laminaria Saccharina Extract, Ethylbisiminomethylguaiacol Manganese Chloride, Cholesterol, Phospholipids, Maltodextrin, Ascorbyl Tocopheryl Maleate, Cyclodextrin, Sodium Hyaluronate, Trehalose, Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid, Palmitoyl Hydroxypropyltrimonium Amylopectin/Glycerin Crosspolymer, Linolenic Acid, Oryzanol, Lecithin, Squalane, Glycerin, Linoleic Acid, Sodium Pca, Urea, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Sucrose, Polyethylene, Ppg-15 Stearyl Ether Benzoate, Isohexadecane, Acrylamide/Sodium Acryloyldimethyltaurate Copolymer, Butylene Glycol, Dipropylene Glycol Dibenzoate, Polyquaternium-51, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Choleth-24, Ceteth-24, Polysorbate 80, Fragrance, Linalool, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Benzyl Salicylate, Bht, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Isopropylparaben, Yellow 5, Blue 1

Healthy Skin Visibly Even Daily SPF 15 Moisturizer by Neutrogena - $13.09/1.7 ounces

Sub-brand: Healthy Skin

Jar Packaging: No

pH: 4.0

This dermatologist-tested moisturizer contains Essential Soy, a natural skin brightener clinically proven to diminish blotchiness and help minimize the appearance of dark spots. Enriched with Vitamin C to add radiance, this daily formula protects skin with broad-spectrum sunscreen to help guard against future discoloration and environmental damage.

Healthy Skin Visibly Even Daily SPF 15 Moisturizer includes an in-part avobenzone sunscreen in a lightweight lotion formula enriched with the antioxidant soy. Although the pH of 4 is within range for the salicylic acid to function as an exfoliant, there isn’t enough of it in here. Still, this is highly recommended as an antioxidant-rich daytime moisturizer for normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin.

Active: Avobenzone (2%), Octinoxate (7.5%), Octisalate (5%), Other: Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Soybean Seed Extract, Aluminum Starch Octenylsuccinate, Glycerin, Panthenol, Bht, Salicylic Acid, Soybean Protein, Saxifraga Sarmentosa Extract, Grape Fruit Extract, Morus Bombycis Root Extract, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Dimethicone Peg- 10/15 Crosspolymer, Dimethicone, Butylene Glycol, Steareth-2, Steareth-21, Polysorbate 20, Disodium Edta, Xanthan Gum, Bisabolol, Ascorbyl Glucoside, Sodium Hydroxide, Isopropylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Butylparaben, Fragrance

Redness Solutions Daily Protective Base SPF 15 by Clinique - $17.50/1.35 ounces

Sub-brand: Redness Solutions

Jar Packaging: No

Protects skin from the UVA/UVB exposure that can aggravate skins with redness. No chemical sunscreens. Sheer green tint visually corrects redness.

Redness Solutions Daily Protective Base SPF 15 gets the gentle sunscreen right with its pure titanium dioxide and zinc oxide blend. The base formula is similar to that of Clinique’s City Block Sheer Oil-Free Daily Face Protector SPF 25, which is also suitable for someone with sensitive, reddened skin (and that's why this earns a Paula's Pick rating). Both products contain some very good water-binding agents, skin-identical substances, and antioxidants. However, it is worth nothing that the aforementioned Clinique City Block Sheer offers skin a greater complement of bells and whistles. The only advantage of the Redness Solutions is its sheer green tint (if you consider that a plus). When applied to skin, the green tint becomes a pale flesh tone that provides a bit of coverage. If you have superficial, minor redness, you’ll notice it is less apparent, but that would be true for any tinted moisturizer, too. Anyone with lingering or persistent redness (such as occurs with rosacea) will want to pair this with a foundation that supplies at least medium coverage. One more thing: The finish of this product is matte, but also somewhat chalky. It can lend a flat appearance to skin that someone not bothered with oiliness may not like.

Active: Titanium Dioxide (6.4%), Zinc Oxide (2%), Other: Water, Trioctyldodecyl Citrate, Cyclopentasiloxane, Butylene Glycol, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Steareth-2, Stearyl Dimethicone, Tricaprylyl Citrate, Silica, Barium Sulfate, Lecithin, Sorbitan Tristearate, Aluminum Stearate, Sea Whip Extract, Glyceryl Stearate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Peg-100 Stearate, Sucrose, Pantethine, Caffeine, Octyldodecyl Neopentanoate, Ceteth-2, Peg-40 Stearate, Dimethicone, Cetearyl Alcohol, Glycosaminoglycans, Peg/Ppg-18/18 Dimethicone, Steareth-20, Bisabolol, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Polyglyceryl-6 Polyricinoleate, Phytosphingosine, Sodium Stearate, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Caprylyl Glycol, Isopropyl Titanium Triisostearate, Stearic Acid, Hexylene Glycol, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid, Disodium Edta, Bht, Phenoxyethanol, Iron Oxides, Chromium Hydroxide Green

Regenerist UV Defense Regenerating Lotion SPF 15 by Olay - $18.99/2.5 ounces

Sub-brand: Regenerist

Jar Packaging: No

Combines the exclusive Olay amino-peptide complex with Vitamin C, Olay moisture and UVA/UVB (SPF 15) sunscreen to speed surface cell turnover and enhance skin's condition one cell at a time. Includes light-bending powders to soften the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

Regenerist UV Defense Regenerating Lotion SPF 15 has a lightweight base that is suitable for normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin, while avobenzone is on hand for UVA protection. The formula is loaded with beneficial extras for skin, including a peptide complex, antioxidants, and soothing agents. This does contain fragrance, but is otherwise highly recommended!

Active: Octisalate (4%), Avobenzone (2%), Ensulizole (1%), Octocrylene (1.25%), Other: Water, Glycerin, Niacinamide, Dimethicone, Isopropyl Isostearate, Panthenol, Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-3, Ascorbic Acid, Tocopheryl Acetate, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Allantoin, Cetearyl Glucoside, Polyacrylamide, C13-14 Isoparaffin, Laureth-7, Dimethiconol, Triethanolamine, Titanium Dioxide, Peg-100 Stearate, Ammonium Polyacrylate, Polytetrafluoroethylene, Carbomer, Behenyl Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol, Disodium Edta, Cetearyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Benzyl Alcohol, Ethylparaben, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Fragrance

Studio Moisture Fix SPF 15 by M.A.C. - $29.50/1.7 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

The no-grease, super-hydrating formula of Studio Moisture Fix with superlative protection from sun and environmental aggressions. Starts with broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection of SPF 15 that goes on sheer. Mega-moisturizing, rich, lightweight and fast-absorbing. Keeps skin plump and soft. Excellent prep for makeup. Releases moisture and emollients onto the skin continually/all day. Enhanced with mineral-enriched spring water, it’s an instant spritz of moisture with the benefits of protection.

Studio Moisture Fix SPF 15 has an in-part zinc oxide sunscreen with a beautiful silky texture, provides a soft matte finish, and is loaded with antioxidants, skin-identical substances, and anti-irritants. It is a brilliant option for normal to oily skin, although the amount of zinc oxide (and its slight whitening effect) may prove tricky to work with on darker skin tones. This product does contain fragrance.

Active: Zinc Oxide (6.7%), Octinoxate (3.5%), Other: Water, Dimethicone, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Butylene Glycol, Silica, Isononyl Isononanoate, Glycerin, Tocopheryl Acetate, Cholesterol, Astrocaryum Murumuru Butter, Caffeine, Sodium Rna, Sodium Hyaluronate, Phytosphingosine, Barley Extract, Chinese Mushroom Extract, Thermus Thermophillus Ferment, Polygonum Cuspidatum Root (Chinese Root) Extract/Saccharomyces Lysate Extract, Yeast Extract, Wheat Germ Extract, Sucrose, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Polysorbate 20, Polysorbate 80, Squalane, Glyceryl Stearate, Peg-100 Stearate, Steareth-21, Pvp, Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Cetyl Esters, Hexylene Glycol, Polyethylene, Polyhydroxystearic Acid, Acrylamide/Sodium Acryloyldimethyltaurate Copolymer, Ammonium Acryloyldimethyltaurate/Vp Copolymer, Isohexadecane, Caprylyl Glycol, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Linoleic Acid, Disodium Edta, Propylene Glycol Dicaprate, Fragrance, Bht, Phenoxyethanol, Chlorphenesin

*если в категорию для жирной и для сухой кожи попало одно и тоже средство, значит оно соответствует требованиям и того и другого типа кожи.
** так как часто спрашивают: сама я использую либо City Block Sheer Oil-Free Daily Face Protector SPF 25 by Clinique либо Olay (из серий редженерист или тотал). Фотки свои, где хорошо видно состояние кожи, я тоже вскоре постараюсь выложить где-нибудь тут

3 відвідувача подякували Aurora_Borealis за цей допис
13 Жов 2009 17:06
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Дописів: 3

Аврора, спасибо огромное за вашу информацию! А про вечерний уход вы напишете позже или это уже все? Меня интересует 4 и 5 пункты.
15 Жов 2009 04:25
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Дописів: 143
Важливих: 35
Флуд: 1%

15 Окт 2009 13:25 lu_alex писав(ла):
Аврора, спасибо огромное за вашу информацию! А про вечерний уход вы напишете позже или это уже все? Меня интересует 4 и 5 пункты.

Я постепенно обо всём напишу и потом еще рассмотрю кратко схемы для разного типа кожи -в смысле каких-то там особенностей типа склонности к угревой сыпи или повышенной сухости.
Что касается 4-го пункта -ретиноиды - он довольно ответственный, но я вроде где-то уже говорила о них на форуме. Если Вы ждете там список продукции с изотретиноином, то я заранее расстрою - это очень маленький список и оттуда еще ничего в России не купишь. Кстати, эти средства (ренова, Ретин-А) в штатах продают только по рецептам. У нас пока можно купить и дифферин (адапален) и изотретиноин (ретиноевая мазь, изотрексин) в аптеках, но постепенно и в России вводится рецептурная политика (и это правильно) на большинство медицинских препаратов. Если Вы хотите начать использовать ретиноиды и не ждать, пока я про них напишу -просто делайте это осторожно, поначалу могут быть аллергии. И пока вводите их в ежедневный уход, на время, ну недели на две -приостановите использование кислот (Вы вроде скинорен или какие-то еще используете). Просто такой одновременный удар для кожи - большой стресс.
А 5й пункт -это отбеливание, в смысле? Вообще -если по шагу 3 и 4 правильно подобрать уход, то за полгода пигментация должна исчезнуть. Если она не пропадает - то причины пигментации могут лежать гораздо глубже -обычно это гормональные проблемы. Ну я напишу всё, что за последнее время прочитала про отбеливание.

15 Жов 2009 05:04
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Дописів: 4

Лучше подожду. В наших аптеках я не нашла ни ретиноевую мазь, ни дифферин, ни Ретин-А, только Скинорен, поэтому и пользуюсь им. Просто хотела узнать у вас о жидком витамине А, можно им пользоваться на ночь после Скинорена? Или должен быть какой то определенный продукт в виде мази или крема?
На счет 5 пункта.У меня пигментации на лице нет, просто широкие поры, иногда пара прищей. Значит мне отбеливание не нужно? Или допускается иногда, для профилактики?
Аврора, нашла в интернете следующую информацию. Может быть поэтому я и не могу найти у нас ретиноевой мази?

16 Жов 2009 00:51
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Дописів: 146
Важливих: 36
Флуд: 1%

16 Окт 2009 09:51 lu_alex писав(ла):
Аврора, нашла в интернете следующую информацию . Может быть поэтому я и не могу найти у нас ретиноевой мази?

Да, похоже год-полтора с изотретиноином будет дефицит. Так было с регейном (миноксидил), который является единственным работающим средством наружного применения, лечащим облысение.
У третиноина есть синтетический аналог -адапален. Я знаю, что с ним продаются мази (дифферин) и еще какой-то индийский производитель выпускает.
Ближе к обзору следующих пунктов я постараюсь выяснить по своим каналам что происходит, какие прогнозы и что делать.
На остальные Ваши вопросы чуть попозже отвечу.

16 Жов 2009 09:21
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Дописів: 147
Важливих: 36
Флуд: 1%


Шаг 4. Декоративная косметика

Вроде бы декоративная косметика не должна присутствовать в теме, относящейся к уходу за кожей, тем не менее, всё больше и больше косметической продукции имеет не только эстетическую направленность, но и выступают как часть ежедневного ухода за кожей (увлажнение, антиоксиданты, защита от солнца). Поэтому в этом пункте я просто выложу полные описания некоторых тональных основ, пудр и бальзамов для губ, имеющих хороший состав и обеспечивающих защиту от УФ-лучей.

Тональные основы с защитой от УФ для сухой и нормальной кожи

nstant Age Rewind Custom Face Perfector Cream Compact Foundation SPF 18 by Maybelline New York - $7.99 I

Jar Packaging: No

Continuing with the tradition of excellence set forth by this brand’s other Instant Age Rewind products, Maybelline has another hit on its hands. Mind you, none of the Instant Age Rewind products will rewind even a day off your visage because these do not erase or camouflage wrinkles, but independent of the names and claims, there’s much to applaud about the products. This cream-to-powder foundation is one of the best at the drugstore. The sunscreen is pure titanium dioxide, which is great news not only for sun protection but also for those with sensitive skin. The silky, initially creamy texture is a pleasure to blend and sets to a soft, natural matte finish that enlivens skin. Despite my enthusiasm, there was a compromise made to ensure such a beautifully smooth application. This foundation has so much slip that even once it sets it keeps slipping, and that includes slipping into wrinkles and creasing on the eyelids, even when set with powder. This drawback will be most apparent to those with oily skin or oily areas, which makes this foundation best for normal to dry skin (the finish does not exaggerate dry spots in the least). In fact, the Paula’s Pick rating is only for those with normal to dry skin considering this foundation. Coverage varies depending on which side of the included sponge you use. The white side of the sponge produces nearly full coverage and does a good job of keeping the foundation out of lines and large pores. The pink side produces sheer coverage and tends to exaggerate lines and pores, so it is not preferred. Actually, a flat, round latex sponge is the best way to apply this foundation, but you can also use a foundation brush if that’s your preference. Whichever you choose, there’s no denying this is a brilliant cream-to-powder foundation with sunscreen that is highly recommended for normal to dry skin not prone to blemishes (the waxes this contains can contribute to clogged pores). Among the eight shades are mostly neutral options suitable for light to tan skin tones. Pure Beige will be too peach for most medium skin tones, and Tan has the same issue but is still worth considering.

Active Ingredient: Titanium Dioxide (10.5%), Other: Isononyl Isononanoate, Dimethicone, Ethylehexyl Palmitate, Phenyl Trimethicone, Microcrystalline Wax, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Vinyl Dimethicone/Methicone Silsesquioxane Crosspolymer, Copernicia Cerifera (Camauba) Wax, Nylon 12, Disodium Stearoyl Glutamate, Alumina, Tocopheryl Acetate, Aluminum Hydroxide, Caffeine, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, May Contain (+/-): Iron Oxides, Mica

New Complexion One Step Compact Makeup SPF 15 by Revlon - $12.99

Sub-brand: New Complexion

Jar Packaging: No

New Complexion One Step Compact Makeup SPF 15 ranks as the best cream-to-powder foundation at the drugstore, hands down, and it includes titanium dioxide as the only sunscreen active. It applies superbly; has a light, silky texture; and sets to a soft, natural-looking powder finish that is best for normal to slightly oily or slightly dry skin. (Just keep in mind that moisturizer must be applied over any dry spots or this foundation will exaggerate them.) Coverage goes from sheer to medium. This is a must-try if you prefer cream-to-powder foundation. Revlon’s 12 shades have been improved, and are a mostly neutral lot. Avoid Natural Beige, Cool Beige, and Warm Beige. Tender Peach is fairly true to its name, but may work for some light skin tones. Regrettably, there are no shades for very light or very dark skin tones.

Active: Titanium Dioxide (4%), Other: Dimethicone, Isopropyl Isostearate, Talc, Silica, Neopentyl Glycol Diethlyhexanoate, Tribehenin, Isostearyl Behenate, Nylon 12, Boron Nitride, Lauroyl Lysine, Tridecyl Trimellitate, Myristyl Myristate, Candelilla Cera (Euphorbia Cerifera Wax), Polyglyceryl 4 Isostearate, Sorbitan Trioleate, Pentahyrdosqualene, Lauryl PEG/PPG-18/18 Methicone, Saccharomyces Zinc Ferment, Saccharomyces Copper Ferment, Saccharomyces Magnesium Ferment, Saccharomyces Iron Ferment, Saccharomyces Silicon Ferment, Saccharomyces Potassium Ferment, Cyclomethicone, Soy Amino Acids, Cera Carnauba (Copernicia Cerifera Wax), Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Polyethylene, Ethylene/Methacrylate Copolymer, Lecithin, Isopropyl Titanium Triisostearate, Alumina, Barium Sulfate, Dehydroacetic Acid, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Phenoxyethanol, BHT, Iron Oxides, Mica, Titanium Dioxide

Resilience Lift Extreme Ultra Firming Creme Compact Makeup SPF 15 by Estee Lauder - $34.50

Sub-brand: Resilience Lift

Jar Packaging: No

Resilience Lift Extreme Ultra Firming Creme Compact Makeup SPF 15 deserves every bit of praise I am going to heap on it. Simply put, this is one of the best, if not the best, cream foundation I’ve seen in years. Lauder has crafted a compact foundation with an in-part titanium dioxide sunscreen that has an extraordinarily smooth texture. As such, it is a dream to blend, and sets to a natural matte yet slightly moist finish capable of providing medium to nearly full coverage without looking waxy or mask-like. The formula is best for normal to dry skin not prone to blemishes, and comes in 16 shades, almost all of which are recommended. Consider Outdoor Beige and Cognac carefully, and avoid the too peach Shell Beige. Cashew is a great neutral for medium skin tones, while Teak and Walnut are superb dark shades. Bravo!

Terracotta Ultimate Bronze SPF 15 by Guerlain - $42.50

Jar Packaging: No

Terracotta Ultimate Bronze SPF 15 is a soft-textured cream-to-powder makeup whose finish is more creamy than powdery and it blends superbly. The sunscreen is in-part titanium dioxide, and this comes in four gorgeous colors, each with a soft bronze tint. This can be used as a light-coverage all-over foundation, or you can choose a deeper shade to use as a natural-looking bronzer with added sunscreen.

Liquid Foundation w/ Sunscreen

Absolue BX Makeup Absolute Replenishing Radiant Makeup SPF 18 by Lancome - $57.00

Sub-brand: Absolue Premium Bx

Jar Packaging: No

Absolue BX Makeup Absolute Replenishing Radiant Makeup SPF 18 is one of Lancome’s most expensive foundations, and thankfully they got the sunscreen part right: it’s partly titanium dioxide so the UVA range is covered. Positioned as anti-aging makeup for mature skin, the only legitimate anti-aging element is the effective sunscreen. The “Bio-Network” of wild yam, sea algae, and other plant extracts cannot rejuvenate skin or increase its firmness. Even if these plants were the answer to forestalling that face-lift, the amount of them in this foundation is paltry. Taken on its merit of foundation alone, this has an exquisite, fluid texture that glides over skin. It provides almost full coverage and sets to an attractive satin-matte finish that won’t make dry skin look dull (that’s assuming you’ve taken pre-makeup steps to smooth over dry patches). Lancome claims this will not settle into lines, and for the most part, that’s true. Deep wrinkles will see some settling, but this does a good job of smoothing over superficial to moderate lines. Almost all of the shades are impressive, and there are options for fair to dark (but not very dark) skin tones. Be careful with Absolute Almond 310 and Absolute Almond 320 because both are slightly peach; Absolute Ecru 240 is noticeably peach and should be avoided; and Absolute Caramel 420 has a copper cast that limits its usage, but it may work for some dark skin tones. The Paula’s Pick rating has to do with this foundation’s attributes, not with its anti-aging claims or preferential use for those with mature skin (whatever mature means, as not everyone in the mature category has the same needs or preferences).

Age Defying Makeup with Botafirm SPF 15 by Revlon - $13.99

Sub-brand: Age Defying

Jar Packaging: No

Age Defying Makeup with Botafirm SPF 15 comes in two formulas, one for dry skin and one for normal/combination skin. Confusingly, the dry-skin formula lists talc as one of the main ingredients, though it provides a soft matte finish. In contrast, the normal/combination skin formula is more emollient, with a finish that’s almost matte. Both foundations provide broad-spectrum sun protection; the dry-skin formula has an in-part titanium dioxide sunscreen, while the normal/combination formula contains titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Texture- and application-wise, both formulas are equally wonderful. Which one you choose depends on the type of finish you prefer, because both provide seamless medium coverage without a heavy feel. Each foundation features 12 shades, and they tend to go on lighter than they appear in the bottle. The best news: With the exception of the too-peach Honey Beige (both formulas), there’s not a bad shade in the bunch, and there are options for light to dark (but not very fair or very dark) skin tones. Whether you choose the dry or the normal/combination skin formula, both of these foundations are best for normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin, but neither firms skin nor reduces the look of expression lines.

Active: Titanium Dioxide (7.7%), Octinoxate (3.5%), Other: Water, Dimethicone, Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate, Butylene Glycol, Isostearic Acid, Isocetyl Stearate, Nylon 12, Glycerin, Phenyl Trimethicone, Limnanthes Alba (Meadowfoam) Seed Oil, Triethanolamine, PEG-30 Glyceryl Cocoate, Acetyl Hexapeptide-8, Methoxypropylgluconamide, Pyrus Malus Fruit Extract (Apple), Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Hydrolyzed Glycosaminoglycans, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Extract, Centaurea Cyanus Flower Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract (Green Tea), Panax Ginseng Root Extact, Gingko Biloba Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate, Retinyl Palmitate, Panthenol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Propylene Glycol, Methicone, Pectin, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Soy Amino Acids, Cera Carnauba (Copernicia Cerifera Wax), Sorbitan Sesquioleate, Oleth-3 Phosphate, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Ceteth-10, Lecithin, Steareth-2, Alumina, Glyceryl Stearate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Xanthan Gum, Cellulose Gum, Methyldihydrojasmonate, Trisodium Edta, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Imidazoldinyl Urea, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxides, Mica, Ultramarines, Zinc Oxide

ColorStay Makeup with Softflex for Normal to Dry Skin SPF 15 by Revlon - $12.99

Sub-brand: ColorStay

Jar Packaging: No

ColorStay Makeup with Softflex for Normal to Dry Skin SPF 15 contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide for broad-spectrum sun protection, and although it’s not emollient enough to please those with dry skin, it has a beautiful satin-matte finish that feels slightly moist and provides medium to nearly full coverage (if layered). Those with dry skin looking for a long-wearing foundation with sunscreen will find that this pairs well with a moisturizer. This isn’t nearly as difficult to remove as the original ColorStay Makeup, and it’s much easier to blend because it is forgiving of any mistakes rather than setting and refusing to budge. There are 12 shades, and nearly all are praiseworthy. The only shades to avoid are the too-pink Fresh Beige and the slightly orange Cappuccino.

Active: Titanium Dioxide (4.4%), Zinc Oxide (2%), Other: Water, Cyclomethicone, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Butylene Glycol, Dimethicone, Cetyl PEG/PPG-10/1 Dimethicone, Polyglyceryl-4 Isostearate, HDI/Trimethol Hexyllactone Crosspolymer, Nylon 12, Phenyl Trimethicone, Magnesium Sulfate, Isododecane, Boron Nitride, Methicone, Laureth-7, Malva Sylvestris (Mallow) Extract, Lilium Candidum Bulb Extract, Lactobacillus/Eriodictyon Californicum Ferment Extract, Cymbidium Grandiflorum Flower Extract, Serica (Silk), Tocopherol Acetate, Retinyl Palmitate, Ethylene Brassylate, Tribehenin, Bisabolol, Silica, Alumina, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Dimethicone/Silsesquioxane Copolymer, Polysorbate 20, Polysorbate 80, Ammonium Polyacryloyldimethyl Taurate, Sorbitan Sesquioleate, Tetrasodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Mica, Iron Oxides, Titanium Dioxide, Bismuth Oxychloride, Zinc Oxide

Dewy Smooth Anti-Aging Makeup SPF 15 by Clinique - $22.50

Jar Packaging: No

Dewy Smooth Anti-Aging Makeup SPF 15 is definitely smooth, with a silky, silicone-based texture that feels amazing and blends without a hitch. Titanium dioxide is not only the sunscreen agent, but also lends an opacity that allows this makeup to provide medium to almost full coverage with a satin matte finish that feels slightly moist. This does not make skin look dewy or drenched in moisture, but it is still a great option for normal to dry skin. Beyond the sunscreen, there is nothing anti-aging about the formula. Ignore the marketing hype and you’ll be left with a superior foundation that comes in mostly gorgeous colors for very light to dark skin. Use caution with Beige Petal, which is slightly peach. By the way, although Repairwear Anti-Aging Makeup SPF 15 has more bells and whistles, Dewy Smooth is much easier to blend and doesn’t look as heavy, which makes it a better option.

Dual Balancing Foundation SPF 17 by Shiseido - $37.50

Jar Packaging: No

Dual Balancing Foundation SPF 17 is late to the game, as foundations proclaiming they can balance oily areas while providing moisture to dry spots have been around for years, most notably with Clinique’s Superbalanced Makeup and Estee Lauder Equalizer Foundation SPF 10. Shiseido’s balancing claims are just as out of whack as those of its predecessors, but the foundation itself exceeds them by offering superior sun protection (featuring in-part titanium dioxide) and a fluid, silky texture that applies like a second skin. Once blended, this sets to a natural matte finish that gives skin an attractive dimensional (rather than flat) quality. It’s well-suited for combination skin, but not because it is simultaneously controlling oil and maximizing moisture. You’ll net light to medium coverage and the selection of ten shades is promising. The following shades are noticeably pink or peach and best avoided: B40, B60, and I60.

Active: Octinoxate (1.9%), Titanium Dioxide (8.4%) Inactive: Water, Cyclomethicone, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Dimethicone, Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crossploymer, Dimethicone Copolyol, Bis-Butyldimethicone Polyglyceryl-3, Sorbitan Sesquiisostearate, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Sodium Glutamate, Peg/Ppg-14/7 Dimethyl Ether, Sodium Hyaluronate, Aluminum Hydroxide, Aluminum Distearate, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Polysilicone-2, Barium Sulfate, Bht, Alumina, Tocopherol, Phenoxyenthanol, Fragrance, Iron Oxides, Mica

Flawless Liquid Makeup SPF 15 by L’Oreal Paris - $13.00

Sub-brand: H.I.P. Makeup

Jar Packaging: No

Flawless Liquid Makeup SPF 15 is nearly identical to L’Oreal’s True Match Super Blendable Makeup SPF 17. The same comments for texture, application, finish, and UVA protection apply here, too. The difference is the more varied selection of shades for women of color, and these shades are a bit more intense (less is more, but don’t skimp too much if you’re relying on this as your sole source of sun protection). The 16 shades present options that favor medium to deep skin tones; there are no suitable shades for fair skin. The following shades are too peach, orange, or copper: Fawn, Terra, and Cappuccino (slightly orange; may work some tan skin tones). Mahogany is a beautiful shade for darker African-American skin tones. Last, but not least, the sunscreen is pure titanium dioxide.

Mat Lumiere Long Lasting Soft Matte Makeup SPF 15 by Chanel - $54.00

Jar Packaging: No

Mat Lumiere Long Lasting Soft Matte Makeup SPF 15 presents a new breed of matte-finish makeup; the only cons are how fleeting the matte-finish can be over oily areas. Otherwise, this fluid, ultra-smooth foundation is a pleasure to blend. It provides medium to almost full coverage and leaves skin looking what is best described as luminous matte. That means this isn’t as reflective or moist-feeling as foundations with a satin finish, but it also isn’t powdery matte like most traditional oil-free liquid foundations. This replaces Chanel’s Double Perfection Fluide Matte Reflecting Makeup SPF 15, which was the superior option for those with oily to very oily skin. Mat Lumiere is definitely a consideration for those with normal to slightly oily or slightly dry skin, and its sunscreen is pure titanium dioxide, which is excellent. Among the range of 11 shades are several beautiful options. Porcelaine 0.5 is great for fair skin, while Chestnut 8.0 is a very good dark shade. The shades to avoid due to overtones of orange or peach include Natural 4.0, Cedar 6.0, and Walnut 7.0. Ginger 3.0 and Soft Honey 5.0 are slightly peach, but may work for some medium to tan skin tones.

Repairwear Anti-Aging Makeup SPF 15 by Clinique - $28.50

Sub-brand: Repairwear

Jar Packaging: No

Repairwear Anti-Aging Makeup SPF 15 continues Clinique’s Repairwear lineup as the company’s first makeup to feature their so-called line-blocking, line-mending technology. Lines (wrinkles) will indeed be forestalled thanks to this foundation’s titanium dioxide sunscreen, but the “mending” part is open to interpretation. This makeup does contain many of the same antioxidants and skin-beneficial ingredients as Clinique’s Repairwear skin-care products, but just how much such ingredients will improve wrinkles is not established. As for the makeup itself, it is incorrectly described as “luxuriously moisturizing.” It has an initially creamy texture that smoothes over skin, blending to a satin matte finish, but it won’t thrill those with extremely dry skin, and ends up being far better for normal to moderately dry skin. Coverage is substantial, but with this level of camouflage the tradeoff is a makeup that looks (but doesn’t feel) heavier on skin. It would be an excellent choice for those battling redness from rosacea. Not only are such mineral-based sunscreens extra-gentle, but also the amount of coverage they offer (when combined with pigments) will tone down excess redness—assuming you choose your shades carefully. Clinique hit a stumbling block in regard to shades, however. Although there are some great choices among the 11 options, Porcelain Beige, Sand, and Nutty are too pink, rose, peach, or yellow to recommend, so choose carefully. This foundation does not include shades for dark skin, although Alabaster is an option for fair skin.

Select SPF 15 Moistureblend by M.A.C. - $29.00

Jar Packaging: No

Select SPF 15 Moistureblend gets everything right, from its elegantly creamy texture (those of you with dry to very dry skin, take note!) and soft glow finish to its brilliant, in-part zinc oxide sunscreen. Not a cream-to-powder makeup, but instead a plant oil–based creamy compact makeup, this blends superbly and is neither too greasy nor too slick. Coverage stays in the medium range (this isn’t an easy foundation to make sheer), but the finish keeps skin looking fresh and dimensional. The range of 23 shades is remarkably good, and includes options for all skin tones. The only shades to consider carefully is the slightly pink-to-peach NW30, and the obviously peach NW25.

Studio Sculpt SPF 15 Foundation by M.A.C. - $28.00

Jar Packaging: No

This creamy liquid foundation with an in-part titanium dioxide sunscreen doesn’t offer the user any greater sculpting abilities than any other foundation. Besides, it isn’t foundation that plays a large role in sculpting the face via makeup; that type of detailing is done with contouring, blush, and eyeshadow placement (plus proper blending). Aside from the name, as a foundation with sunscreen, this is a workable option for those with normal to slightly dry or oily skin. It dispenses somewhat thick at first, but softens as it warms to skin temperature. Application is smooth and even, and this provides no less than medium coverage (you can get nearly full coverage if needed). It finishes satin matte with a powdery feel, and does a reasonable job of keeping shine in check. Another attribute of this foundation is its long-wearing, tenacious nature. It holds up really well if you perspire (those in humid climates, take note) and requires more than a water-soluble cleanser when you’re ready to remove it. As usual, M.A.C’s shade range is extensive and mostly impeccable; there are equally good options for fair to dark skin tones. The shades to avoid due to overtones of orange, peach, or copper are NC45, NW30, NW35, and NW45. The NC35 shade is slightly peach but workable for medium skin tones. Studio Sculpt SPF 15 Foundation deserves a Paula’s Pick for its sunscreen, long-wearing nature, and blending ease. The formula also contains some antioxidants, but it isn’t packaged so they’ll remain stable during use unless you keep the translucent tube away from light.

Active: Octinoxate 7%; Titanium Dioxide 2%, Other: Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Octyldodecyl Neopentanoate, PEG/PPG-18/18 Dimethicone, Polymethylsilesquioxane, Isostearic Acid, C4-24 Alkyl Dimethicone/Divinylmethicone Crosspolymer, Isononyl Isononanoate, Tamarindus Indica Seed Extract, Tocopherol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Sodium Hyaluronate, Haberlea Rhodopensis Leaf Extract, Beta Vulgaris (Beet) Root Extract, Shea Butter, Yeast Extract, Quercus Suber Bark Extract, Phytantriol, Dextrin Palmitate, Dextrin Palmitate/Ethylhexanoate, Cellulose Gum, Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate, Xanthan Gum, Dimethicone, Methicone, Propylene Carbonate, Sodium Chloride, Palmitic Acid, Polyglyceryl-4 Isostearate, Cetyl PEG/PPG -10/1 Dimethicone, Hexyl Laurate, Polymethyl Methacrylate, Octyldodecyl PCA, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Stearic Acid, Caprylyl Glycol, Dipropylene Glycol, Phenoxyethanol, Aluminum Stearate, Hexylene Glycol.
May Contain: Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxides, Chromium Oxide Greens

Powder Foundation w/ Sunscreen

Almost Powder Makeup SPF 15 by Clinique - $22.50

Jar Packaging: No

Almost Powder Makeup SPF 15 has a buttery smooth texture that slips on like a second skin and blends to a seamless satin-matte finish with a hint of sparkling shine. This feels incredibly light for a pressed-powder foundation capable of sheer to medium coverage, and you get brilliant sun protection from 13% titanium dioxide (in addition, there’s a synthetic sunscreen active, something you don’t typically see in a product being sold as mineral makeup). Almost all eight shades are soft and neutral; Deep Honey may be to orange for some skin tones, while Deep is slightly ash, probably due to the amount of titanium dioxide. Deep Golden is best for tan skin tones, which is about as dark as the shade range goes. Whether applied with a sponge for medium coverage or a brush for a sheer look, this is an outstanding powder foundation with sunscreen.

Compact Foundation SPF 15 by Shiseido - $29.50

Jar Packaging: No

Compact Foundation SPF 15 has an application that’s more sheer than Shiseido's Powdery Foundation due to a reduced level of talc. The sunscreens are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which makes this an effective, gentle option for those with sensitive skin. This pressed-powder foundation has an inordinately light texture that applies smoothly and provides a sheer matte finish. It can be difficult to pick up enough powder to obtain meaningful coverage, so this functions best when applied over a sunscreen or foundation with sunscreen rated SPF 15 or higher. The shades have improved considerably since last reviewed; among the ten options, only three should be avoided due to their strong pink tone: B20, B40, and B60. The Ochre range is ideal for those with olive skin.
DiorSkin Forever Compact Flawless & Moist Extreme Wear Makeup SPF 25 by Dior - $42.00

Sub-brand: DiorSkin

Jar Packaging: No

DiorSkin Forever Compact Flawless & Moist Extreme Wear Makeup SPF 25 is a terrific, mica-based pressed-powder foundation with an in-part titanium dioxide sunscreen. This applies easily, feels wonderfully silky, and leaves a sheer matte finish that can provide sheer to light coverage. That means you can add this to the very short list of pressed powders with sunscreen that not only blend like a second skin, but also come in a gorgeous range of neutral shades, though there are no options for dark skin. Note: Each shade applies lighter than it appears in the compact, and Dark Beige 050 may be too peach for some tan skin tones. All skin types can use this foundation with success.

STM Perfect Smoothing Compact Foundation SPF 15 by Shiseido - $30.00

Jar Packaging: No

Shiseido rarely produces a product with sunscreen that does not provide adequate UVA protection, and they don’t disappoint with this pressed powder foundation and its sole active ingredient of titanium dioxide. The powdery texture is exceptionally silky and leaves skin looking beautifully smooth and polished rather than dry. The satin matte finish is laced with subtle sparkles that are not distracting for daytime wear. You can get sheer to light coverage that never looks powdery and the formula blends seamlessly. All but one of the shades is stellar, and each goes on more neutral than it looks (which is good, because some of them appear too peachy-gold in the compact). Only #060 may be too gold for some medium skin tones; the rest are highly recommended to those looking for a powder with reliable sunscreen. This foundation is suitable for all skin types except very oily.

Sun Protection Compact Foundation SPF 34 PA+++ by Shiseido - $25.50

Jar Packaging: No

Sun Protection Compact Foundation SPF 34 PA+++ is a talc-based pressed-powder foundation that includes an in-part titanium dioxide sunscreen for sufficient UVA protection. It has a smooth texture that’s drier than normal, but that’s to be expected given the amount of titanium dioxide. What counts beyond sun protection is the natural matte finish this powder leaves while providing sheer to light coverage. All seven shades apply more neutral than they appear in the compact, so don’t reject a particular color without trying it first—you may be surprised.

Stick Foundation w/ Sunscreen
City Stick SPF 15 by Clinique - $22.00

Jar Packaging: No

This is a very good stick foundation to consider and the SPF is excellent, with pure titanium dioxide as the only active ingredient. The coverage is sheer to medium, with a definite silky powder finish. As is true for any cream-to-powder foundation, the powder element can be drying for someone with dry skin, and the cream part can be greasy for someone with combination to oily skin, so that makes this one best for those with normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin. Of the five shades, the only one to watch out for is Beige Twist, which can be too peach for most skin tones.

Active: Titanium Dioxide 4%. Other: Cyclopentasiloxane, Isodecyl Isononanoate, Phenyl Trimethicone, HDI/Trimethoylhexyllactone Crosspolymer, Polyethylene, Trimethoxysiloxysilicate, Candelilla Wax, Tocopheryl Acetate, Ceresin, Ozokerite, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Lauryl PCA, Oryzanol, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Sterol, Palmitic Acid, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Stearyl Glycyrrhetinate, Linoleic Acid, Dimethicone

Stick Foundation SPF 15 by Shiseido - $37.50

Jar Packaging: No

Stick Foundation SPF 15 has a wonderfully smooth, light texture and a titanium dioxide sunscreen that blends on with ease, builds from sheer to almost full coverage, and dries to an absorbent powder finish thanks to the amount of clay it contains. It’s best for someone with normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin, since several waxes in it can be problematic for those with breakouts and/or oily skin. Among the shades, avoid B20, which is quite pink, and the noticeably peach B60 and I60. The I00 shade is a beautiful option for someone with very fair skin.

Studio Stick Foundation SPF 15 by M.A.C. - $29.00

Jar Packaging: No

Studio Stick Foundation SPF 15 is a stick foundation that includes an in-part titanium dioxide sunscreen for UVA protection. It has a silky, initially creamy texture that allows ample playtime before it sets, providing light to medium coverage. This layers well for additional coverage over more obvious imperfections; it also can be sheered out, but keep in mind that doing so will reduce the amount of sun protection. As usual, M.A.C.’s shade selection is mostly top-notch; among the 18 options to consider only two shades should be avoided—NC40 and NC45 can be too peach for most skin tones. As with all foundations of this type, the ingredients that keep the product in stick form can be potentially problematic for blemish-prone or very oily skin. Studio Stick Foundation is ideal for normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin. Just make sure any dry areas are smoothed before applying, because this foundation’s somewhat powdery finish will not be kind to them.

Tinted Moisturizer
Almost Makeup SPF 15 by Clinique - $20.50

Jar Packaging: No

Almost Makeup SPF 15 is a very sheer foundation with a broad-spectrum titanium dioxide sunscreen, making it ideal for sensitive skin. It is definitely not akin to traditional foundation, and is available in several great shades, although it lacks a color for dark skin. The product’s moist finish is best for normal to dry skin.

Active: Titanium Dioxide (7.6%), Other: Purified Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Octyldodecyl Neopentanoate, Glyceryl Stearate, Dimethicone, Butylene Glycol, Quaternium-90 Bentonite, Peg/Ppg-18/18 Dimethicone, Polyglyceryl-2 Sesquiisostearate, Talc, Lauric Acid, Polymethyl Methacrylate, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Bisabolol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Cholesterol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Caprylyl Glycol, Peg-10 Dimethicone, Trifluoromethyl C1-4 Alkyl Dimethicone, Cellulose Gum, Dimethiconol, Propylene Carbonate, Peg-12 Distearate, Polyglyceryl-4 Isostearate, Hexyl Laurate, Cetyl Peg/Ppg-10/1 Dimethicone, Barium Sulfate, Alumina, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Disodium Edta, Bht, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Isopropylparaben, Isobutylparaben, +/- May Contain: Mica, Iron Oxides, Titanium Dioxide

DayWear Plus Multi Protection Anti-Oxidant Moisturizer Sheer Tint Release Formula SPF 15, for All Skin Types by Estee Lauder - $38.50/1.7 ounces

Sub-brand: DayWear

Jar Packaging: No

As you smooth on this light lotion, it transforms before your eyes into a sheer tint that evens and illuminates every skin tone. Gives skin a fresh new glow. This formula actively shields skin from the multiple assaults of the environment to help prevent lines before they appear—so your skin looks younger longer.

DayWear Plus Multi Protection Anti-Oxidant Moisturizer Sheer Tint Release Formula SPF 15, for All Skin Types has an in-part avobenzone sunscreen, which makes for great UVA protection from this lightly emollient lotion. The soft tan tint looks great over a variety of skin tones, and is a believable color for those with fair skin if they want to pull off a slightly tan look. Coverage is sparse, and, like the other DayWear Plus products, this includes a nice array of antioxidants and some cell-communicating ingredients. Lauder’s opaque tube packaging for this product ensures that the antioxidants remain stable. Although the sunscreen is the same, the base formulation is different from those of the other DayWear Plus products, and is best for normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin.

Active: Octinoxate (7.5%), Octisalate (5%), Avobenzone (2%), Other: Water Purified, Dimethicone, Caprylic/Capric/Myristic/Stearic Triglyceride, Cyclopentasiloxane, Butylene Glycol, Cetyl Ricinoleate, Steareth-2, Di-C12-15 Alkyl Fumarate, Polysilicone-11, Pentylene Glycol, Steareth-21, Aspalathus Linearis (Red Tea) Leaf Extract, Camellia Sinensis (White Tea) Leaf Extract, Coffea Arabica (Coffee) Seed Extract, Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract, Betula Alba (Birch) Bark Extract, Laminaria Ochroleuca Extract, Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract, Saccharomyces Lysate Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Extract, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Extract, Ethylbisiminomethylguaiacol Manganese Chloride, Cholesterol, Phospholipids, Maltodextrin, Ascorbyl Tocopheryl Maleate, Cyclodextrin, Sodium Hyaluronate, Trehalose, Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid, Palmitoyl Hydroxypropyltrimonium Amylopectin/Glycerin Crosspolymer, Pantethine, Linolenic Acid, Oryzanol, Lecithin, Squalane, Linoleic Acid, Glycerin, Sodium Pca, Urea, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Polyethylene, Isopropyl Myristate, Behenyl Alcohol, Sodium Carbomer, Tromethamine, Stearyl Alcohol, Pvp/Hexadecene Copolymer, Polymethyl Methacrylate, Polyquaternium-51, Carbomer, Fragrance, Linalool, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Benzyl Salicylate, Disodium Edta, Benzyl Alcohol, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Dehydroacetate, Benzoic Acid, Chlorphenesin, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben, Isopropylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxides

DayWear Plus Multi Protection Tinted Moisturizer SPF 15 by Estee Lauder - $35.00/1.7 ounces

Sub-brand: DayWear

Jar Packaging: No

DayWear Plus Multi Protection Tinted Moisturizer SPF 15 combines an in-part avobenzone sunscreen with an antioxidant-rich lotion that’s beautifully suited for normal to dry skin. Coverage is sheer, just as it is for most tinted moisturizers, while the finish is satinlike. What makes this Lauder moisturizer different is the very good assortment of skin-friendly ingredients that take it above and beyond what some other tinted moisturizers with sunscreen provide. Among the four neutral-to-yellow shades, the only tricky one is Medium, and even that is still worth trying to see if it works for you.

No7 Soft & Sheer Tinted Moisturiser SPF 15 by Boots - $11.99/1.69 ounces

Sub-brand: No7

Jar Packaging: No

Enhance your natural beauty with this translucent colour. The sheer wash of barely there colour will give you a radiant natural glow and even out your skintone. It contains SPF15 sunscreen to help protect your skin from the ageing effects of the sun and moisturises for up to 12 hours.

No7 Soft & Sheer Tinted Moisturiser SPF 15 is a great find for those with normal to dry skin! Titanium dioxide is partially responsible for UVA protection, while the creamy-smooth texture applies and blends beautifully, providing sheer coverage and a fresh, moist finish. All three shades are recommended.

Active: Octinoxate (5%), Titanium Dioxide (1.9%), Other: Water, Glycerin, Butylene glycol, C12-15 alkyl benzoate, Cyclopentasiloxane, Glycerine stearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Dimethicone, Petrolatum, Paraffinum Liquidum (Mineral oil), Mica, Polyethylene glycol-100 Stearate, Cyclohexasiloxane, C18-36 acid glycol ester, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Sodium stearoyl lactylate, Polyacrylamide, Propylparaben, Xanthan gum, Sodium polycrylate, Alumina, C13-14 isoparaffin, Talc, Tetrasodium Edta, Laureth-7, Butylated Hydroxytoluene, + / - May contain: Titanium dioxide, iron oxide

Тональные основы с защитой от УФ для жирной и нормальной кожи

Cream Foundation w/ Suncreen

ColorStay Mineral Mousse Makeup SPF 20 by Revlon - $13.99

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Sub-brand: ColorStay

Jar Packaging: No

The sunscreen actives in this foundation are mineral-based, which is typical of Revlon, even in their foundations not labeled as “mineral.” This ends up being a very silky, easy-to-blend foundation with a lasting matte finish that’s ideal for oily skin. It provides sheer to light coverage and has a silky-smooth, natural affinity for skin. True to its name, it has a mousse-like texture, but not the foamy kind you may equate with standard hairstyling mousse; this is more like a soft pudding. All of the shades are recommended; even the questionable ones for medium skin tones go on softer and more neutral than you might expect. There are no options for very fair or dark skin tones.

Active: Titanium Dioxide 3.8%; Zinc Oxide 2%. Inactive: Dimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Isododecane, PEG/PPG-19/19 Dimethicone, Water, Caprylyl Methicone, Trisiloxane, Silica, HDI/Trimethylol Hexyllactone Crosspolymer, Adipic Acid/Neopentylglycol Crosspolymer, Silica Silyate, Cyclohexasiloxane, Mother of Pearl, Topaz, Quartz, Cymbidum Grandflorum Flower Extract, Lactobacillus Ferment Extract, Lilium Candidum Bulb Extract, Malva Sylvestris (Mallow) Extract, Serica (Silk), Tocopherol Acetate, Dimethicone/Silsesquioxane Copolymer, Alumina, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Glycerin, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Trihydroxystearin, Methicone, Alcohol Denatured, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Ammonium Polyacryloyldimethyl Taurate, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Polysorbate 20, Polysorbate 80, Ethylene Brassylate, Caprylyl Glycol, 1, 2-Hexanediol
May Contain: Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxides

Cream-to-Powder Foundation w/ Sunscreen

Flawless Skin Protecting Foundation SPF 25 by The Body Shop - $25.00

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Jar Packaging: No

This is a cream-to-powder foundation that has a more powdery finish than other foundation options in this category. Those with normal to oily skin will find this foundation’s formula works quite well, providing medium coverage and a natural-looking matte finish. Add to that the sun protection provided by the in-part titanium dioxide sunscreen and this foundation is a home run. The shade range favors those with light to medium-dark skin tones, but all of the options are good.

Active: Titanium Dioxide (14.48%), Octinoxate (7.5%), Other: Phenyl Trimethicone, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Lauryl Laurate, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate, Polyglyceryl-3 Beeswax, Cetearyl Ethylhexanoate, Polymethyl Methacrylate, Methyl Methacrylate Crosspolymer, Copernicia Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax, Cyclomethicone, Trimethylsiloxysilicate, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Hdi/Trimethylol Hexyllactone Crosspolymer, Adansonia Digitata Seed Oil, Sclerocarya Birrea (Marula) Oil, Zinc Oxide, Ozokerite, Lauroyl Lysine, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Ascorbic Acid, Octyl Hydroxystearate, Polysilicone-11, Tocopherol. May Contain: Titanium Dioxide, Mica, Iron Oxides

Superbalanced Compact Makeup SPF 20 by Clinique - $28.00

Excellent / Pricey
Jar Packaging: No

Superbalanced Compact Makeup SPF 20 is a beautiful cream-to-powder foundation with a brilliant in-part zinc oxide sunscreen. As with all cream-to-powders, this is best for someone with normal to slightly oily skin. The matte, slightly powdery finish of Superbalanced Compact Makeup SPF 20 will magnify any dry areas, so if that’s an issue be sure to moisturize before application. This foundation blends easily and builds from sheer to medium coverage that does not appear heavy. Its soft, creamy texture sets quickly and feels very light on skin. There are 11 mostly stellar shades, including options for fair and dark (but not very dark) skin. The only shades to use caution with are Warm Buff (slightly peach) and Cream Chamois (slightly peach). Although it cannot make good on its claim to control oil and hydrate dry areas, this is still an exceptional choice if you prefer cream-to-powder makeup with sunscreen.

*обращаю внимание, что внутри категории "Тональные основы" в бьютипедии они еще подразделяются на разные по консистенции. Девочки, если что-то не очень понятно, нужно перевести - не стесняйтесь спрашивать у меня или друг у друга.

**Если вы не смогли найти что-то из списка, а очень надо -тоже спрашивайте, попробуем подобрать для вас тот же вид продукта из оцененных экспертами как "очень хорошие". Тут я выкладываю только те, которые имеют оценки "отлично".

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Компактные пудры с защитой от УФ

Pressed Powder w/ Sunscreen

Anew Beauty Age-Transforming Pressed Powder SPF 15 by Avon - $12.00

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Sub-brand: Anew

Jar Packaging: No

This mica-based powder (it also contains a small amount of talc) provides great sun protection with its in-part titanium dioxide and zinc oxide sunscreen. It has a silky, dry texture yet a very smooth application that blends well and provides more coverage than a standard pressed powder. Given the amount of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, the finish feels matte, but the mica lends a soft sheen so your skin isn’t left looking flat or dull. This doesn’t soften the look of lines and wrinkles any better than other highly rated powders, but it doesn’t exaggerate them either. Most of the six shades are commendable and will work for fair to tan skin tones. Nude Beige is slightly peach, while Dark Beige tends to go on a bit orange and looks slightly ash once blended. This pressed powder with sunscreen is best for normal to dry skin, and it is fragrance-free.

Pureness Matifying Compact Oil-Free SPF 16 by Shiseido - $20.00

Excellent / Pricey
Sub-brand: Pureness

Jar Packaging: No

Pureness Matifying Compact Oil-Free SPF 16 is a slam-dunk recommendation for those with oily to very oily skin looking for an absorbent, matte-finish pressed powder with sun protection. The actives are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide (which are quite absorbent on their own), and the talc-based formula applies well despite feeling too dry. All six shades are recommended.

Бальзамы для губ (бесцветные) и помады с защитой от УФ

Lip Balm With Sunscreen

Lip Protector Sunscreen SPF 15 by Mary Kay - $7.50/.16 ounce

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Sub-brand: Sun Care

Jar Packaging: No

This little stick packs a lot of protection. Exclusively formulated with beneficial moisturizers and antioxidants, Mary Kay Lip Protector Sunscreen SPF 15 helps keep lips protected and guarded from the drying effects of sun and wind. Glides on for invisible protection and helps seal in moisture so lips feel soft and supple. Use it alone or under lipstick or lip gloss. Waterproof.

Lip Protector Sunscreen SPF 15 combines an in-part zinc oxide sunscreen with petrolatum and other lip-smoothing emollients and antioxidant soybean oil along with vitamin E. This smart lip balm is a beautiful option for keeping lips smooth and protected year-round. The addition of yellow coloring agents helps offset the slight white cast from the zinc oxide, a thoughtful touch.

Active: Octinoxate (7.5%), Zinc Oxide (3.395%), Oxybenzone (3%), Other:
Petrolatum, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Pentaerythrityl Tetraisostearate, Ozokerite, Ceresin, Cetyl Alcohol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Polyhydroxystearic Acid, Tocopherol, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Yellow 5 Lake, Yellow 6 Lake

Sport Performance Lip Balm SPF 50 by Banana Boat - $2.99/.02 ounce

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Sub-brand: Sport Performance

Jar Packaging: No

Claim: Sport Performance Lip Balm SPF 50 helps prevent sun- and wind-chapped lips while you play. Apply this balm for moisture and protection to your face's most sensitive skin: your lips.

More lips balms with reliable broad-spectrum sun protection are needed, and here’s an excellent one to add to your list. UVA protection is assured from avobenzone, and the emollient, balm-like base is ideal for keeping lips protected from chapping and moisture loss. It is fragrance-free and it’s flavored with the artificial sweetener saccharin.

Active: Avobenzone (2%), Octocrylene (10%), Oxybenzone (6%) Other: Petrolatum, Polyethylene, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Trimethylsiloxyphenyl Dimethicone, Microcrystalline Wax, Isopropyl Myristate, Cocoa Seed Butter, Peg-8, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate, Ascorbic Acid, Retinyl Palmitate, Silica, Caprylyl Glycol, Sodium Saccharin, Propylparaben, Butylparaben

Sun Protection Lip Treatment SPF 36 PA++ by Shiseido - $20.00/.14 ounce

Excellent / Pricey
Jar Packaging: No

A highly nourishing lip balm that defends against powerful UVA/UVB rays while ensuring optimal moisture balance. Glides on smoothly to give lips softness and luminosity without any filmy residue or sensation of heaviness. Replenishes moisture instantly to reverse dryness and protect against loss of radiance. May be worn alone or under lipstick.

Sun Protection Lip Treatment SPF 36 PA++ is a very good lip sunscreen that includes an in-part titanium dioxide sunscreen and emollients to keep lips soft and smooth. The added bonus of an antioxidant and anti-irritant make this even better.

Active: Octinoxate (7.4%), Titanium Dioxide (5%), Other: Trioctanoin, Polyglyceryl-2 Triisostearate, Triisostearin, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Polyethylene, Peg/Ppg-36/41 Dimethyl Ether, Microcrystalline Wax, Stearyl Glycyrrhetinate, Glutathione, Zinc Myristate, Thiotaurine, Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate, Tocopherol, Diisostearyl Malate, Sodium Magnesium Silicate, Glycerin, Bht, Fragrance

Suntints SPF 20 Liquid Lip Balm by M.A.C. - $14.50

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Jar Packaging: No

This is an excellent way to add sheer color and glossy shine to lips while protecting them from sun damage. The active ingredients include avobenzone for sufficient UVA protection, which is a big plus. Suntints is packaged in a squeeze tube and glides on with a soft emollient texture that is minimally sticky. This stays on lips quite well because it isn’t slippery, and the colors go on translucent. Consider this a winning lip product!

Tinted Lip Balm Sunscreen SPF 15 by Mary Kay - $13.00

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Jar Packaging: No

This is a superior tinted lip balm with sunscreen. UVA protection is assured from zinc oxide, and it’s accompanied by other sunscreen actives (based on the percentage of actives alone, this likely could’ve earned a much higher SPF rating). The smooth, emollient texture has a slight waxy feel and imparts sheer color with a soft gloss finish. Speaking of the shades, all of them are great! This is highly recommended for those looking to combine sun protection and color for lips.

Lipstick with Sunscreen

Aqualumiere Sheer Colour Lipshine SPF 15 by Chanel - $28.50

Excellent / Pricey
Jar Packaging: No

Aqualumiere Sheer Colour Lipshine SPF 15 is one of a handful of lipsticks whose sunscreen offers adequate UVA protection. This features an in-part avobenzone sunscreen in a silky, weightless, but still creamy-feeling lipstick. All of the colors are gorgeous, though none are all that sheer. For a medium-coverage lipstick with an effective sunscreen, this wins high marks. If only the price weren’t so “Chanel.” Watch out for the shades with large glitter particles, as these tend to feel grainy as the lipstick wears off. However, to maintain sun protection, you should be reapplying it often anyway, especially if you are spending more than a couple of hours outdoors.

High Impact Lipstick SPF 15 by Clinique - $14.00

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Jar Packaging: No

This cream lipstick comes with the selling point of having it all, and Clinique is almost right. I am thrilled that the sunscreen is in-part zinc oxide, so broad-spectrum protection is assured (If only Clinique would follow suit with their other lipsticks and glosses with sunscreen!). This also has a beautifully creamy texture that feels neither greasy nor thick. It sets to a soft cream finish and provides medium coverage. Where they went slightly astray, at least in terms of the “have it all” claim, is that the colors aren’t full coverage, which compromises their longevity. Most of them have a good stain, but this will wear off the same as most cream lipsticks—it won’t maintain a just-applied look for eight hours, even if you avoid lipstick-wrecking activities such as eating and drinking. However, taken as a creamy lipstick with effective sunscreen, there is no question this wins high marks, and the shade range is wonderful. Those who love cool-toned red shades should check out Red-y to Wear!

Mineral Makeup

Отдельно про минеральный макияж. Сейчас это очень популярный тренд и, надо сказать, небезосновательно. Производители, как обычно, обещают гораздо больше пользы, чем оно там есть на самом деле, но факт остается фактом – минеральный мэйкап имеет в составе и УФ-фильтры, и антибактериальные ингредиенты, и антиоксиданты. К тому же он хорошо ложится на кожу, смотрится натурально, не создавая слишком сильного неестественного блеска.

Вот некоторые лучшие продукты этой категории.

Mineral Blush (румяна)

Bare Naturale Gentle Mineral Blush by L’Oreal Paris - $15.25

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Sub-brand: Bare Naturale

Jar Packaging: No

Bare Naturale Gentle Mineral Blush is a loose powder blush that is talc-based (remember, talc is a mineral, too—so you can think of this in the mineral makeup category) and has an airy, gossamer texture that looks beautiful and blends superbly. The workable, built-in brush sweeps on a sheer layer of color and imparts a glowing (not sparkling or distracting) finish to perk up the complexion. The shade selection isn’t large, but each is worth considering if you don’t want a matte finish blush. Best of all, this formula doesn’t feel or make skin look dry or flat, and layers well if you wish to build more color.

Skin Loving Minerals Fresh Glow Baked Mineral Blush by Prestige Cosmetics - $11.99

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Jar Packaging: No

This emollient-rich powder blush is best for normal to dry skin not prone to blemishes. It applies smooth and sheer, and requires several layers if you want stronger color. If sheer blush with a radiant glow finish is what you want, this is a great product to consider; all of the shades are attractive and suitable for fair to medium skin tones. One more thing: Don’t buy this simply because of the word minerals in the name, as the minerals are barely present. Plus, minerals aren’t an essential element for choosing the best makeup products, nor are they particularly skin-loving, unless we’re talking about minerals that provide broad-spectrum sun protection!

Mineral Eyeshadow (Тени)

Mineral Eye Color by Mary Kay - $6.50

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Sub-brand: Mary Kay

Jar Packaging: No

Talc is the main mineral in these sold-singly powder eyeshadows. Talc is not a bad thing—quite the contrary—most other minerals have a drier texture that hinders smooth application, and that’s not the case here. Their previous powder eyeshadows (which this is very similar to) were also enviably silky. The matte shades include Sweet Pink, Hazelnut, Silky Caramel, Coal, Espresso, Cinnabar, and Raisin; soft shine shades include Spun Silk and Ivy Garden. The remaining shades are very shiny, though the shine does cling well. Avoid the too-purple Iris and too-blue Denim Frost, and watch out for the very shiny shades if your eyelid is wrinkled. Purchased individually, these powder tablets arrive enclosed in a handy plastic case. If you opt to purchase the Mary Kay Compact, it can house up to six eyeshadows.

Skin Loving Minerals Baked Shadow Quad Mineral Eyeshadow by Prestige Cosmetics - $9.99

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Jar Packaging: No

This collection of eyeshadow quads includes mostly sensible color combinations, although none of them contain a shade dark enough to work well as powder eyeliner. If that’s not a concern, these have a beautifully smooth texture that applies evenly (if a bit sheer) and imparts a moderate shimmer finish. The shimmer stays in place well, and because the powder meshes with skin rather than looking like it’s just sitting on top of it, the effect is flattering if your eyelid area is taut and unlined. By the way, the minerals in this eyeshadow formula are the same as those used in most powder eyeshadows, so the marketing distinction is simply to capitalize on a trend.

Mineral Foundation

Mineral Powder Foundation by Mary Kay - $18.00

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Sub-brand: Mary Kay

Jar Packaging: No

This is technically not on a par with “standard” mineral makeup because the main ingredient is talc. The irony is that talc is a mineral, yet that doesn’t stop most mineral makeup brands from avoiding its use due to unfounded health concerns. Mary Kay has crafted a loose-powder foundation with a superior smooth texture that feels almost creamy and blends beautifully. What you will get with this foundation is an initially sheer application with light to medium coverage (depending on how you layer it) that’s not nearly as heavy as that from several other mineral foundations. It also won’t give your face that “glow” or sparkling shine that mineral foundations are well known for (which may not be the best for someone with oily skin who might want a more a matte appearance from their powder application). The application brush (sold separately) does a respectable job, although the bristles are a bit stiff and I suspect many women will prefer a softer powder brush, which works far better for applying foundations like this one. The six shades are mostly impressive, neutral options. Bronze 1 will be too peach for most medium to tan skin tones, but Bronze 2 is a winner. If you’re curious to try a mineral foundation and don’t mind the mess they can cause (it is loose powder, after all, and Mary Kay doesn’t offer a tidy component), this is highly recommended as one of the best available, most notably for how great it looks on skin. As is the case with all mineral-type foundations, it can make dry skin or dry spots look worse unless they’re sufficiently prepped with moisturizer (and you must allow the moisturizer to absorb, or the powder will grab in spots and look uneven).

Mineral Powder

Ageless Minerale Perfecting and Setting Mineral Powder with White Sapphire Complex by Lancome - $36.00

Excellent / Pricey
Jar Packaging: No

This loose powder is designed to set Lancome’s Ageless Minerale Mineral Powder Foundation. When I learned that was the intent, I asked the salesperson why a person needs a loose powder to set another loose powder. Isn’t one powder enough? She explained that the Perfecting and Setting Mineral Powder is designed to give the Mineral Powder Foundation an airbrushed, buffed look. In other words, the Mineral Powder Foundation isn’t good enough on its own. Sigh. Overlooking Lancome’s reason behind this powder, it’s actually a very silky, sheer setting powder that leaves an attractive satin finish on skin. The pale flesh tone is supposed to be translucent, but is too white for tan to dark skin tones. This is very similar to L’Oreal’s Bare Naturale Soft-Focus Mineral Finish powder, except that L’Oreal’s version is half the price of Lancome’s. If you have a light skin tone and normal to dry skin, this is a very good setting powder to consider.

Bare Naturale Soft-Focus Mineral Finish by L’Oreal Paris - $15.25

Excellent (a Paulas Pick!)
Sub-brand: Bare Naturale

Jar Packaging: No

Bare Naturale Soft-Focus Mineral Finish is a talc-free loose powder available in one shade (Translucent). The mineral part comes from the sodium-calcium-magnesium silicate base, and it lends this sheer finishing powder a soft, nearly weightless texture that perfects without looking dry or flat. This does a great job of making skin look better without making it look made-up, and the color works for most fair to medium skin tones. The built-in brush applicator, though stubby, is better than average. I could see using this for evening makeup or for touching up instead of using regular powder; however, the component doesn’t lend itself to being slipped into an evening bag.

Mineralize Skinfinish by M.A.C. - $26.50

Excellent / Pricey
Sub-brand: Mineralize

Jar Packaging: No

Mineralize Skinfinish is a sheer, talc-based pressed powder that looks wonderfully natural on skin. It’s almost impossible to make this powder look heavy, thick, or dry. Those with normal to dry skin will appreciate the slight sheen this leaves behind (and remember, talc is a mineral, too, so M.A.C.’s name for this product is accurate). All four shades are neutral and highly recommended, but there are no options for very dark skin tones.

1 відвідувач подякували Aurora_Borealis за цей допис
16 Жов 2009 09:42
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16 Окт 2009 09:51 lu_alex писав(ла):
Лучше подожду. В наших аптеках я не нашла ни ретиноевую мазь, ни дифферин, ни Ретин-А, только Скинорен, поэтому и пользуюсь им.

Тогда схема для Вас будет такой:
1. Очищение
2. Солнцезащитное средство

1. Очищение
2. Скинорен
3. Крем или сыворотка для тех участков лица, которые кажутся Вам сухими (щеки, область век и т.д.)

Не надо пока использовать ретиноиды и тем более не надо использовать жирный масляный раствор витамина А на кожу лица -вы нагрузите свою кожу и создадите ей больше проблем.

Из кислот используются либо азелаиновая (скинорен) либо альфа-бета-кислоты. Использовать их одновременно не рекомендуется.

Что касается скинорена -есть исследования, которые показывают, что он стимулирует обновление кожи не хуже изотретиноина (хотя иным способом). Поэтому я бы не советовала совмещать эти два средства. Первое время уж точно. Ваша кожа нормально переносит скинорен?

Если получится купить что-то с изотретиноином или адапаленом (я вообще удивлена, что в Киеве ничего нет), тогда Вы сможете применять другую схему, но сначала хотя бы месяц используйте эту -понаблюдайте за кожей.

На заметку всем. Если вы хотите оценить каково действие того или иного крема/средства, то вы сможете это сделать не раньше, чем через 2-4 недели регулярного применения.
Это то самое примерное время, за которое верхние слои кожи успевают обновиться.
Поэтому. Выбрав одну из схем ухода, обсуждаемых тут или в другом месте, или применяя одно из средств, но не замечая улучшений в первые три дня -не стоит кидаться к другим средствам! (если нет ухудшения или аллергической реакции, разумеется).
И метание между разными продуктами - типа сегодня скинорен, а завтра альфакислота, сегодня -крем с этими липосомами, а завтра с гиалуронкой - смысла не имеет.

Я вот вам всё это говорю -а видели бы вы какие я эксперименты ставила на своей коже, когда изучала всё это. Белые сенсоры меня задушили бы прям на месте

16 Окт 2009 09:51 lu_alex писав(ла):
На счет 5 пункта.У меня пигментации на лице нет, просто широкие поры, иногда пара прищей. Значит мне отбеливание не нужно? Или допускается иногда, для профилактики?

Если Вы регулярно используете азелаиновую кислоту -у Вас так и так будет исчезать несильная пигментация. А профилактически отбеливание проводить не надо, конечно Отбеливание - это вообще довольно агрессивная процедура, она требуется только в случаях каких-то серьезных проявлений.

И ещё. Нельзя рассматривать кожу отдельно от всего остального организма. Ну это я просто так напомнила

1 відвідувач подякували Aurora_Borealis за цей допис
16 Жов 2009 17:09
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Итак, мы закончили с утренним/дневным уходом, и теперь переходим к более ответственному и эффективному в плане регулярного применения - вечернему.


Шаг 1.Очищение кожи

Этот шаг, само собой, ничем не отличается от такого же в утренней схеме, но у многих к нему добавляется удаление макияжа. Особенно аккуратно и тщательно перед сном необходимо удалять макияж с глаз.
Выбор средства для снятия макияжа (включая водоустойчивый) –очень ответственное дело, так как устроить себе контактный конъюнктивит от попадания в глаза остатков туши вероятность небольшая, а вот применение недобросовестно сделанного средства может облегчить и эту задачу, и вызвать воспаление, отеки и аллергические реакции.

Вот пример, когда дорогой продукт крупного бренда категории "суперлюкс" является не просто бестолковым, но еще и опасным.

Жидкость для снятия Gentle Eye Make-Up Remover
Производитель: Darphin Paris
Стоимость около 50 $
Состав: Water, Butylene Glycol, Pentylene Glycol, Ppg-26-Buteth-26, Rosa Gallica Flower Extract, Centaurea Cyanus Flower Extract, Melilotus Officinalis Extract, Panthenol, Peg-40, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Hydroxypropyl Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate, Chlorhexidine Digluconate, Disodium Edta, Sodium Methylparaben, Sodium, Propylparaben, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Isobutylparaben Geraniol, Eugenol

Саруз бросается в глаза три растительных экстракта: Rosa Gallica Flower Extract, Centaurea Cyanus Flower Extract, Melilotus Officinalis Extract
Это, конечно, дань моде на натуральную косметику, но в данном случае она неуместная –так как все эти экстракты являются потенциальными раздражителями кожи, не говоря уж о глазах.
Ещё два веселеньких компонента, хоть и в конце списка - Geraniol и Eugenol – тоже представляют опасность для глаз.
Ну и отдушки присутствуют в ассортименте (с окончанием на paraben).

У многих (у меня, к примеру) глаза очень чувствительны к любым внешним раздражителям, даже после хорошей декоративной косметики или случайного попадания воды может начаться воспаление или коньюктивит, поэтому к выбору средств для глаз я отношусь крайне придирчиво и, стоит отметить, не все продукты, получившие отличные оценки экспертов, я бы стала использовать.

Рекомендации тут простые -смочить ватный диск в жидкости для снятия макияжа, приложить к глазам на несколько секунд, чтоб туш и подводка успели раствориться, и обратной, более чистой стороной, удалить косметику. Повторить, сменив ватные диски.

Лучшие cредства для снятия макияжа

All Gone Eye and Lip Makeup Remover by Elizabeth Arden - $16.00/3.4 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

This two-phase formulation easily and gently removes even transfer resistant and waterproof makeup. Fragrance Free.

All Gone Eye and Lip Makeup Remover is an impressive, fast-acting, water- and silicone-based makeup remover. The lack of fragrance and the inclusion of an anti-irritant make this a cut above many others.

Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Isohexadecane, Cyclohexasiloxane, Propylene Glycol, Hexylene Glycol, Poloxamer 184, Tetrasodium Edta, Dipotassium Phosphate, Potassium Phosphate, Sodium Chloride, Benzyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Green 5, Yellow 5

Camomile Waterproof Eye Make-Up Remover by The Body Shop - $14.50/3.3 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

A creamy eye make-up remover to gently yet effectively remove The Body Shop Make-Up Waterproof Mascara while soothing the skin.

Camomile Waterproof Eye Make-Up Remover doesn’t contain much chamomile, but is in fact an excellent lotion-type eye-makeup remover. It works swiftly to remove even stubborn waterproof mascara, and is fragrance-free. This is best applied before washing with a water-soluble cleanser.

Water (Solvent/Diluent), C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate (Emulsifier), Cyclomethicone (Emollient), Isohexadecane (Emollient/Solvent), Sorbitol (Humectant), Butylene Glycol (Humectant), Sorbitan Stearate (Emulsifier), Benzyl Alcohol (Preservative), Glyceryl Stearate (Emulsifier), Peg-100 Stearate (Surfactant), Cetearyl Alcohol (Emulsifier), Methylparaben (Preservative), Anthemis Nobilis (Chamomile) Extract (Natural Additive), Allantoin (Skin Soothing Agent), Propylparaben (Preservative), Carbomer (Stabilizer/Viscosity Modifier), Xanthan Gum (Viscosity Modifier), Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer (Stabilizer/Viscosity Modifier), Sodium Hydroxide (Ph Adjuster), Disodium Edta (Chelating Agent), Phenoxyethanol (Preservative), Butylparaben (Preservative), Ethylparaben (Preservative), Isobutylparaben (Preservative)

Clean Artiste Waterproof & Long Wearing Eye Makeup Remover by L’Oreal Paris - $6.99/4 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Instantly dissolves every trace of eye makeup, even long-wearing foundations and waterproof mascaras, while gently conditioning your lashes.

This is a very good dual-phase eye-makeup remover that also happens to be exceptionally gentle and fragrance-free. It works quickly and efficiently to remove all types of makeup, including waterproof mascara. The price is great, too!

Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Isohexadecane, Isopropyl Palmitate, Dipotassium Phosphate, Panthenol, Poloxamer 184, Polyaminopropyl Biguanide, Potassium Phosphate, Sodium Chloride

Duo-Phase Eye Make-Up Remover by Dior - $26.00/4.2 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

A fresh, gentle, high-performance duo of crystal-clear oil and bluish water.

Duo-Phase Eye Make-Up Remover is an excellent, fragrance-free, silicone-enhanced makeup remover that may be used around the eyes or anywhere on the face. The price should give you pause (Almay and Neutrogena sell similar products for under $10), but this is still recommended.

Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Isohexadecane, Propylene Glycol, Dipotassium Phosphate, Methylparaben, Potassium Phosphate, Centaurea Cyanus Flower Extract, Sodium Chloride, Disodium Edta, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Chlorphenesin, Green 5, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Blue 1, Propylparaben

FACE Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover by Sephora - $10.00/4.22 ounces

Sub-brand: FACE Line

Jar Packaging: No

A two-phase formula that in a single routine cleanses and eliminates the most resistant eye makeup, both waterproof and long wearing. Leaves the eye contour perfectly free of makeup. The ultra gentle and non-irritant formula, is ideal for contact wearers and those with sensitive eyes. Tested under dermatological and ophthalmological control.

Sephora’s namesake skin-care line has some “sleeper” options at great prices, and this product is no exception. It is a very good water- and silicone-based dual-phase makeup remover, and it effectively takes off all types of eye makeup, including waterproof mascara. The formula is fragrance-free, too.

Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Isododecane, Propylene Glycol, Dipotassium Phosphate, 1, 2-Hexanediol, Caprylyl Glycol, Poloxamer 184, Panthenol, Potassium Phosphate, Centaurea Cyanus Flower Extract, Sodium Chloride, Hydroxycetyl Hydroxyethyl Dimonium Chloride, Disodium Edta, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Chlorphenesin, Methylparaben, Green 5, Blue 1 Lake

Issima Perfect Eye, Lip and Make-Up Remover by Guerlain - $35.00/4.2 ounces

Sub-brand: Issima

Jar Packaging: No

This two-phase makeup remover offers enhanced effectiveness to remove all types of makeup -- even long-lasting or waterproof. Its gentle formula has been tested on the most sensitive skin. Suitable for contact lens wearers.

Issima Perfect Eye, Lip and Make-Up Remover works beautifully to remove all types of makeup, including long-wearing lip stains and waterproof mascara. The water- and silicone-based formula is fragrance-free and very gentle, though you should know that less-expensive options are available from Almay and Neutrogena.

Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Cyclohexasiloxane, Butylene Glycol, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Chloride, Methylparaben, Potassium Sorbate, Panthenol, Potassium Chloride, Tetrasodium Edta, Benzophenone-4, Propylparaben, Ethylparaben, Butylparaben, Isobutylparaben

Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover by Mary Kay - $14.00/3.75 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Gently removes eye makeup, including waterproof mascara, without tugging or pulling the delicate skin in the eye area. Formula does not leave skin feeling dry.

Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover works quickly and beautifully to remove all types of makeup. The silicone-enhanced formula may be used before or after cleansing and, unlike many makeup removers, this one omits the fragrance.

Water, Cyclotetrasiloxane, Isohexadecane, Cyclopentasiloxane, Cyclohexasiloxane, Hexylene Glycol, Sodium Chloride, Benzyl Alcohol, Imidazolidinyl Urea, Potassium Phosphate, Dipotassium Phosphate, Disodium Edta, Poloxamer 184, Benzalkonium Chloride

Rosaliac Gelee Micellar Make-Up Removal Gel by La Roche-Posay - $23.50/6.76 ounces

Sub-brand: Rosaliac

Jar Packaging: No

Gentle and effective cleansing and make-up removal gel. The micellar structure of this cleanser sweeps up impurities and dissolves make-up easily without rubbing; gentle formula can be wiped off or rinsed off. Fragrance-free.

Rosaliac Gelee Micellar Make-Up Removal Gel is a gentle, water-based eye-area cleanser that removes most types of eye makeup (though some waterproof mascaras may prove resistant to this formula). It is great for sensitive eyes because fragrance, fragrant plant extracts, and coloring agents are excluded.

Water, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Poloxamer 184, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate, Triethanolamine, Hydroxypropyl Guar, Dihydrocholeth-30, Sodium Citrate, Disodium Edta, Sodium Chloride, Ascorbyl Glucoside, Caffeine, Simethicone, Citric Acid, Biosaccharide Gum-1, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben, Isobutylparaben

Take The Day Off Makeup Remover for Lids, Lashes & Lips by Clinique - $17.50/4.2 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Totally tugless, two-way formula speeds the departure of hard-to-remove eye and lip makeups. Even waterproof mascara. Safe for contact lens wearers.

Take The Day Off Makeup Remover for Lids, Lashes & Lips is a very good, silicone-in-water, dual-phase remover that makes quick work of even the most stubborn foundations, lipsticks, and waterproof mascaras. It is Clinique’s most efficient makeup remover and may be used before or after cleansing.

Water, Isohexadecane, Dimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Trisiloxane, Peg-4 Dilaurate, Lauryl Methyl Gluceth-10 Hydroxypropyldimonium Chloride, Hexylene Glycol, Sodium Chloride, Potassium Phosphate, Dipotassium Phosphate, Dipotassium Edta, Phenoxyethanol

Шаг 2. Тонизирование кожи

Тот же шаг, что был и утром и такой же необязательный.

Единственное, что хотелось бы тут отметить. Так как многие из нас пользуются или собираются начать использовать кислоты и ретиноиды, а также отбеливающие средства – на первых порах всё это может вызывать раздражения и воспаления кожи (несильные, в противном случае необходимо прекратить их использование).

Для того, чтоб помогать коже справляться с этими реакциями, неплохо бы для умывания использовать те или иные успокаивающие средства. Я не думаю, что имеет смысл искать их в составе тоников, если проще самой дома сделать отвар ромашки или чая, овсяный отвар, отвар корня солодки или отвар липы.

Шаг 3. Эксфолиация кожи

Итак, мы почти подошли уже к тому, что называется «специальный уход» -и что может улучшить вид вашей кожи при регулярном использовании.

Вообще, этот пункт можно назвать как «Агрессия во благо».

Надо понимать, что отшелушивая кожу, мы травмируем её и что в данном пункте ухода необходимо выбрать самую оптимальную схему, в которой бы польза не уравновешивала бы, а максимально превышала бы риск.

Кожа –орган, который постоянно обновляется, однако в течение жизни этот процесс идет не с одинаковой скоростью. Если бы наша кожа обновлялась столь же быстро, как это было в детстве, то не стояло бы проблем типа пигментации и морщин. С годами скорость обновления эпидермиса замедляется, и все больше клеток кожи оказываются поврежденными (особенно воздействием УФ-лучей). Поврежденные волокна накапливаются, увеличивается толщина рогового слоя, и всё это приводит к ухудшению внешнего вида –тусклый вид, нездоровый цвет кожи, морщины, неровности, пигментные пятна и т.д.

Аккуратно удаляя верхний слой клеток кожи, мы провоцируем кожу на обновление, а восстанавливаясь, кожа выглядит лучше и свежее.

Как известно, пиллинг бывает разный – глубокий, когда затрагивается дерма, средний –когда разрушается эпидермис и то, что мы в быту называем отшелушивание – разрушение рогового слоя.
О последнем мы и будем говорить, применительно к схемам ухода в домашних условиях. Все остальные виды стоит обсуждать отдельно –в темах про салонные процедуры.

В ответ на стресс кожа подает сигналы (это различные медиаторы, факторы роста), активизирует ферменты, разрушающие межклеточное вещество. При отсутствии каких-либо индивидуальных особенностей и проблем с кожей, такой стресс провоцирует кожу на обновление и на перестройку структуры –вместо разрушенных клеток (коллагена и прочих) синтезируются новые.

Но в работу включаются иммунные клетки, дезинфицирующие поврежденные области, и если вызвать сильное повреждение, то начнется активная работа иммунной системы, наблюдаемый процесс которой мы обычно называем воспалением.

Макрофаги, скапливающиеся в области повреждений поглощают чужеродные частицы и бактерии, выделяя при этом факторы роста и различные ферменты, которые в свою очередь активируют клетки соединительных тканей (фибробласты).
Начинается процесс построения коллагенового каркаса, усиливается синтез компонентов межклеточного вещества, что приводит к разглаживанию кожи, исчезновению мелких морщин (не путать с мимическими) и повышает пресловутые упругость и эластичность.

Глубокие пиллинги можно делать только в салонах у проверенных специалистов, а еще лучше –у врачей. Не стоит делать их часто. На заметку всем -врезка из книги А.Марголиной:

Регулярное отшелушивание рогового слоя кожи в домашних условиях мы можем делать и сами, соблюдая при этом осторожность и не забывая главный принцип всех вмешательств в работу организма «много хорошо –тоже плохо».

При регулярном отшелушивании (каждый день или через) мы не даем роговому слою накапливаться на поверхности, снимая его, провоцируем клетки эпидермиса делиться, освобождаем от мертвых клеток поры и поверхность, что предотвращает от появления угрей и черных точек, причиной которых является накопление кожноых липидов в порах и размножение в этой среде бактерий. Этот же принцип лежит в основе большинства средств для подростков, позиционируемых как средства от угревой сыпи - это информация к многочисленным вопросам многих -почему рекомендуемые для обновления кожи средствах типа ретиноидов или кислот в магазинах и аптеках продаются как "средства лечащие угревую сыпь".

В итоге через какое-то время регулярного применеия схемы, включающей ежедневную щадящую эксфолиацию, скорость обновления кожи увеличивается, цвет кожи становится заметно лучше, поверхность выравнивается и т.д.

Имеется два пути, которыми можно отшелушивать кожу в домашних условиях:
механический - с помощью абразивных скрабов и химический - с помощью кислот не очень высокой концентрации.

Механическая эксфолиация кожи

Дерматологи не рекомендуют ежедневное применение механических скрабов, так как даже самый мягкий из них всё равно местами повреждает поверхность кожи, глубже, чем это необходимо, создавая микротрещины, в которые незамедлительно проникают другие компоненты скраба, способные вызвать раздражение (обычно скрабы одновременно еще вляются и моющими средствами, требующими смывания). Однако не всякая кожа переносит кислоты, а многие просто предпочитают пользоваться скрабами. Паола Бегун, например, рекомендует использовать в качестве такого скраба обычную питьевую соду, смешанную с самым щадящим моющим средством (cetaphil). Можно использовать овсянку, смолотую в кофемолке и прочие домашние приспособления. Главное –чтоб частицы скраба не были очень жесткими, остроконечными и не царапали кожу. В промышленных скрабах лучше отдавать предпочтение таким, где в качестве абразива используются мягкие полимеры.

На рынке сейчас не так уж много абразивных скрабов, получивших однобрение дерматологов. Описания тех, которые вы можете купить у нас, приведены ниже, я выбрала те, которые получили оценку «отлично» (таких всего два) и «очень хорошо».

Лучшие скрабы

7 Day Scrub Cream Rinse-Off Formula by Clinique - $17.50/3.4 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

Nudges away roughness, flakiness to refine skin. Helps lessen the appearance of fine lines. Clears the way for moisture. Suitable for all skin types.

7 Day Scrub Cream Rinse-Off Formula rinses decently, but may still require use of a washcloth for complete removal. It also contains polyethylene as the scrub agent, and is an option for normal to slightly dry skin not prone to blemishes.

Water, Tridecyl Stearate, Tridecyl Trimellitate, Dipentaerythrityl Hexacaprylate/Hexacaprate, Butylene Glycol, Glyceryl Stearate, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Polyethylene, Cetearyl Alcohol, Ceteareth-20, Sorbitol, Hexyldecyl Stearate, Bisabolol, Disodium Cocoamphodipropionate, Oleth-10 Phosphate, Tea-Carbomer, Stearyl Alcohol, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Imidazolidinyl Urea, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben

Anew Daily Resurfacing Cleanser by Avon - $15.00/5 ounces

Sub-brand: Anew

Jar Packaging: No

Uniquely formulated with Avon’s micro-renewal crystal anti-aging technology. Deep cleans & helps to retexturize and even skin tone with aluminum oxide. Rich lather gently resurfaces skin. Dissolves daily impurities, leaving skin instantly revitalized and radiant. Hypo-allergenic, for all skin types.

This is a good, basic, though fairly abrasive cleansing scrub for normal to very oily skin. It exfoliates skin and rinses cleanly. Be sure to scrub gently because the alumina crystals are more aggressive then you might think and you can easily over-scrub skin hurting the skin’s protective outer barrier.

Water, Glycerin, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Alumina, Lauryl Glucoside, Butylene Glycol, Acrylates Copolymer, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate, Glycol Distearate, Fragrance, Sodium Chloride, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Sodium Hydroxide, Mica, Titanium Dioxide

Biosource Clarifying Exfoliating Gel, for Normal/Combination Skin by Biotherm - $18.50/2.5 ounces

Sub-brand: Biosource for Normal/Combination Skin

Jar Packaging: No

This translucent, blue-green gel produces a light lather that gently cleanses and exfoliates facial skin. Sloughs away impurities and dead skin cells with micro-fine exfoliating particles without damaging delicate facial skin. Facial skin is refreshed, smoother, and even toned. Complexion is more radiant and healthier-looking.

Biosource Clarifying Exfoliating Gel for Normal/Combination Skin is a cleansing gel with polyethylene beads included for exfoliation. All of the minerals in the formula make mere cameo appearances, so this remains a very standard, but good, topical scrub for its intended skin type.

Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Polyethylene, Coco-Betaine, Dipropylene Glycol, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Chloride, Glycol Stearate, Sodium Hydroxide, Chondrus Crispus (Carrageenan), Chlorphenesin, Fragrance, Methylparaben, Stearic Acid, Imidazolidinyl Urea, Magnesium Gluconate, Limonene, Potassium Chloride, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Tetrasodium Edta, Isobutylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Benzophenone-4, Hexyl Cinnamal, Benzyl Salicylate, Zinc Gluconate, Vaccinium Myrtillus Extract, Saccharum Officinarum (Sugar Cane) Extract, Copper Gluconate, Citrus Dulcis (Orange) Fruit Extract, Citrus Limonum (Lemon) Extract, Acer Saccharinum (Sugar Maple) Extract, Blue 1, Manganese Gluconate, Yellow 5

Bright Plus Gentle Brightening Exfoliator by Clarins - $34.00/1.7 ounces

Sub-brand: Bright Plus

Jar Packaging: No

An effective double-action formula that cleanses, evens and brightens with gentle exfoliating beads for a brighter, clearer, more even complexion

Bright Plus Gentle Brightening Exfoliator has the properties of a cleanser, topical scrub, and clay mask all in one product, with the clay and its absorbency being the dominant quality. This is an interesting option for someone with normal to oily skin, but is best used in the morning because this much clay isn’t going to help remove makeup. Nothing in this product will reduce the appearance or occurrence of dark spots.

Water, Glycerin, Kaolin, Acrylates Copolymer, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cellulose, Titanium Dioxide, Potassium C12-13 Alkyl Phosphate, Sodium Coco-Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Propylene Glycol, Disodium Lauryl Sulfosuccinate, Butylene Glycol, Ceteareth-60 Myristyl Glycol, Lauramide Mipa, Polyethylene, Peg-12 Dimethicone, Phenoxyisopropanol, Silica, Glyceryl Laurate, Fragrance, Salicylic Acid, Polyquaternium-7 Sodium Hydroxide, Carum Petroselinum (Parsley) Extract, Tetrasodium Edta, Fragaria Chiloensis (Strawberry) Fruit Juice, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Coconut Alcohol, Sodium Sulfate, Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Fruit Extract, Sodium Chloride, Methylisothiazolinone, Citrus Unshiu Peel Extract, Alumina, Gentiana Lutea Root Extract, Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Fruit Extract, Anthemis Nobilis Flower Extract, Red 30

Definity Pore Redefining Scrub by Olay - $10.49/5 ounces

Sub-brand: Definity

Jar Packaging: No

Penetrating deep into the surface, this scrub works to cleanse pores and minimize their appearance, instantly redefining skin. Eliminates visible pores, oiliness, dullness, or uneveness, instantly redefining skin. Deep lathering formula cleanses away dirt and makeup to minimize pore appearance.

Definity Pore Redefining Scrub has more cleansing ability than exfoliating ability, because the amount of polyethylene beads that do the exfoliating is meager. Meanwhile, the salicylic acid won’t work as intended because this product’s pH is too high and because it is rinsed off and so has only brief contact with skin. This is still a good, easy-to-rinse cleanser with a mild scrub action for normal to oily skin.

Water, Sodium Lauroamphoacetate, Sodium Myristoyl Sarcosinate, Sodium Trideceth Sulfate, Sorbitol, Salicylic Acid, Glycerin, Oxidized Polyethylene, Acrylates Copolymer, Acetyl Glucosamine, Peg-120 Methyl Glucose Trioleate, Peg-100, Citric Acid, Disodium Edta, Bht, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Leaf Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Panthenol, Fragrance, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Red 30 Lake, Ferric Ammonium Ferrocyanide

Exfoliance Confort Comforting Exfoliating Cream by Lancome - $24.00/3.4 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

For dry skin. Formulated with honey, almond and yeast extracts plus micro-spheres to remove dry spots. The creamy formula helps to leave skin feeling smooth, comfortable and clean.

Exfoliance Confort Comforting Exfoliating Cream is a rich, creamy topical scrub for dry to very dry skin. It contains polyethylene as the abrasive agent, which is great. The only drawback is that the emollients and silicone don’t rinse well from skin, so you may need to use this with a washcloth, which exfoliates too (so why use the scrub at all?).

Water, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Glycerin, Cyclopentasiloxane, Polyethylene, Paraffin, Paraffinum Liquidum (Mineral Oil), Peg-100 Stearate, Glyceryl Stearate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Acrylates Copolymer, Peg-2 Stearate, Yeast Extract, Tocopherol, Cyclodextrin, Sodium Hydroxide, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Phenoxyethanol, Stearic Acid, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Protein, Polysorbate 60, Mel (Honey), Mannitol, Carbomer, Disodium Succinate, Cetyl Alcohol, Methylparaben, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil, Palmitic Acid, Fragrance, Red 33

Expert Sensitive Gentle Smoothing Scrub by Boots - $5.49/3.3 ounces

Sub-brand: Expert

Jar Packaging: No

Sensitive skin needs extra care especially when exfoliating. This hypoallergenic scrub is formulated with smoothing beads, mineral water and aloe vera. It gently polishes to reveal smoother, softer and revitalized skin. Fragrance-free. Lanolin-free. Soap-free. Dermatologically tested.

This is a simply formulated but very gentle fragrance-free scrub. It is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive (assuming your sensitive skin can tolerate a gentle scrub). The sheer, gel-like formula rinses cleanly and doesn’t contain extraneous ingredients skin doesn’t need. Well done!

Water, Butylene Glycol, Polyethylene, Polysorbate 20, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Xanthan Gum, Phenoxyethanol, Mineral Water, Methylparaben, Propylene Glycol, Tetrasodium Edta, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract

Gommage Microperle Eclat Extra Radiance Exfoliating Gel by Chanel - $45.00/2.5 ounces

Sub-brand: Precision

Jar Packaging: No

This energizing, refreshing gel-cream texture delivers powerful exfoliating action. Lackluster skin is instantly refined, vibrantly radiant. Apply to clean, damp skin, avoiding the eye area. Using circular movements, gently massage the entire face for one minute. Rinse well with water, then dry face carefully.

Gommage Microperle Eclat, Extra Radiance Exfoliating Gel is a minimally abrasive, fairly gentle topical scrub whose oil content makes it preferred for dry to very dry skin. The exfoliating agent is pearl powder, but that in and of itself has no special benefit for skin compared with other scrub ingredients. What a shame to grind up pearls for this effect when a washcloth would have the same benefit.

Water, Hydrogenated Jojoba Oil, Propylene Glycol, Dimethicone, Polyacrylamide, Glycerin, C13-14 Isoparaffin, Fragrance, Phenoxyethanol, Laureth-7, Pearl Powder, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Methylparaben, Tetrasodium Edta, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Propylparaben, Laminaria Digitata Extract, Sodium Methylparaben, Hydrolyzed Corallina Officinalis, Citrus Aurantium Amara (Bitter Orange) Flower Extract, Lentinus Edodes Extract, Red 4, Yellow 5, Red 30 Lake, Iron Oxides

Gommage Microperle Hydration Gentle Polishing Gel by Chanel - $45.00/2.5 ounces

Sub-brand: Precision

Jar Packaging: No

Satiny-smooth, subtly pearlized cream-gel texture caresses and refreshes delicate, dehydrated skin. Apply to clean, damp skin, avoiding the eye area. Using circular movements, gently massage the entire face for one minute. Rinse well with water, then dry face carefully.

Gommage Microperle Hydration, Gentle Polishing Gel is similar to the Gommage Microperle Eclat, Extra Radiance Exfoliating Gel, minus the prevalence of oil and some thickeners. It is preferred for normal to oily skin but still contains enough plant oil to be potentially problematic for blemish-prone skin.

Water, Glycerin, Ammonium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate/Vp Copolymer, Pentylene Glycol, Decyl Glucoside, Sodium Polyacrylate, Peg-8, Camellia Kissi Seed Oil, Hibiscus Sabdariffa Flower Extract, Fragrance, Methylparaben, Chlorphenesin, Propylene Glycol, Caprylyl Glycol, Pearl Powder, Panthenol, Tetrasodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Sodium Citrate, Rosa Damascena Flower Water, Tocopherol, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Red 33, Blue 1, Titanium Dioxide

Honey & Oat 3-In-1 Scrub Mask by The Body Shop - $16.50/3.6 ounces

Jar Packaging: Yes

Triple action in double time. Smoothes and conditions normal to dry skins with natural kaolin clay, oatmeal and organic Community Trade honey.

Using natural ingredients such as oat bran for its scrub action, kaolin (clay) for its absorbency when used as a mask and honey for its moisture-binding ability (though this will be minimal due to the inclusion of clay) is a big part of this Scrub Mask’s appeal. It’s a novel option for those with normal to dry skin looking for a close-to-natural scrub. Used as a mask, it may end up confusing skin because it is overall too emollient for oily skin and too absorbent for dry skin. It’s not a “triple action” time-saving product, but when used gently is a serviceable scrub.

Water, Avena Sativa (Oat) Bran, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Kaolin, Honey, Glyceryl Stearate, Butylene Glycol, Peg-100 Stearate, Myristyl Myristate, Behenyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Hydrogenated Coco-Glycerides, Sodium Lactate, Benzyl Alcohol, Phenyl Trimethicone, Titanium Dioxide, Biosaccharide Gum-1, Phenoxyethanol, Hectorite, Sodium Pca, Fragrance, Saccharide Isomerate, Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Citric Acid, Caramel

Multi-Correxion Exfoliating Cleanser by RoC - $9.99/5 ounces

Sub-brand: Multi-Correxion

Jar Packaging: No

RoC Multi-Correxion Exfoliating Cleanser gently exfoliates skin to help prepare it for your age-fighting treatments. This exclusive formula - which combines Vitamins C and E with smoothing micro-spheres - helps improve skin's tone and texture, and exfoliates to enhance cell turnover. RoC Multi-Correxion Exfoliating Cleanser gently washes away dirt, oil, and complexion-dulling impurities so skin looks and feels cleaner, smoother, and more luminous.

This is a very good cleanser that contains polyethylene beads for gentle exfoliation. The small amounts of soy, vitamin C, and vitamin E make them of little consequence for skin, not to mention the fact that any potential benefit from these meager amounts is rinsed down the drain. This cleansing scrub is best for normal to oily skin.

Water, Glycerin, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Polyethylene, Peg-16 Soy Sterol, Lauryl Glucoside, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Phenoxyethanol, Glycol Distearate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Methylparaben, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Protein, Butylene Glycol, Fragrance, Laureth-4, Tetrasodium Edta, Sodium Hydroxide, Tocopheryl Acetate, Ascorbic Acid

Normaderm Daily Exfoliating Cleansing Gel by Vichy - $16.00/4.2 ounces

Sub-brand: Normaderm

Jar Packaging: No

Exfoliating formula containing salicylic acid with smoothing micro-particles.

Normaderm Daily Exfoliating Cleansing Gel is similar to the Normaderm Deep Cleansing Gel, except without the witch hazel and with the inclusion of polyethylene beads, which makes this a good cleansing scrub for normal to oily skin.

Active: Salicylic Acid (0.5%), Other: Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Glycerin, Decyl Glucoside, Polyethylene, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Peg-4 Dilaurate, Pag-4 Laurate, Isobutylparaben, Glycolic Acid, Zinc Sulfate, Methylparaben, Sodium Hydroxide, Phenoxyethanol, Chondrus Crispus (Carrageenan), Jojoba Esters, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Chlorphenesin, Propylparaben, Tetrasodium Edta, Hydrolyzed Algin, Dextran, Acetyl Hexapeptide-1, Ethylparaben, Butylparaben, Chromium Hydroxide Green, Yellow 10, Green 3, Fragrance

Pore Minimizer Thermal-Active Skin Refiner by Clinique - $28.50/2.5 ounces

Sub-brand: Pore Minimizer

Jar Packaging: No

pH: above 5.0

Heats on contact with water to open pores, dislodge debris. Then polish away skin-dulling flakes with a complex of gentle, effective exfoliants. Skin feels wonderfully smooth, incredibly clean. And pores look noticeably smaller — instantly, and over time.

Pore Minimizer Thermal-Active Skin Refiner is Clinique’s version of their parent company Estee Lauder’s Idealist Micro-D Deep Thermal Refinisher. The two products are remarkably similar and both claim to open pores to free clogging debris; however, pores cannot be opened or closed like window blinds. Lauder’s product has more of a microdermabrasion-at-home marketing slant, whereas the Clinique version positions itself as a “mini-spa for pores.” Both products contain the scrub ingredient polyethylene (ground-up plastic) as the exfoliating agent, along with the inorganic salt calcium chloride, which is where the “thermal” part comes in. When calcium chloride is mixed with water (Clinique’s directions state that you should use this product on damp skin) it causes an exothermic reaction. Simply put, that’s a chemical reaction—in this case, between water and calcium chloride—that generates heat. This is merely a nifty science project, however, and has no benefit for skin. Heat of any kind does not help minimize pores. In reality, the warm sensation is there just to give the impression that the product is doing something. It is actually the action of massaging scrub particles over the skin that loosens debris (dead skin cells and oil) from the surface of your pores, allowing it to be rinsed away. That will make skin feel smoother and look more even-toned, and can temporarily make pores smaller—but only because the buildup of dead skin cells and oil has been reduced. Almost any topical scrub or even just a washcloth, does this; I no longer recommend baking soda as a scrub. In contrast, chemical exfoliants such as glycolic and salicylic acids surpass topical scrubs because they exfoliate more evenly and thoroughly and with no abrasion. Nevertheless, Pore Minimizer Thermal-Active Skin Refiner will produce smoother, more even-toned skin with consistent use. You don’t need to spend this much money to get such results, but there is nothing in this product that is harmful to skin. The pH of 5 prevents the salicylic acid in this product from functioning as an exfoliant.

Calcium Chloride, Dimethicone, Isononyl Isononanoate, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate, Isododecane, Polysilicone-11, Polysorbate 80, Polysorbate 20, Cellulose, Polyethylene, Salicylic Acid, Acetyl Glucosamine, Octyldodecanol, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria), Silica, Caprylyl Glycol, Peg-2m, Blue 1 Lake, Yellow 5 Lake

So Polished Exfoliating Scrub by Estee Lauder - $22.00/3.4 ounces

Jar Packaging: No

This dual-action exfoliator polishes skin with both a smoothing marine extract and natural volcanic ash. Eases away dulling flakes, excess oil and impurities to expose a new radiance. Protects your natural moisture barrier and prepares skin to get the most out of your moisturizer.

So Polished Exfoliating Scrub could also be named “So Expensive Exfoliating Scrub” because, although it’s an effective topical scrub option for normal to oily skin, it differs little from those available in the drugstore for one-third the price.

Water, Polyethylene, Butylene Glycol, Disodium Cocoamphodipropionate, Peg-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Cholesterol, Squalane, Algae Extract, Pumice, Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract, Linoleic Acid, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract, Agar, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Fragrance, Carbomer, Bht, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Alumina, Titanium Dioxide, Chromium Hydroxide Green, Red 4, Iron Oxides, Blue 1, Mica

Time Dimensions Clarifying Facial Exfoliator by Boots - $9.99/5 ounces

Sub-brand: Time Dimensions

Jar Packaging: No

Time to cleanse. Help your skin appear younger day by day with this luxurious foaming cleanser which washes away make-up, impurities and oiliness without drying your skin. Extracts of apple, ginseng and vitamin C help reduce the visible appearance of skin ageing while the gentle exfoliating action reveals softer, more radiant looking skin.

Time Dimensions Clarifying Facial Exfoliator is very similar to the No7 Radiance Revealed Exfoliator, for All Skin Types, except this version has greater cleansing ability because it contains sodium laureth sulfate. Otherwise, the same review applies. This version ends up being a better value than the No7 scrub.

Water, Paraffinum Liquidium (Mineral Oil), Cetyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Glycol Stearate, Steareth-21, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Steareth-2, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Phenoxyethanol, Polyethylene, Stearic Acid, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Methylparaben, Sodium Chloride, Fragrance, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Xanthan Gum, Propylparaben, Dipropylene Glycol, Tetrasodium Edta, Butylene Glycol, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Extract, Disodium Phosphate, Sodium Hydroxide, Yellow 5, Red 4

Следующий пункт будет про экфолиацию кожи кислотами. Мы уже обсуждали тут вопросы применения кислот в косметике, и основные позиции изложены тут:

Мне потребуется некоторое время, чтоб обновить или дополнить информацию по этой теме, просмотреть новые исследования и рекомендации, хотя я сомневаюсь, что там появилось что-то принципиально новое.
Пока можем обсудить вопросы по первой части написанного.

2 відвідувача подякували Aurora_Borealis за цей допис
18 Жов 2009 12:48
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Дописів: 5

Аврора, Вы уже писали о фирме Olay положительно, но хотелось бы услышать Ваш комментарий по поводу состава интенсивной сыворотки серии total effects. Cyclopentasiloxane, Aqua, Glycerin, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Niacinamide, Oimethicone, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Panthenol, Tocopheril Acetate, Tocopherol, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Allantoin, PEG-10 Dimethicone, Bis-PEG/PPG-14/14 Dimethicone, PEG-10 Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Butylene Glicol, Propylene Glycol, Cetyl Ricinoleate, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Methylparaben, Disodium EDTA, Benzyl Alcohol, Parfum, Benzyl Salicylate, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Hydrozyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Alpha-Isomethyl lonone.
Наношу ее через 10 минут после Скинорена.

19 Жов 2009 02:50
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Дописів: 10

Добрый день, Аврора! Можно вопрос в тему?
Так как у меня кожа с небольшими проявлениями купероза(на крыльях носа , немного на бодбородке и щеках) нужна ли вообще механическая чистка? Раньше я пользовалась скрабами, но сейчас поняла, что , если бы избегала бы такую чистку купероза было бы по меньше
Несклоько раз в неделю использую мягкий скраб (овсянка размягченная в теплой воде или в зеленом чае)
Может этого достаточно?

19 Жов 2009 04:54
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Дописів: 1

Добрый День! Спасибо большое за информацию. Мне о4ень интересно Ваше мнение по продуктам: Lancô me GÉ NIFIQUE серум и Канебо Sensai Silky Purifying - Silk Peeling Power i Hydrachange eye essence?

20 Жов 2009 07:46
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Дописів: 1

Aurora, я правильно поняла, что увлажнения стоит избегать для кожи склонной к угревой сыпи?
У меня очень проблемная кожа (мне 20): постоянные высыпания прыщиков и покраснения, к середине дня нос блестит как зеркало... какие средства стоит попробовать для уменьшения блеска в течение дня?
достаточным ли для меня будет использование умывалки из вашего списка, изготовленного дома тоника и основы под макияж вместо увлажняющего крема (кстати, которым я так привыкла пользоваться)?

22 Жов 2009 13:09
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Дописів: 165
Важливих: 39
Флуд: 1%

19 Окт 2009 11:50 lu_alex писав(ла):
Аврора, Вы уже писали о фирме Olay положительно, но хотелось бы услышать Ваш комментарий по поводу состава интенсивной сыворотки серии total effects. Cyclopentasiloxane, Aqua, Glycerin, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Niacinamide, Oimethicone, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Panthenol, Tocopheril Acetate, Tocopherol, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Allantoin, PEG-10 Dimethicone, Bis-PEG/PPG-14/14 Dimethicone, PEG-10 Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Butylene Glicol, Propylene Glycol, Cetyl Ricinoleate, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Methylparaben, Disodium EDTA, Benzyl Alcohol, Parfum, Benzyl Salicylate, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Hydrozyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Alpha-Isomethyl lonone.
Наношу ее через 10 минут после Скинорена.

Очень хороший продукт. Не многим хуже, чем сыворотка Редженерист. В составе все те же силиконы, поддерживающие водный баланс кожи, антиоксиданты, популярные и модные нынче ниацинамиды (niacinamide). Недостаток (по мнению Паолы Бегун) в том, что в состав этой сыворотки не входят пептиды (palmitoyl pentapeptide-3), а в сыворотку Редженерист этот компонент входит. Якобы это очень полезно для кожи. И она заключает, что если имеются два продукта по одинаковой цене, то покупать надо лучший

Вот её отзыв на английском:

Total Effects Instant Smoothing Serum must have been created so that Olay’s Total Effects line has a state-of-the-art product similar to their Regenerist line, but Total Effects is far removed from having anything total for skin. Just like Regenerist’s Daily Regenerating Serum, this Total Effects silicone-based product contains niacinamide, along with an elegant blend of water-binding agents, silicone, film-forming agents, and antioxidants. The only glaring omission is the palmitoyl pentapeptide-3 (trade name: Matrixyl) that’s present in the Regenerist product. Peptides are potentially beneficial ingredients for skin (although the hype over their anti-aging prowess is overblown) and so, considering that the two Olay serums (Regenerist and Total Effects) are nearly identical formulations at the same price and size, why not buy the Regenerist Serum for the “icing on the cake” addition of peptides?

23 Жов 2009 10:22
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Дописів: 166
Важливих: 39
Флуд: 1%

19 Окт 2009 13:54 Skazka писав(ла):
Добрый день, Аврора! Можно вопрос в тему?
Так как у меня кожа с небольшими проявлениями купероза(на крыльях носа , немного на бодбородке и щеках) нужна ли вообще механическая чистка? Раньше я пользовалась скрабами, но сейчас поняла, что , если бы избегала бы такую чистку купероза было бы по меньше


Вообще -в тех местах, где имеется склонность к куперозу, -никакая эксфолиация и никакие раздражающие процедуры делать нельзя. Ни механические, ни химические. Любое раздражение будет провоцировать покраснение и расширение кровеносных сосудов. Вы просто избегайте затрагивать эти места при любых агрессивных воздействиях на кожу. Если их перестать раздражать, то постепенно проявления купероза станут меньше. Особенно важно избегать средств, содержащих в составе спирт. Никакого мыла. Никаких протираний лица льдом (все забудьте эти бабушкины советы!) или наоборот -умываний горячей водой.

19 Окт 2009 13:54 Skazka писав(ла):
Несклоько раз в неделю использую мягкий скраб (овсянка размягченная в теплой воде или в зеленом чае)
Может этого достаточно?

Ну это такой скраб мягкий, хороший - смягчающий кожу, но он все равно сильно отличается по методам воздействия от кислотной эксфолиации. Я бы просто избегала затрагивать места, где сосуды близки к коже, а остальную схему оставила бы. Но, конечно, стоит смотреть по реакции и состоянию кожи.

23 Жов 2009 10:29
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